Pashmina Art is the crafting of the finest Cashmere wool through several procedures. The creative processes include various steps. The heritage and the artisans of the Valley confer to the Art of Pashmina. The unique opulence scattered by the Pashmina Art through the windows of heritage and culture is exquisite. The premium collection of Fine Cashmere is highly supreme in the eyes of nature. Therefore, it is sustainably crafted and ethically curated in the sphere of Kashmir Valley.

The Beginning of Pashmina Art

The beginning of Pashmina Art arises in the horizons of Ladakh. The winter calls upon the mountain of Changhthanghi with the coldness of ice. The living creatures including a rare breed of Goats, Changra goats dwell in the lowest temperature. They live at this minimum temperature because in winters they develop a thick wool undercoat. The wool protects them from the harsh winter. But gradually in the summertime, they shed off this wool to prevent heat to capture in their skin. Therefore, they naturally shed off it against rocks and trees. Also, the wool is manually combed out by the Changpa herders. The wool is called Cashmere wool.

pashmina goat
Changra goat in Ladakh

Moreover, the Ladakhi Cashmere wool is regarded as the finest of all. It is 12 to 16 microns in diameter. Although, there are several breeds of goat that produce Cashmere wool the finest Cashmere is Ladakhi Cashmere. Mainly, Cashmere wool is produced in Mongolia, China, Iran. Yet, the finest is obtained from the Changra Goats of Changhthanghi, Ladakh.

The Crafting of finest Cashmere

Raw cashmere fibre
Raw cashmere fibre

The Pashmina Art begins as soon as the packed tufts of Cashmere wool reach the horizons of the Kashmir Valley. Thus, the initial step is the cleaning of the tufts of Cashmere wool. It is thoroughly cleaned to get the pure Cashmere wool. Afterwards, it's soaked and dried. The clean and dried Cashmere wool is transferred to the next step called Spinning. The local households are assigned for the process of Spinning. The Spinning is mainly done by the women of the household. They meticulously translate the Cashmere wool to fine Cashmere yarn. The process is done on the wooden wheel called yinder in the local language. The spinning process takes a good amount of time to get the finest Cashmere yarns.

Afterwards, the Cashmere yarn is transferred to the next step of Weaving. Weaving is the profound step of Pashmina Art. It is done by male artisans. It is done on the handlooms set up at local workshops or karkhanas. The weaving process is done intricately to get the premium Cashmere fabric for further steps of Pashmina Art. Weaving is meticulous and requires high skill. The artisans of the Kashmir Valley have the high skill from generations.


The origin of Cashmere and Pashmina Art

The history dates back to the 13th century when a saint from the Middle East was traveling to the Kashmir valley. He was on his journey to the valley with his 700 craftsmen. While on his journey, he landed in the land of Ladakh. He was enthralled to see the Changhthanghi mountain and the breed of goats there. It was a rare breed of goats called Changra Goats. Later on, came to be known as Kashmir Goats. The goats were so amazing to look at as their wool undercoat was soft. The saint combed some wool out and made a pair of socks out of it. He gifted them to the ruler of Kashmir valley. In addition, suggested the ruler make a small industry for the curation of this fine wool. The wool is called Cashmere wool.

Therefore, the 700 craftsmen worked over the people of the valley and taught them several handicrafts. The one being the Art of Pashmina. Therefore, from old generations till now, the Kashmir valley is bestowed with highly skilled artisans. These artisans are the masters of Pashmina Art.

Advent of time in Pashmina Art

kani pashmina
The shawl is a legacy of artistic work, which has been alive since centuries in Kashmir

The modernization in the Pashmina Art leads to diverse styles more than Pashmina Shawls. The versatile nature of Pashmina Art is enthralling to the eyes of people of the fashion world. The unique features of each style cater to all genders in the most specific way. The distinct styles in the crafting of Cashmere accessories are explicit. The contemporary age has significantly made a huge impact on Pashmina Art. The beauty of traditions with the contemporary styles has enhanced the fashion style of the accessories. The numerous ways of wearing the Pashmina Art accessories have beautified the designs in several ways. From the royal ages to the modern ages, Pashmina Art has cherished the unique fineness of Cashmere.


The Supreme Collection of Pashmina Art

The Premium Cashmere is obtained from the Changra goats of Ladakh. The sustainable crafting of the Cashmere wool to diverse Cashmere Accessories is done under the Pashmina Art. So, it takes place in the sphere of Kashmir Valley. The collection determines the unique presentation of luxurious fashion.

Cashmere Scarves are exquisitely defined as fine accessories. There are three diverse designs in the Cashmere Scarves. The Solid Cashmere, the Ombre Cashmere, and the Swarovski Cashmere Scarves are explicit. Moreover, the fine features of each design imbibe an aura of luxurious fashion.

cashmere wrap
Noor E Maah or the light of the moon has been inspired from the breath-taking scenic beauty of Kashmir

Similarly, the Cashmere Wraps are extremely marvellous accessories. These are crafted from the fine Ladakhi Cashmere. The versatile range of designs in the style of Cashmere Wraps is exquisite. Cashmere Wraps perform the harmonious glory with your presence of elegance. Thus, having one of the masterpieces of Pashmina Art enhances your glamour manifolds.

Pashmina Shawls are ethically crafted from the finest Cashmere of Changra Goats. Therefore, the unique curation regards the high skill of artisans. The heritage and culture play a significant role in the crafting of the finest Cashmere. Pashmina Shawls are elegantly worn in every season. The Pashmina Shawls have a wide range of designs. Thus, the diverse designs cater to every gender with elegance. The supremely crafted Pashmina Shawls belong to the clan of purity and authenticity.

The Diverse Collection

We, at, cater to the unique collection of Pashmina Art. The beautiful and mesmerizing collection of unique Pashmina Shawls confers to the nature of Kashmir Valley. Thus, the artisans work meticulously for the curation of Pashmina Shawls and Cashmere accessories. The opulent collection gleams through our online platform. Having one of the masterpieces will enhance you're being fashionable.


The world has completely changed. We are in the times where, whenever we make a purchase, we have to think twice about its impact on us and the planet. We need to be responsible shoppers, or else it is us who will be harmed and subsequently guilty of shopping irresponsibly. In light of this, Cashmere is one such ‘term’ that stands out as something debatable. While some say that Cashmere should be, and in fact is, completely banned, others counter argue. And as sellers of the most authentic and certified Cashmere scarves and wraps, we needed to know more. So we commenced a journey to find out the truth. 

What is Cashmere?

Cashmere is a term which is believed to be the anglicization of Kashmir, the place where this fine hair of a goat is processed to make luxury Cashmere scarves. It is the himalayas which are a habitat to one of the most beautiful and rare goat species. These goats grow a fine variety of hair on their bodies to combat freezing temperatures that altitudes experience. The goats living close to the Indian region, in Ladakh, bear the finest and the most warm Cashmere. It is this Ladakh that goes to Kashmir valley for processing. 

Processing of the fine hair

Cashmere goats grow their fine warm coats before winter starts. However, as soon as the moulting period of the goat starts (March), it starts shedding its precious hair. The hair had been on its body to survive in the freezing conditions around. Winters in Ladakh are cruel, and the scales might go down to minus 40 degrees C. But as soon as summer arrives, it's hot, in fact unbearable. Hence, the animal too can't bear the coat, and nature helps it to lose some naturally. Rest of the same is combed off gently by herders, using specialised combs. The goats are free, and the herders have the luxury wool packed in small packets post a basic cleaning. 

cashmere goats in ladakh
Cashmere goats in Ladakh

Processing starts with deep cleaning of the Cashmere wool. Then follows spinning and weaving it manually. It is the underprivileged artisans who come forward to spin the lumps of raw Cashmere acquired from Ladakh. This gives birth to a number of luxury wear like Cashmere scarves, Cashmere wraps, large fabric pieces to make blankets, handkerchiefs, pocket squares, socks etc. 

Is Cashmere a responsible buy?

From what we saw and researched, Cashmere was completely a manual affair. From its acquisition to completion, there was no interference of a machine. This causes no pollution, hence we marked the environment safe from Cashmere processing. 

changthangi goat being combed
Cashmere goat being combed gently

The other factors that were about to change the view of many was the acquisition of Cashmere. While many believe that the procurement of Cashmere is unethical and cruel, it is totally the opposite. No animal is killed or harmed during the process of combing out hair from the body of the goat. After all, the goats are one of the reasons that the Ladakhi population living in the altitudes of Himalayas survive in winters. It is the wool and milk from these goats that keeps them going, even if the conditions around are dangerously cold. 

Sustainable Fashion and Sustainability

We live in a fast world. Everything changes at the fastest pace that it can. This includes fashion, and trends at present. But fast fashion comes with an unfortunate environmental and social impact. Be it pollution, water use, carbon emission, human rights, unfair trade policies, the need to shift to a slower pace has become more essential than we think it is. Hence slow, sustainable fashion is the need of the hour. 

patterned cashmere scarf
'Dilshad' means 'Joyful', and we chose this word because gifts like this scarf give one a delightful experience

Sustainable fashion is a term that has found its place in every realm of fashion today. It is gaining impetus with this generation acting more responsibly towards people and the planet. Sustainable fashion is the use of garments (fabrics), that are produced and subsequently used in ways that are slow, and do not harm the environment and people living in it. This includes cutting back on the use of machines which harm the environment, controlling overproduction, reducing carbon emissions, recycling garments, and ensuring that the manual labour gets fair compensations. 

Cashmere and Sustainability

For consumers, sustainability may hence mean buying less but buying quality, investing in fabrics that stay long term, shopping vintage products, wearing naturally produced products, and knowing what you are investing in. For this reason, we believe Cashmere scarves are one of the most sustainable accessories that we have today. Cashmere is handcrafted, manually processed, without the use of machines. It employs thousands of artisans, who have been victims of the fast fashion, and hence underprivileged. Cashmere scarves have a long life if taken proper care of. A 100% pure Cashmere scarf has a life of over 25 years. It empowers not only men artisans, but womenfolk of the valley, to work with their hands, and earn. 


Cashmere Scarves and Animal Cruelty

While many believe that Cashmere acquisition is cruel to the Cashmere goat, what we found out was totally different. It is not the Cashmere goat, but the Tibetan Antelope, which is killed for its hair (shahtoosh). Cashmere goats are domestic, and do not need to be forced to give their precious hair. On the contrary, it is a usual process, by which herders use specialized combs and tools to gently comb their hair off, and they are used to it for years now. 

For Cashmere to be sustainable, it has to be pure. Pure Cashmere scarves are manually processed by men and women, and last for over 25 years. On the contrary, if your Cashmere scarf is a mix of Cashmere and silk or nylon or sheep wool, it might not last long, or it might have been prepared over a machine. Hence, these fake Cashmere scarves are not the sustainable accessories we talk about. It is purely handcrafted Cashmere scarves, which one has to invest in to become a responsible buyer. 

Always check with your seller the originality of your Cashmere. Either there will be a GI (Geographical Indication) stamp on the scarf, or the seller will produce a certificate of authenticity of the assortment of scarves from which he is selling you one


When Pashmina meets Kani, an artistic magic ensues.

The story of Kani and Pashmina begins in the snow attired valley of Kashmir. Winters are severe, cruel and a hurdle to almost everything, except art. From time immemorial, craft making has been the main activity of artisans here, and this tradition endures till now. The stillness outdoors reposes everything inside, and womenfolk remain busy with spinning fine Cashmere to yarn. Their days remain engrossed with the gossamer fine yarn, and so do their minds. This is the winter season for Kashmir, where art flourishes in each home, to finally come out to the world in summers, when the valley comes out of the veil of winter.

Kani Shawls of Kashmir

Shawl weaving is to Kashmir as creativity is to an artisan. These are inseparable from each other. When it comes to creativity, there is always a masterpiece from an artisan, that he himself considers his best offering. Likewise the masterpiece of shawl weaving in Kashmir is the Kani shawl. Shawls handwoven in the Kani weave are considered nothing less than magic. Kani artisans are different from others in the realms of creativity, patience and pure love for the work. 

The Kani shawl is a product of time. Kani shawls of Kashmir take years together to complete, especially when it is a Kani jamawar shawl where motifs spread all over the base. The intersection of warps and wefts is magical, and hence takes all the time in the world to make the end product a piece of art. This takes years of the artisans life, his artistic creativity, his skill, and the instructions from the older generations that they learnt over time. 

The Romance of Kani and Pashmina

Pashmina is the art which is revered in Kashmir. It is not just loved and cherished, but women are emotionally attached to it. The reason for this pure love is the way Pashmina shawls have provided livelihood to women since centuries now. Since the 15th century, women have been fully dependent on spinning of Ladakhi Cashmere which results in the making of Pashmina shawl. Hence, it is not just a piece of fabric that they craft, but a load of emotions that brings them a happy nostalgia. 

Empress Josephine in Kani pashmina Shawl
Empress Josephine in Kani pashmina Shawl

When Kani weave meets Pashmina, it is simply magic. The way the warps and wefts of Pashmina and Kani weave meet is simply a treat to watch and experience. It was the Kani shawl of Kashmir that spread its wings in Europe. European royals loved and cherished the Kani shawls so much so that Empress Josephine - the fashion icon - owned over a hundred shawls. Kani, being an expensive and a painstakingly crafted art, was not done on any other shawl made from wool or silk. Pashmina shawls were specially chosen to feature Kani weave, and this was the best decision of the artisans, as the shawls prospered like anything. 

To know more about the grand rendezvous of Pashmina and Kani, let us go deep into its making, know its artisans, and learn how it grew as one of the most expensive and precious treasures in the world. 

Making of a Kani Pashmina Shawl

The artistic weave of Kani begins only when the yarn of Cashmere has been spun. Cashmere is acquired from Ladakh, where a rare goat species grows it. During the moulting period, the herders of the goat gently comb out its soft fleece. This fleece is raw Cashmere and needs processing. It is first cleaned and then sent to Kashmir for processing. 

Raw cashmere fibre
Raw cashmere fibre

As soon as it arrives in Kashmir, womenfolk welcome it by cleaning it thoroughly. They separate each fine thread and remove any guard hair or waste products attached to it. Now the fleece is placed in a rice water paste for a few days to make it strong and shiny. After removing the fleece from this paste it is washed again, and now sent for spinning. 

Spinning of raw Cashmere is done over a wooden spinning wheel which is traditional to Kashmir. Women spin the lumps of raw wool with a perfect rhythm of their hands and the spinning wheel. This process converts the wool chunks to fine yarn. The yarn has a diameter of just 12 to 16 microns. This is the warp yarn, and is sent for weaving. And this is not just any weaving. It is the enchanting Kani weave. 


Introduction of Kani into Pashmina

To start with, a designer or a Naqash first draws a design on graph paper. This is handed over to a taran guru, who converts the design into a coded pattern, called Talim. This talim guides the weavers in the number of warp threads to be covered in a particular coloured-weft. Weaver starts weaving the shawl like a carpet, and introduces colours of the wefts with the help of Kanis or small wooden bobbins around which coloured threads of the weft are wound. Hence there is no embroidery in Kani shawls, and it is the coloured thread of the weft that shows as motifs in these shawls. This is the uniqueness of Kashmiri Kani shawl. Kani shawls are masterpieces born out of patience and tremendous skill. 

making of kani pashmina
Making of Kani Pashmina

The level of concentration the artisans of a Kani shawl have is hard to believe. Depending on the intricacy and complexity of the design of a Kani shawl, an artisan can weave a maximum of just one inch per day. It can take anywhere between 3 to 36 months to weave a Kani Shawl. The Kani artisans work for 6 to 8 hours a day in this enthralling procedure. Owing to such complexity, only the trained and most knowledgeable artisans know how to weave Kani Shawls the right way. The techniques and know-how has traditionally been transferring from forefathers to future generations

The amount of labour, time and skillful craftsmanship that goes into making a Kani shawl is worth observation. This makes Kani shawls one of the most expensive accessories in the world.  

The Love for Kani Shawl

kani pashmina
Barseen is a testimony to heritage art forms, that Kashmir has been famous for since centuries now

Kani Shawls are housed in world's finest museums like Victoria and Albert Museum in London, the Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris and the department of Islamic art at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. And it surely does not come as a surprise to any patron of this majestic art. 


The process of crafting the finest Cashmere to versatile Cashmere accessories is the premium Pashmina Art. From the clouds of heritage to the premium skill of artisans, Pashmina Art the highly distinguished realm of Art. The unique clamour of artisans cast a sound on the finest Cashmere from Ladakh. The Cashmere, procured from the Changra Goats inhabited at the feet of Changhthanghi is explicit. Several styles are curated in the Art of Pashmina.

The wide array of Cashmere accessories belongs to nature. The natural finest fibre confers to the unique Art of Pashmina in the valley of Kashmir. Thus, the styles groove in the lap of Kashmir with the skill of artisans. Hence, the premium quality Cashmere accessories are profoundly in love with the Art of Pashmina.

The procuring of Finest Cashmere

From the Changhthanghi mountain, the beginning of the journey starts. There is the dwelling of rare species of goats called Changra Goats. The Changra goats, medium-sized goats with two twisted horns are there. Mainly herded by the tribe of Changpa. In the Changhthanghi region, the temperature goes to -20°C in winters. Thus, the Changra goats develop an undercoat of thick wool over their bodies. Thus, protecting themselves from the harsh climate. The wool is thick and soft. It is called Cashmere wool. Thus, the Cashmere wool of Ladakh is the finest among all the production of Cashmere wool. There are several breeds of goats that produce cashmere wool. But, the finest among all is the Ladakhi Cashmere wool.

cashmere goats in ladakh
Changra goats in Ladakh

There are diverse breeds of Cashmere producing goats. Each breed has a specific percentage of production in the total production. The several breeds viz;  Australian Cashmere Goat, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Hexi, Zhonghwei, Tibetan Plateau, Luliang breeds, Changthanghi, etc. Therefore, all the breeds produce the Cashmere wool that produces the warmth. The exclusive breed of goats called Changra Goats is rare species of goats.

In addition, the Goats produce the fine Cashmere wool once every year. Therefore, only around 80 to 170 gms of Ladakhi Cashmere are produced during a year. Therefore, considered the rarest. Also, other breeds of it produce several times more as there is almost 400 million Cashmere eliciting Goats all over the world.

It steps in the Pashmina Art

The wool is made to go forward into the journey towards the valley of the heritage of Pashmina. Bringing the wool of Cashmere to pour the creativity by cleaning the fibres. Afterwards, the cleaned, dried and soaked wool in the cast of sunlight for several days is made to move forward in the process. Cashmere wool, translated into delicate yarn by the meticulous process called Spinning is exclusively done in households of Kashmir Valley. Moreover, the artisans of the valley with the most skill in their beings meticulously work upon the ravishing yarn.

making of pashmina
Making of Pashmina

The harmony of nature with artisans, enthralling to see meant to be working in the orchestration of Cashmere to preserve the life of nature. Afterwards, the yarns of Cashmere, woven in the sphere of weavers are radiant and elegant by the process of Weaving. It is done on a handloom made of forest wood. Thereby, Cashmere is transformed into the most elegantly fine Cashmere.


The numerous styles and designs in Pashmina Art

There are three main styles in Pashmina Art viz; Cashmere Wraps, Cashmere Scarves and Pashmina Shawls. All the styles cater to the most authentic skill of artisans. Artisans work day and night in the journey of Pashmina Art.

Cashmere Scarves have been into the legacy of dignified Craft. The fibre of the Cashmere scarves is the finest and explicit of its kind. From the contemporary styles to the traditional styles, Cashmere Scarves bring forth the best of opulence. Moreover, the skill of the artisans is explicitly high and tremendous. Thus, these exquisite Cashmere Scarves are luxurious because they are curated from the finest Cashmere wool.

Cashmere Wraps from the Pure Cashmere wool are curated in several styles. The extraordinarily explicit is the Cashmere Wraps. The woven Cashmere thereby taken to the local dyer to chromate with different shades is a form of fineness in appearance. Thus, producing the astonishing Cashmere Wraps. Belonging to the clan of original Cashmere, diligently woven on the handloom in the valley of Kashmir is finest. Moreover, these are the requisites of every attire of fashion.

embroidered pashmina shawl
An artistic corner in the Mughal courts would be adorned with Cashmere fabric hand embroidered in several types of traditional embroideries

Handcrafted Pashmina Shawls are the most unique forms of style. From the Cashmere obtained from Changra Goats, Pashmina is a distinct grade with the finest appearance. The luxurious Pashmina is curated from the fine quality Cashmere in the lap of the valley of Kashmir. The weavers handloom the yarn of Cashmere into the finest cashmere Fabric. Thus, Pashmina Art creates the accuracy explicitly. Therefore, the Pashmina Shawls, created to cater to fashion thus bestowed upon with the most intricate designs in every form.


Collection of Marvelous accessories

We, at, confer to the beauty of unique accessories. The journey of every Cashmere Accessory casts with the presence of Pashmina Art in dynamic way. Our platform dignifies the artisans who are the sole meditators of the Pashmina Art. In addition, the singing of Pashmina with the rhymes of finest Cashmere is a mesmerizing way of craft.

Moreover, highly skilled artisans are supported on our platform. They are encouraged with their heritage, skill and nature. All the processes in the Pashmina Art are manually done by the artisans of the valley. From the Spinning process, mainly done by women to the designing process mainly done by men, the essence of premium quality is adorned. Thus, the creation of fine Cashmere accessories in the cradle of Kashmir amidst the natural aura with the hums of Kashmiri Tradition is explicit. Also, the unique picturesque designs and motifs add to the intricate look of the luxurious Pashmina.


Around the world of fashion and culture, Pashmina Art gas made its place in the meadows of Kashmir Valley. From faraway lands of Ladakh, Cashmere wool is procured in its true essence. The above clouds and sky witness the crafting of the finest Cashmere. Pashmina Art is the crafting of the finest Cashmere from Changra Goats of Ladakh to several accessories of luxurious value.

How is the finest Cashmere procured?

The mountains of Changthanghi in the region of Ladakh feels the cold winter. The essence of waves of coldness prolongs till the time of summer. The creatures around find a way to live in the harsh habitat. The Changra Goats, one of the rare species of goats dwell in the feet of Changthanghi. These goats are grazed by the herders of the Changpa tribe. Changra goats are medium-sized goats with two long twisted horns. They develop rarely fine wool over their bodies in the winter season. Thus, to protect their bodies in the coldness of nature. They mainly grazed for the fine wool undercoat.

cashmere goat
Changra goats in Ladakh region

Gradually with the change in seasons, the goats shed off the fine wool in the summertime. Also, the herders manually comb out the finest wool. The wool is called Cashmere wool. It is the finest Cashmere wool of all the Cashmere production in the world. Therefore, Ladakhi Cashmere is considered the finest Wool. In addition, the Changra goats produce the fine Cashmere wool once every year. The Changthanghi region produces around 35,000 kg of raw Cashmere every year from about 0.15 million Changra goats. Also, Cashmere is from an exclusive breed that produces fine wool in a specific period of the year.  Only around 80 to 170 gms of Ladakhi Cashmere are produced during a year. Therefore, considered the rarest. 

Pashmina Art- The premium Crafting of Cashmere

Raw cashmere fibre
Raw cashmere fibre

When the tufts of Cashmere wool reach the Valley of Kashmir, nature gleams on its arrival. The Cashmere wool is sorted afterwards and brought forth to the process of cleaning. Cashmere wool is thoroughly cleaned and soaked to get the grime and dust out. After cleaning, cashmere wool is dried and moved on to the next step. After the process of cleaning and drying, the next process is Spinning. The fine wool is transferred to the households of the Valley. The womenfolk spin the fine wool to the finest cashmere yarn. They whirl the yinder, a wooden wheel used to spin the Cashmere wool to fine yarn. The womenfolk meticulously spin the Cashmere wool on yinder and craft the finest Cashmere yarn.

After the process of Spinning, the process of transforming Cashmere yarn to fine Cashmere fabric begins. It is done by the process of Weaving. It is the translation of Cashmere yarn to Cashmere fabric. The weavers of the Kashmir Valley profoundly weave the fine yarn to the fine fabric on the handloom made of forest wood. The handlooms are set up in local workshops or karkhanas.

Further in Pashmina Art

The design in Pashmina Art is tremendously versatile. The diverse forms of designs propel the artisans to show their skill. The various designs in the Art of Pashmina are miraculous in their creation. The artisans with the hand of heaven marvel at the art of intricacy. The diverse styles in Pashmina Art are Cashmere Scarves, Cashmere Wraps and Pashmina Shawls. The luxurious collection of Pashmina Art is marvellously crafted by the artisans. The lifelong craft of the Kashmir Valley bestowed upon the artisans is profound. The further designing of the distinct forms of Pashmina Art is done by versatile artisans. In small workshops or households, the art of serenity is gracefully done by the presence of artisans.

How did Pashmina Art came into existence?

The saga begins in the 15th century when a sage from the Middle East was travelling around the world. He was accompanied by his 700 craftsmen. While travelling to Kashmir, he rested his feet in the region of Changhthanghi Ladakh. Thus, the saint landed its appearance in the Changhthangi Mountain in Ladakh. While perceiving nature, he locked his eyes on the Goat of marvellous wool. Amazed with the softness and fineness of the wool, he made socks out of it and gifted them to the Sultan Zain-ul-Abideen of Kashmir Valley. Perceiving the beauty of Cashmere wool, suggested making an industry that cultivates the Pashmina in desirable styles. Even the name Pashmina, derived from the Persian word, pashm, meaning "the soft gold" is exquisite in being.

Artisan hand embroidering Pashmina

Therefore, the 700 craftsmen worked over the people of the valley and taught them several handicrafts. The one being the Art of Pashmina. Therefore, from old generations till now, the Kashmir valley is conferred with highly skilled artisans. In addition, these artisans are the masters of Pashmina Art till now. The generations of the valley of Kashmir work upon the finest Cashmere in diverse ways. Thus, creating several accessories of luxurious value.


Beneath the premium collection

embroidered pashmina shawl
An artistic corner in the Mughal courts would be adorned with Cashmere fabric hand embroidered in several types of traditional embroideries

We, at, belong to the authenticity and beauty of Pashmina Art. Pashmina Art is the crafting of the finest Cashmere from Changra Goats that dwell in the region of Ladakh. From Ladakh, the finest Cashmere is bestowed upon to the Valley for crafting. Therefore, the steps of Pashmina Art all pertain to the nature around. The unique definition of Pashmina Art is catered by the artisans of the Valley. Thus, the process of crafting the finest Cashmere is the Art of Pashmina. Artisans, heritage cater the most luxurious collection. Pashmina Art is the premium collection of luxurious accessories for Men. Therefore, the masterpieces are directly taken from the lap of artisans. There are three main styles in Pashmina viz; Cashmere Scarves, Cashmere Wraps and Pashmina Shawls. Moreover, there are enormously luxurious designs in the collection of Pashmina Art.


Pashmina Art is the crafting of the finest Cashmere procured from Changra goats. The artisans welcome the arrival of the finest Cashmere in Kashmir and cast the magic of intricacy on Cashmere. Before the time, Pashmina Art is a versatile creation in the Kashmir Valley. There are mainly two styles and numerous designs in Men's Pashmina. Among the diverse designs is the Men's Printed Cashmere Scarves. They belong to the class of diversity and intricacy. From procurement of finest Cashmere to crafting of Printed Cashmere Scarves, the opulence is preserved.

Changra Goats give the finest Cashmere

The Changhthanghi mountain is at the high altitude range. The temperature is the coldest during the winter season. It goes to a minimum of -20°C. The winters are the harshest in Changhthanghi. A rare species of Goats called Changra Goats are found at the feet of Changhthanghi. Changra Goats are medium-sized goats with two twisted horns. The goats are mainly grazed by the herders of the Changpa tribe. In the harsh winters, the goats develop thick wool over their body. The wool is developed especially under the belly, behind the ears and on the neck region. Also, the Changra goats do this natural process to combat the cold season. This wool is called Cashmere wool.

cashmere goat
Changra goats in Ladakh

Ladakhi Cashmere is the finest quality Cashmere. Although, there are several Cashmere producing countries like Tibet, Iran, China, Mongolia, etc. But the finest Cashmere is procured from the Changra Goats of Ladakh. Also, there are diverse species of Goats that produce Cashmere wool. But, the finest Cashmere of 12 to 16 microns diameter is only procured from Changra Goats of Ladakh.

In addition, there are diverse breeds of Cashmere producing goats. Each breed has a specific percentage of production in the total production. The several breeds viz;  Australian Cashmere Goat, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Hexi, Zhonghwei, Tibetan Plateau, Luliang breeds, Changthanghi, etc. Therefore, all the breeds produce the Cashmere wool that produces the warmth. The exclusive breed of goats called Changra Goats is rare species of goats.

Pashmina Art serves finest Cashmere from Ladakh

After the procurement of finest Cashmere from Ladakhi Changra goats, the Pashmina Art begins. The tufts of Cashmere wool reach the Valley of Kashmir and go into the journey of mesmerizing steps. The first step in Pashmina Art is the cleaning of finest Cashmere. Ahead of the proper cleaning, the Cashmere wool goes to the households where women use the wooden wheel called yinder to spin the Cashmere wool. Thus, transforming it into the fine Cashmere Yarn. Therefore, the process of transforming Cashmere Wool to fine Cashmere yarn is called Spinning. The spinning is performed meticulously with precision. After the Spinning process, the spun Cashmere yarn is moved further to the process of Weaving.

Artisan weaving on Hand Loom
Artisan weaving on Hand Loom

Weaving is the next step in Pashmina Art. It is the process of crafting the fine yarn into premium Cashmere fabric. The highly skilled artisans work on the handlooms set up in the local workshops/ karkhanas. Also, the handlooms are mostly made of forest wood. The artisans mainly men artisans work meticulously on the fine yarn. By creating magical warps and wefts by using their hands and feet, the  fabric comes into existence. The supremely premium fabric is turned to the further steps of designing.

Men's Pashmina- Designing of Men's Printed Cashmere Scarves

printed cashmere scarf
The flora e fauna scarf for men, which hosts animal as well as floral prints to accentuate your casual apparel in a jiffy

After the weaving of the finest Cashmere fabric, the Cashmere Scarves go on the journey of designing. Among diverse designs, Printed Pashmina is one of a kind. The digital prints are cast upon the Cashmere Scarves. Thus, emphasizing the true culture and heritage. In addition, the prints are inspired by the heritage, tales and folklores of the Kashmir Valley. The intricacy of skilled artisans is evident in every masterpiece. The journey from Ladakh to the Valley of Kashmir is seen through the intricate prints on the printed pashmina. Men's Pashmina belongs to the class of fashion that is highly premium and elegant. There is the enchantment of luxury in every masterpiece of Men's Printed Pashmina.

Also read: How to tie a Pashmina scarf on the head?

Pashmina Art began in the hands of a saint

It all started when a Persian saint was travelling across the globe. Mir Syed Ali Hamdani was a sage from the Middle East. The footprints of a saint Mir Syed Ali Hamdani from the middle east came to Kashmir with 700 craftsmen to adorn the beauty of the valley and to spread the holy message. He rested his feet in the region of Changhthanghi Ladakh. Thus, the saint landed its appearance in the Changhthangi Mountain in Ladakh. While perceiving nature, he locked his eyes on the Goat of marvellous wool. Awestruck with the softness and fineness of the wool, he made socks out of it and gifted them to the Sultan Zain-ul-Abideen of Kashmir Valley. Perceiving the beauty of Cashmere wool, suggested making an industry that cultivates the Pashmina in desirable styles.

In addition, the 700 craftsman taught the people of valley all the aspects of crafting. Since the time, the Valley has premium quality skilled artisans. The artisans are the part of the journey of Pashmina Art. There would have been no craft if the artisans did not meditate their skill in the journey of Pashmina Art.

The Authentic Collection of Men's Printed Pashmina

We, at, admire the presence of Pashmina around us. Moreover, the presence of it gives knowledge of the hard work of skilled artisans near its creation. A stop for all patterns and designs created with adornment to nature, giving a share of admiration towards nature and its creators. Therefore, the luxury and nature get along for you to stop by and look at the bonding of the two.

Therefore, the skill of artisans along with the heritage and culture profuse intricacy of luxury in every masterpiece. Men's Pashmina as well as Women's Pashmina, the versatility and opulence are up to the mark of luxury. Having one of the masterpieces enhances the around aura for your presence.

Also read: In Men's Pashmina- Patterned Pashmina Shawls

Pashmina Art is the crafting of the finest Cashmere. The Cashmere is procured from Changra goats in Ladakh. The journey of Cashmere starts in Ladakh and ends in the Valley of Kashmir. One is the place for procurement and the other is the place for crafting. The well-defined purpose of Pashmina Art is in the rooms of heritage. Belonging above the clouds of luxury, the statement of Pashmina Art enthralls. The quality of every Pashmina Art accessory is worth the premium design. There are three main styles in Pashmina Art viz; Cashmere Scarves, Cashmere Wraps, and Pashmina Shawls. In these styles, there are numerous designs in the realm of Pashmina Art.

The true existence of culture and heritage is well defined in the Pashmina Art of Kashmir Valley

The first inception of Pashmina Art

Back in the 15th century, there was exploration all over the world for crafts, religions, and traditions. A saint, Mir Syed Ali Hamdani was travelling to Kashmir to spread the holy message of Islam. He was accompanied by his 700 craftsmen. While he was on his journey towards the Valley, he rested in the land of Ladakh. He was fascinated by seeing a rare species of Goats that produced soft and fine wool on their bodies. He combed out some of the wool and crafted it into a pair of socks. Therefore, he was enthralled by the softness and fineness of the wool. When he reached the Valley of Kashmir, he presented them to the ruler of Kashmir Valley, Zain-ul-Abideen. Both were awestruck by the softness and fineness of the Cashmere wool. The saint suggested making an industry that will craft the finest wool from Ladakh in the Kashmir valley.

Therefore, the 700 craftsmen joined hands with the people of Kashmir and made them today versatile artisans of the Valley. The people of Kashmir learned the mastery of the craftsmen of the Middle East and eventually incorporated the heritage and beauty of Kashmir into it.

The Procurement of Cashmere from Ladakh

It all begins in the Changhthanghi mountain of the Ladakh region. The temperature goes to the minimum in this region. A rare breed of goats dwells in the region. These goats are called Changra goats. They are also called Kashmir Goats. The goats develop a pelage of wool in the winter season to combat the brutal weather. Thereafter, in summers they shed off the wool to get the air. The wool is manually combed out by the herders of the Changpa tribe. The Changpa tribe mainly raises these medium-sized Changra goats with two twisted horns. They mainly raise them for wool production. Thus, the wool is called the finest Cashmere wool.

cashmere goat
Changra goats in Ladakh

Although there are several breeds of goats all over the world that produce Cashmere. But the finest Cashmere is produced by the Ladakhi Changra goats. To curate the fine accessories from the fine Cashmere wool, the tufts of wool are taken to the Kashmir Valley. After the tufts of wool reach the valley of Kashmir, the supremely premium Art of Pashmina is commenced. It is a stepwise procedure for curating fine Cashmere accessories.

The Crafting of Cashmere as showed by the saint

The foremost step is the cleaning of the Cashmere wool. There is a thorough cleaning of the wool to get all sorts of dirt out. After the process of cleaning, the next step is the process of Spinning. It begins by giving the local women the Cashmere wool to spin fine Cashmere yarn. The womenfolk of the valley mainly spin the Cashmere wool. The process is done on the wooden wheel/ charkha called yinder in the local language. Thus, the women artisans meticulously spin the Cashmere wool into miraculously fine Cashmere yarn.

Afterward, the spun Cashmere yarn is taken to the local workshops/karkhanas to move ahead in the Pashmina Art. The next process is the weaving process. The weaving is the transformation of Cashmere yarn to fine Cashmere fabric. The intricate warps and wefts create the beautiful woven Cashmere fabric. Therefore, the most common pattern in weave is chashm_e_bulbul or the diamond weave. The weave is exclusively the masterpiece in itself. The eloquently woven Cashmere fabric goes on to further design.

making of Pashmina
Artisan embroidering a Pashmina

The diverse designs, patterns, weaves and embroideries are further done on the Cashmere. Therefore, the premium Pashmina Art steps ahead with the most explicit and intricate designs. It is to be noted that all the steps in the Art of Pashmina are manually done by artisans of Kashmir. Thus, the distinct designs cater to a diversity of people and the fashion world.


The Premium Collection of Pashmina Art

zari pashmina shawl
Over the rich black base, strong contrasting Zari Kari extends to every corner, and comes to life is simply a treasure to be revered

We, at, preserve and support the revival of Pashmina Art. In the ongoing world of technologies, machines are trying to dump handicrafts all over the world. But with the highly skilled artisans who work day and night for the art of Pashmina, we curate the finest Cashmere from Ladakh. Also, the crafting of the finest Cashmere of the Ladakh region in the realms of Kashmir valley eloquently defines the Pashmina Art. Thus, the highly rich cultural craft provides the fineness of Cashmere in several accessories. Also, the work and determination of artisans of the Kashmir Valley bring joy to the making. We, with the hard work of artisans, wrap you a Pashmina as gratitude towards nature.

Therefore, the fine quality Cashmere is worked with much diligence by the artisans of the valley. The characteristics of each accessory confer to the fashion of luxury for ages. Here at the stop of, we let the luxury take a flight to your closet to fill it with colours of fashion and dreams. Also, the varieties and the standard quality of Pashmina deliver a look at the onlooker to mesmerize the soul from within.


The whirls of air in the Kashmir Valley are entangled in the horizons of mountains. The definition of tranquillity is cherished through the heritage of the Kashmir Valley. The uniquely bestowed craft of Pashmina is intricate and surreal. This is to be known that Pashmina Art is the curation of fine Cashmere wool. The fine Cashmere wool is procured from the feet of Changhthangi mountain. Thus, the Changra Goats bless the world of culture with their undercoat of fine wool. The Pashmina Art caters to a wide range of accessories. Cashmere Wraps, Cashmere Scarves and Pashmina Shawls are versatile accessories. Cashmere Scarves are the contemporary style accessories of Pashmina Art. Lying in the beauty of glory, Cashmere Scarves are all the generation fashion and a go-to attire. Hence, from royals to the fashionistas, the essence of fine Cashmere Scarves is marvellously defined.

Fine Cashmere- The Beginning of Glory

At the feet of the Changhthanghi mountain of Ladakh, the Changra goats dwell. Changra goats are a rare breed of Goats. Several breeds produce Cashmere in the world. But the Changra Goats are the rare species of goats that produce the finest Cashmere wool. These goats are medium-sized with long twisted horns. The winter in the Changhthanghi region is harsh and goes to a minimum of 20°C. The Changra Goats dwell in a harsh climate. To combat the coldness of the season, they develop thick and soft wool. The wool is developed on various regions of the body especially the neck, underbelly and back of the ears. Eventually, the season change and the heat of summer confers upon the region. The Changra Goats shed off their thick wool in summers. Also, the wool is combed out manually by the herders of the Changpa tribe of the Chanthanghi region.

cashmere goat
Changra goats in Ladakh

There are diverse breeds of Cashmere producing goats. Each breed has a specific percentage of production in the total production. The several breeds viz;  Australian Cashmere Goat, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Hexi, Zhonghwei, Tibetan Plateau, Luliang breeds, Changthanghi, etc. Therefore, all the breeds produce the Cashmere wool that produces the warmth. The exclusive breed of goats called Changra Goats is rare species of goats.

In addition, the Goats produce the fine Cashmere wool once every year. Therefore, only around 80 to 170 gms of Ladakhi Cashmere are produced during a year. Therefore, considered the rarest. Also, other breeds of it produce several times more as there is almost 400 million Cashmere eliciting Goats all over the world. Consequently, the production caters to the manufacture of different styles like Pashmina Shawls, Cashmere Scarves, and Cashmere Wraps.

Pashmina Art- The Crafting of the glory of Cashmere Scarves

Pashmina Art is the curation of the fine Ladakhi Cashmere to finest Cashmere accessories like Cashmere Scarves, Cashmere Wraps and Pashmina Shawls. The tufts of wool are transferred to the Valley of Kashmir in small packets. The journey begins from Ladakh and crafts itself in Kashmir. The tufts of wool are cleaned thoroughly and dried in the air of the sun. This commences the process of Pashmina Art. After the process of cleaning and drying, the Cashmere wool is translated to the fine Cashmere yarn in the households. The women work meticulously on the wooden wheel called yinder for the process of Spinning. The translation of Cashmere wool to fine Cashmere yarn is spinning. It is done by whirling the Cashmere wool on the yinder to spin it. Thus, making the finest Cashmere yarn out of it. Spinning is mostly done by the womenfolk of the Valley.

spinning the cashmere
Artisan spinning the cashmere

Moreover, the Cashmere yarn thus produced confers to the purest and finest yarn of 12 to 16 microns. The finest Cashmere yarn moves further in the procedure radiating the Art of Pashmina. After the process of Spinning, the process of transforming Cashmere yarn into fine Cashmere fabric begins. It is done by the process of Weaving. It is the translation of Cashmere yarn to Cashmere fabric. Therefore, the weavers of the Kashmir Valley profoundly weave the fine yarn into the fine fabric on the handloom made of forest wood. The process of weaving is to use Cashmere yarn to create warps and wefts. Thus, producing a whole fine Cashmere fabric. Therefore, the Cashmere produced is given the required dimensions. Thus, diverse styles like Cashmere Scarves, Cashmere Wraps, and Pashmina Shawls are made.


The Designing of Cashmere Scarves

cashmere scarf
Ombre Cashmere Scarf

Cashmere Scarves are versatile accessories. After the process of weaving, the designing of Cashmere Scarves starts. As per the required fashion sense, the Cashmere Scarves are designed in three different forms. Ombre Cashmere Scarves, Swarovski Crystals Cashmere Scarves and Solid Cashmere Scarves are diverse designs. The intricacy and craftsmanship in the crafting of designs are glorious in themselves.

Cashmere Scarves are explicit accessories that are worn in the presence of royal fashion. The appearance of wearing a Cashmere Scarf confers royalty. The fashion in the royal sense belongs to the ideal Cashmere Scarves. In addition, the unique crafting of Cashmere Scarves obliges the artistic hand of Artisans. Hence, the artisans of the valley are highly skilled artisans who are the masters of Pashmina Art. Generations of artisans are working in the tranquil field of Pashmina. They breathe Pashmina, they live underneath Pashmina. Therefore, the exquisite craft is dignified in the realms of Kashmir Valley. The profound craft feels the dimensions of Cashmere Scarves. Mainly, there are two sizes for Cashmere Scarves. They are; 80in x 14in/2m x 35cm and 80in x 28in/2m x 70cm. The dimensions of each Cashmere Scarf befit royal fashion as well as contemporary fashion.

A Place for an Exquisite Pashmina Art Collection

We, at, place our heart and soul towards the creation of an authentic Pashmina collection. Hence, the marvellous form of designs and exquisite presence befit the whole fashion world. The purity and serenity of each yarn of finest Cashmere speak of luxury. Moreover, the unique and defined ways of marvellous craftsmanship propel through the Valley. Also, the Artisans talk of purity in the most generous and genuine ways. Every masterpiece clamours the name of pashm. Pashmina Art, a blessing of intricacy is catered for our space of nature. Having one of many designs of Cashmere Scarves will enhance the royal figurine inside of a soul.


Whether it is a multi-state road trip, trip to a neighbouring country, or altogether a transatlantic flight, comfort is the first thing to choose. But does that mean that being stylish is no option? Not at all. For your elegant style as well as comfort, we bring to you this collection of luxury Cashmere wraps, which are so cozy and beautiful, that you would never travel without them ever.

Why are Cashmere Wraps best for travel?

Cashmere wraps are, undoubtedly, the best wraps you can take with you for a large number of reasons. 

The Best Cashmere Wraps for Travel

On the basis of recommendations from our stylists and fabric experts, we chose 7 classic and contemporary Cashmere wraps from our luxury assortments. Here they are:

Black Solid Wrap

cashmere wrap
Crafted with the most magical hands, this luxurious accessory will have admirers as soon as your drape it around your shoulders.

A solid wrap simply never goes out of style. When solid patterns are combined with the art of Cashmere processing, the resulting wrap is gracefully minimalistic and versatile. Solid wraps can be worn as scarves paired with matching outfits. These can be tied to your handbag straps when you don't need them, maybe due to hot weather outside. Thoughtfully designed with both comfort and versatility in mind, the scarf looks classy besides being buttery soft, fine, and snugly warm. 

Sunset Ombre Designed Wrap

ombre cashmere wrap
Handwoven over the classic wooden handloom with utmost precision, this piece of treasure has been soaked in the sunset

When the world around is bleak and gloomy, it is time to add the touch of summer colours to it. That is what the sunset Cashmere wrap will do. Fashioned in two deep shades in an ombre pattern, the Wrap is ideal for airport and travel outfits owing to its all-around performance. Being warm is just one function of this wrap. Other than warmth, it instantly peps up your style, and you do not need to change when you reach the destination. This comes in warm shades of red, and pairs up with any outfit you want it to.

Roshan Blue Reversible Wrap

reversible cashmere wrap
In warm shades, the wrap hosts two shades of rich colours which look and feel absolutely luxurious

Nothing looks and feels more luxurious than a warm and regal reversible shawl, where the shawl can be worn from both sides. The Roshan blue shawl is an example of the most meticulous craftsmanship, and how immensely magical the skill of Kashmiri artisans is. Besides being warm and heavenly soft, the shawl draws attention to its weaving pattern, which is unique and rare. The colour combinations are sumptuous and enthralling, and your looks are super alluring at the same time. 

Dilara Checkered Modern Design Wrap

cashmere wrap
Encompassing the aesthetics of heirloom Pashmina art is a modern design Cashmere wrap, handwoven in a checkered style

When Cashmere wraps were introduced for the first time, centuries ago, they just came in embroideries, plains, and reversible. But with time, the wraps adapted to contemporary fashions and conformed to present-day trends. Dilara Check Cashmere wrap has been patterned in the modern-day check pattern that makes it a favourite among younger generations. This wrap is one of the most like accessories for travel as it uplifts a basic outfit besides providing the extra level of comfort that we miss in flights and airports. It is the classic black and white check which has been in trend since 1910. And even now it looks as timeless as ever. Hence, a must-have in your travel bags!

Fuschia Lace Cashmere Wrap

lace cashmere wrap
An ingeniously handwoven Kashmiri Pashmina stole bedecked with the world famous Chantilly French lace has been stained with a magical pink for your effortless styling

If you are heading straight to an occasion after your flight, a laced Cashmere wrap is the best option for you. Laced Cashmere wraps are handcrafted with fine Cashmere from Ladakh, and Chantilly laces hand-stitched to it. The overall look is quite dainty and feminine and makes your style breathtaking. The warmth of Cashmere and the delicate addition of laces make this combination a must-have. 

LGBTQ Printed Wrap

printed cashmere wrap
 In a melange of bright colours, this wrap has been patterned chic and in vogue to be ideal for your western winter outfits

Cashmere wraps have come all the way from just fancy and expensive accessories to something that incorporates the emotions of everyone. For this reason, we have a luxury Cashmere wrap, printed with the LGBTQ logo, ideal for the LGBTQ community as well as all of us. The wrap hosts brilliant colours and makes sure to up your style level instantly. 

The scarf is, definitely, perfect for travel purposes, but an ideal gift to someone from the LGBTQ community, as a symbol of pure love and acceptance. 

White Wrap with Swarovski Crystals

swarovski cashmere wrap
 Showered with rich Swarovski studs, the wrap epitomizes simplicity with its serene white base and minimal detailing

A little bling never hurt anyone. So here is our collection of Swarovski studded Cashmere wraps that look breathtakingly beautiful. These are ideal for travel, firstly because they have been crafted from Cashmere. Secondly, the studs on them make you look fresh and shining when travel has tired you to the extent that you wouldn't want to look stylish, and just rest. Wraps like these come to the rescue on the days when one needs comfort and style, but effortlessly and quickly. 

All these beautiful wraps are timeless and versatile. Hence not just for travel, these will be your companions for the destination too. Cashmere wraps come in elaborate patterns too, like hand embroidered and Kani woven pieces. But we kept your travel days light with these wraps which aren't much profusely embellished. 

Cashmere wraps are light, as well as breathable. Hence they keep you warm but not clammy. Their lightweight and fine texture make them the perfect travel companion. Even if you are planning to give someone a unique gift, keep a wrap among these packed, and surprise them when you reach the destination. This gift will be light to carry, portable to handle, and the most luxurious thing they will ever have got. 

Also read: Pashmina Shawls for a Luxury Wedding

There are several grades of Cashmere in the world. Mainly, the producers of Cashmere are Mongolia, China, and Nepal. In addition, several other countries like Iran produce Cashmere wool. But the rare grade of Cashmere, considered to be the finest of all is produced only in the Ladakh region of India. The Ladakhi Cashmere is the finest Cashmere of all. It is 12 to 16 microns in diameter. Thus, the finest of all fibres. Ladakhi Cashmere is well known due to its rarity, its fineness, and its elegantly luxurious accessories crafted through Pashmina Art.

There are several styles and designs given to the Ladakhi Cashmere in the realms of Kashmir Valley. Therefore, the crafting of the finest Ladakhi Cashmere into diverse styles and designs is the Pashmina Art. It is because of the recognizing sounds of Cashmere and Kashmir that Cashmere wool got its name. It has a deep-rooted history and a vast creation.

History of fine Ladakhi Cashmere

It all started in the region of Ladakh. The history dates back to the time when explorers from all over the world were traveling to deserted lands. They used to travel to places that were less known. Likewise, a traveler, a saint from the Middle East traveled to the valley of Kashmir to preach Islam to the people. He was accompanied by his 700 craftsmen. On his journey, he landed in the Changhthanghi mountain of Ladakh. He encountered a rare species of Goats of Changra. He was amazed by the soft wool. So, he made socks out the wool. On reaching the valley of Kashmir, he gifted the socks to the ruler of Kashmir. Enthralled with the softness and fineness of the wool, he suggested making a local workshop to craft the fine wool.

The 700 craftsmen taught the people of Kashmir various crafts. Even the name Pashmina comes from the Persian word pashm, meaning 'the soft gold'. From that time to this contemporary time, the artisans of the valley have excelled in the Art of Pashmina.

In addition, the Cashmere word is coined by the Europeans due to the abundance of the finest Cashmere wool in the valley of Kashmir from where Pashmina art found its path. Thus, the resemblance in names is obvious.

The curation of Ladakhi Cashmere wool

The creation begins in the horizons of the Ladakh region. The Changhthanghi mountain of the Ladakh region has the coldest temperature in winters. A rare breed of Goats dwells in its feet. The goats are of the Changra breed. They are also called the Kashmir Goats. These are medium-sized goats with two twisted horns. The Changra goats develop soft thick wool on their bodies to combat the low temperature. The wool is descriptively soft in appearance and thick in volume. Moreover, the wool is shed off during the summertime by the goats themselves against rocks and trees. Manually, the wool is also combed out by the herders of the Changpa tribe. The wool is called the finest Cashmere wool.

Raw cashmere fibre
Raw cashmere fibre

After the Cashmere wool reaches the valley of Kashmir, it undergoes the process of cleaning. The Cashmere wool is thoroughly cleaned to get the dirt, dust, and grime out. After the meticulous cleaning, the Cashmere wool goes into the journey of Spinning. The process of transforming the Cashmere wool to fine Cashmere yarn is Spinning. The process is precisely done by the womenfolk of the valley on a wooden wheel called yinder. They move the wheel in a circular motion with one hand and with another hand they elongate the wool into yarn. Thus, creating fine Cashmere yarn from the Cashmere wool.

Further, the next step is the process of weaving. Weaving is the transformation of Cashmere yarn to the finest Cashmere fabric. The fine Cashmere fabric is worked upon by highly skilled artisans to present the opulent Art of Pashmina.

Distinct types of Pashmina Art

There is a wide range of styles and designs in the Art of Pashmina. The different types cater to people of luxurious fashion. The diverse designs and styles develop the unique way of crafting the finest Cashmere. The tremendously artistic accessories from the Ladakhi Cashmere confer to the opulent gaze of Pashmina Art. The distinct styles like Cashmere scarves, Cashmere Wraps, and Pashmina Shawls profoundly revive the traditional as well as contemporary. The unique designs in these types confer to all the genders with luxurious Fashion.

pashmina shawl
The shawl hosts the brilliance of Paper Mache embroidery, that spans as Mughal garden efflorescence all over the base

There are several designs in the curation of Pashmina Shawls. From solid Pashmina Shawl to Kani Pashmina Shawls, a huge collection of styles, designs are explicit. There are intricate motifs in patterns, weaves, and embroideries. There are unique embellished Pashmina Shawls with precious laces and crystals. The eloquent designs with intricate handicrafts prefer the sphere of Pashmina Art. The Pashmina Art is versatile in every way of creation.

In addition, there are versatile designs in Cashmere Wraps. There are Solid Cashmere Wraps with utmost simplicity. As well as there are Kani Cashmere Wraps with unique Kani Weave. In addition, there are Reversible, Patterned, Embroidered, Printed Cashmere Wraps to present the opulence of Pashmina Art.

Also, the Cashmere scarves have three distinct designs in Solid Cashmere, Swarovski Crystals Cashmere, and Ombre Cashmere Wraps. The exquisite designs cater to all men and women. The intricate styles confer to the heritage of Kashmir Valley. Thus, presenting the luxurious statement to all the fashion world.


The exquisite Collection of Pashmina Art

We, at, cater to all the styles of Pashmina Art in diverse ways. The unique designs, motifs, and patterns belong to the heritage of Kashmir Valley. The artisans work day and night to revive the Art of Pashmina. From royalty to the contemporary age, the Pashmina Art confers to the high skill of artisans. The traditional tales and the contemporary themes bestow upon the finest Cashmere a new life of radiance. The versatile and elegant collection of finest Cashmere is curated in the realms of Kashmir. Thus, creating the enthralled collection of Pashmina Art. In addition, the creation of diverse accessories from the finest Cashmere in the sphere of Kashmir is the Pashmina Art. The premium Pashmina Art has verified with our platform the authentic Ladakhi Cashmere. Having one of the masterpieces will enhance your luxurious style to heights of fashion.