In the season of serene fashion, the Pashmina Art has its name all over. Pashmina Art is the crafting of the finest Cashmere to a diverse range of accessories. The fineness glorifies each style and design of the luxurious accessories. Pashmina Art, the name of profound crafting well defined in all the aspects like luxury, fineness and fashion. The horizons profuse in the intricacy of designs in Men's Pashmina Art. Among the styles and designs is the Men's Solid Cashmere Scarves. The basic and simple intricacy of Solid Cashmere Scarves is above the mark of authenticity. Plain or Solid Cashmere scarves are one of a kind. Crafted from fine quality Cashmere. The high-quality Cashmere, procured from Ladakh is fine is how it is procured.

Procurement of fine Cashmere from Ladakh

The Changhthanghi region in Ladakh is at a high altitude. The temperature at high altitudes is comparatively very low. Therefore, the temperature goes to a minimum of -20°C. The habitat in the region, adapted to the coldness and winter season is adequate. A rare species of Goats called Changra Goats dwell in the habitat of Changhthanghi. To combat the harsh winter, the Changra goats develop a thick cover of wool over their body especially on the neck, behind ears and underbelly. Thus, the wool is very fine and thick. This wool is called Cashmere wool. On coming of summertime, the Changra Goats shed off their wool by rubbing against rocks and trees. In addition, the Changpa tribe herders comb out the excess wool. This is the process of procuring the finest Cashmere from Ladakh.

cashmere goat
Changra goat in Ladakh

Ladakhi Cashmere is the finest Cashmere of all the Cashmere production around the globe. Diverse breeds of Cashmere producing goats exist. Each breed has a specific percentage of production in the total production. In addition, the several breeds viz;  Australian Cashmere Goat, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Hexi, Zhonghwei, Tibetan Plateau, Luliang breeds, Changthanghi, etc. Therefore, all the breeds produce the Cashmere wool that produces the warmth. The exclusive breed of goats called Changra Goats is rare species of goats.

Pashmina Art - Afterwards the procurement

The tufts of Cashmere wool, packed in small packets in Ladakh are fine. Afterwards, the procured Cashmere, transferred to the Valley of Kashmir. The tufts are wool reaches the Kashmir Valley and the first step of Pashmina Art commences. The first step of Pashmina Art is the cleaning of Cashmere wool. The tufts of wool, predominately cleaned and soaked are fine. Afterwards, the fully cleaned Cashmere wool is dried. Thus, the high quality of the Cashmere wool, preserved by doing all the processes is finest.

spinning the cashmere
Spinning the cashmere

The cleaned Cashmere wool is transferred to the households of Kashmir Valley. The fine Cashmere wool is worked upon by women of the Kashmir Valley. Therefore, the women meticulously work upon the fine Cashmere wool through the process of Spinning. Spinning is the process of translating the fine Cashmere wool to the finest cashmere yarn. The process of spinning, aided by a wooden wheel called yinder. The womenfolk of the Kashmir Valley explicitly spin the fine Cashmere wool to Cashmere yarn for the next process of Pashmina Art.


After Spinning, Weaving happens

After the process of Spinning, the next process in Pashmina Art is Weaving. The fine Cashmere yarn is cheered by the artisans of the Valley for weaving. To upgrade the further processes, the artisans work day and night for the crafting of fine Cashmere. Therefore, weaving is the translation of fine Cashmere yarn to fine Cashmere fabric. Mainly done by the male artisans. The artisans work in local workshops or karkhanas on a handloom made of forest wood. The handloom is used for the weaving of Cashmere yarn. Thus, by making the warps and wefts from Cashmere yarns, the premium Cashmere fabric comes into existence.

Pashmina Weaving
Weaving Cashmere into Pashmina on handloom

After the elite process of weaving, the finest Cashmere goes further into the hands of artisans. Artisans intricately work upon each masterpiece of Pashmina Art. In addition, the definition of Pashmina Art, well enhanced in the sphere of the designing process is versatile. The unique compositions in Pashmina Art are crafted by highly skilled artisans. The artisans have been meditating on the Art of Pashmina for ages. Generations of artisans have made their livelihood and peace from the crafting of the finest Cashmere. The various designs about several styles of Pashmina Art. In addition, the styles in Men's Pashmina are mainly two viz; Men's Cashmere Scarves and Men's Pashmina Shawls. There are numerous designs in each of the Men's Pashmina Styles. Among the several designs are incorporated in the basic and elegant Men's Solid Cashmere Scarves.

In Men's Pashmina - Men's Solid Cashmere Scarves

solid cashmere scarf
Here is handcrafted winter accessory, which is as luxurious as the rest of your ensembles

Cashmere Scarves are crafted from the finest Cashmere wool of Changra Goats from Ladakh. A rare species of Goats produce the finest quality Cashmere. Further, the premium Cashmere wool is crafted in the Valley of Kashmir for several Cashmere accessories. There are various Cashmere accessories for Men as well as Women. In Men's Pashmina accessories, an exquisite range of Cashmere Scarves is present. Men's Cashmere Scarves are the outer clothing in the dimensions of 80in x 28in/2m x 70cm. Cashmere Scarves are the elegant style of accessories adorning Men all over fashion. The accessories worn over by generations are these. Thus, crafted for the beautification of the attires and fashion. The luxurious presence of the Cashmere Scarves is touching the milestone of fashion. Cashmere Scarves, well known for several designs in Men's Pashmina Art are marvelous.

Among the several designs is the Solid Cashmere style. After the procurement of Ladakhi Cashmere, the wool, cleaned, soaked and dried is fine. Thereafter, the Cashmere wool is spun by the process of Spinning. Afterwards, the process of Weaving happens on the fines Cashmere. Therefore, the fine Cashmere Scarves of proper dimensions are fine. Cashmere fabric from the handloom is of self-colour of wool called Khud-rang. Further, the Solid Cashmere Scarves, dyed by a local dyer called Rangur are versatile. There is a wide array of colours for the dyeing of Solid Cashmere Scarves. Men's Solid Cashmere Scarves serve the purpose of luxurious fashion in the most glorious ways.


Marvelous Collection of Men's Pashmina

We, at, prefer the horizon of Kashmir Valley for the authenticity of Pashmina Art. Pashmina Art is part of the heritage of Kashmir Valley. Thus, the valley gifted with the Craft for ages is Kashmir. The masterpieces of the collection of Pashmina Art accessories are marvellous. Therefore, we support the artisans who are the true pilgrims of Pashmina Art.


From the mountains to the meadows, the arrival of seasons appears on the edge of the horizon. Cashmere resides there in the lap of nature. In a way or two, it has been an exquisite and most exalted kind of beauty that proves to the onlooker its beauty as well as the divinity around. In the world of Art, Pashmina reflects the beauty of the finest Cashmere. There are three basic styles in Pashmina Art viz, Cashmere Wrap, Cashmere Scarf, and Pashmina Shawl. Cashmere Scarves are versatile accessories presenting the finest Cashmere in an exquisite style.

In the dawn of paradise, the Pashmina Art fulfills the word of finest Cashmere. The beauty of each step in Pashmina Art is tremendous. The serenity from the realm of Kashmir originates in the form of the finest Cashmere. The surroundings are delightful for the arrival of Cashmere. There are several styles in the Pashmina Art viz; Cashmere Scarves, Cashmere Wraps, and Pashmina Shawls. Cashmere Scarves are versatile accessories which men and women wear on any day of any season. Moreover, the premium quality of the Cashmere Scarves is due to the finest Cashmere from Ladakh. In addition, the two main aspects of luxurious quality Cashmere Scarves are fine Spinning and high-quality Weaving. The endless collection of Cashmere Scarves is predominately an exquisite quality Art.

The Beginning of the Cashmere Wool

For a time, Cashmere has been giving around a sense of luxury and royalty. In the world of moving styles and fashion, Cashmere wool has been a part of it for ages. The fibre of the wool is the finest and explicit in its own kind. Therefore, everyone admired the fibre all around the world of royalty. Moreover, the skill of the artisans was pouring out in every warp and every weft. Thus, people considered these exquisite shawls luxurious because its the finest wool from the rarest Goats.

Cashmere wool is the finest and softest wool in the world. Numerous breeds produce Cashmere wool. Around the world, the large producers of Cashmere wool are Mongolia, China, Iran, Tibet, etc. The Cashmere wool produced in these countries is soft. These regions produce Cashmere in large amounts. While the Ladakhi Changhthanghi Cashmere is the finest of all the Cashmere wool around. Only Changra goats of Ladakh produce it. In addition, goats produce Ladakhi Cashmere in low quantities due to their rarity.

How did it come into existence?

It all started when a Persian saint was travelling across the globe. Mir Syed Ali Hamdani was a sage from the Middle East. The footprints of a saint Mir Syed Ali Hamdani from the middle east came to Kashmir with 700 craftsmen to adorn the beauty of the valley and to spread the holy message. He rested his feet in the region of Changhthanghi Ladakh. Thus, the saint landed its appearance in the Changhthangi Mountain in Ladakh. While perceiving nature, he locked his eyes on the Goat of marvellous wool. Awestruck with the softness and fineness of the wool, he made socks out of it and gifted them to the Sultan Zain-ul-Abideen of Kashmir Valley. Perceiving the beauty of Cashmere wool, suggested making an industry that cultivates the Pashmina in desirable styles. Even the name Pashmina, derived from the Persian word, pashm, meaning "the soft gold" is exquisite in being.

Cashmere - A hidden beauty

Herders obtain Cashmere from the downy undercoat of the Goats of the Himalayan region. The Changthanghi Goats are from the region of Ladakh in India. It resembles the clouds on a clear day, hence it is the softest of the fibres in the textile world. Harvested during the season of spring is favourable for these goats for shedding their undercoats. Moreover, combed during the moulting season by the skilled workers shows the integrity and natural way of creation. Moreover, the fibre, afterwards cleaned as if the clouds are pouring rain on their own soul.

Fine Cashmere is the rare beauty in the herd of several other quality Cashmere. There are diverse breeds of Cashmere producing goats. Each breed has a specific percentage of production in the total production. The several breeds viz;  Australian Cashmere Goat, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Hexi, Zhonghwei, Tibetan Plateau, Luliang breeds, Changthanghi, etc. Therefore, all the breeds produce the Cashmere wool that produces the warmth. The exclusive breed of goats called Changra Goats is rare species of goats

In addition, the Goats produce the fine Cashmere wool once every year. Therefore, goats only produce around 80 to 170 gms of Ladakhi Cashmere a year. Therefore, considered the rarest. Also, other breeds of it produce several times more as there are almost 400 million Cashmere eliciting Goats all over the world. Consequently, the production caters to the manufacture of different styles like Pashmina Shawls, Cashmere Scarves, and Cashmere Wraps.

The Journey towards the creation of Cashmere scarf

Moving with the pace of the world, there is a need to produce most of the most natural textiles. Cashmere, being the best of fibres, is the finest and softest natural fibre. The procedure of handweaving Cashmere is one of the most meticulous ways of connecting to nature.

Commencing the creation of a Cashmere scarf

It all starts in winter when all the wool on the Goats of the Changra breed grows. From there, the moulting season starts and herders collect wool. The Changhthanghi region of Ladakh is at a high altitude. Therefore, the temperature is coldest there in winter. It goes to a minimum of -20°C. The habitat adapts to the harsh climate. A rare species of goats dwell at the feet of Changhthanghi mountain. These are the Changra Goats. They are medium-sized goats with two twisted horns.

In harsh winter, the Changra goats develop fine and soft wool under their bellies, behind their ears, and on their neck. This is to combat the cold weather. But eventually, when the summertime comes and sunshine is at its peak, the goats shed off the wool. The wool is also combed out manually by the herders of the Changpa tribe in Changhthanghi. And fine wool is called Cashmere wool.

Thereby, the Cashmere wool is combed and selected according to its quality and thus passed on for cleaning of the wool. The serene sight of the goat is the most exquisite scene for a Cashmere lover. The cleaned Cashmere wool from Ladakh's horizons, soaked for some days into a paste. Then giving it the desired form and strength.

Spinning the Cashmere

Cashmere thereupon bends towards the natural process, worked upon by artisans of the valley called Spinning. Crafted from the finest Cashmere procured from Changra Goats, the scarves are luxurious. The crafting of the finest Cashmere starts as soon as the Cashmere reached the Valley of Kashmir. The tufts of finest Cashmere wool are sorted and cleaned on their arrival. The artisans cheerfully welcome the Cashmere wool. After cleaning, the Cashmere wool is dried. The next step is the distribution of clean Cashmere Wool to the households of Kashmir. In numerous households, the women of the family work upon the Cashmere wool on a yinder. Yinder is a wooden wheel used for the process of Spinning. Spinning is the translation of Cashmere wool to Cashmere yarn.

The women spindle the Cashmere wool on yinder while humming the folk songs of Kashmir. Therefore, the finest Cashmere yarn is crafted by the process of Spinning. The Cashmere yarn is the finest and softest yarn. It is 12 to 16 microns in diameter. With the work of diligent artisans, the wool thus translates itself into Yarn of magic.

Weaving and Interweaving of Cashmere Scarves

The moving of the handlooms and the determined soul of workers give a new definition to the entity of Cashmere. The weavers weave and from above the world, there is nature that accompanies the hand weaving of the yarn into a Fabric. Weaving is mainly the translation of fine Cashmere yarn to premium Cashmere fabric. The Spun Cashmere yarn is distributed to local workshops or karkhanas. There are installed handlooms on which the artisans follow the process of Weaving. It is mainly done by male artisans. Artisans weave the warps and wefts by using fine Cashmere yarn and thus create the premium Cashmere fabric. Therefore, luxurious Cashmere fabric is crafted for further design in Pashmina.

Before designing, the dimension as required is crafted for Cashmere Scarves. Thereupon, the creative procedure by the hands of artisans is apparently seen in the versatile creation of Cashmere in the form of Cashmere Scarves, wraps, and Pashmina shawls.

Magnificient Cashmere Scarves

Cashmere Scarves are crafted from the finest Cashmere wool of Changra Goats from Ladakh. A rare species of Goats produce the finest quality Cashmere. Further, the premium Cashmere wool is crafted in the Valley of Kashmir for several Cashmere accessories. There are various Cashmere accessories for Men as well as Women. In Pashmina accessories, an exquisite range of Cashmere Scarves is present. Cashmere Scarves are the outer clothing in the dimensions of 80in x 28in/2m x 70cm. Therefore, Cashmere Scarves are the elegant style of accessories adorning souls all over fashion. The accessories worn over by generations are these. Thus, crafted for the beautification of the attires and fashion. The luxurious presence of the Cashmere Scarves is touching the milestone of fashion.


Cashmere Scarves - Creativity poured onto Cashmere

Cashmere moves beyond the blissful procedure, getting into various processes to acquire the serenity and luxurious presentation. Traditionally, the different styles would be plain and simple.

In the form of Shawl, The exquisite nature of Cashmere Shawl is seen in the presentation of a Kani Shawl. The most explicit handwoven-designed shawl, being the most luxurious as well as elegant in its creation. The meticulous hand-embroidered Cashmere shawls in the form of Pashmina. The Embroideries hold distinct processes but all the works embellish the Cashmere Shawl with their presence. The Embroideries like Sozni, Aari, Paper Mache, Tilla dozi, etc, pour life into its world of luxury. The skill of artisans and a heart that needs the beauty to serenity gives wings to its creation.

In the form of Wraps, meticulously designed in various creations of works like the Embroidered Pashmina wraps, the Ombre Pashmina wraps. The extravagant modernism constituted a Cashmere wrap in the most contemporary style adorned by all the generations.

In the form of Scarves, the delicacy and the adornment of beauty with a Cashmere Scarf is one of the most desirable and magnificent journeys in the life of Cashmere. Woven with the Kani design, and Embroidered with the hands of heaven, it reaches the sky thereby flying with all the colors of nature.


Luxurious designs

Various designs, and motifs, obliged the creation of beautiful and sustainable Cashmere. Several floral prints, checks, patterns, etc., are scribed over it. Moreover, the authenticity, genuineness, and the luxury of the Cashmere Shawls wore over in the season of winter for warmth and love. Also, the wraps and the scarves, are easily worn over by all the generations at casual meetings and get together.

 A stop at for all the fashionistas and all the souls around to devour the best and genuine quality Cashmere Shawls, Wraps, and Scarves with all the colors of nature directly taken from nature itself. We, at, bring the opulence of Pashmina Art through Cashmere Accessories. Thus, the richness in each step from procuring to the final appearance is high premium. The endless collection reflects all the beauty of designs in the realm of Pashmina Art. We admire the presence of Pashmina around us. Moreover, the presence of it gives knowledge of the hard work of skilled artisans near its creation. A stop for all patterns and designs created with adornment to nature, giving a share of admiration towards nature and the creators of Pashmina. Thus, the luxury and nature getting along for you to stop by and have a look at the bonding of the two.


Is Cashmere scarf good?

A cashmere scarf is more than a mere accessory; it's a testament to luxury, comfort, and timeless elegance. Crafted from the soft and delicate undercoat of cashmere goats, this extraordinary textile embodies a harmonious blend of nature's finest fibers and the expertise of skilled artisans. Its exceptional softness is a gentle caress against the skin, enveloping you in a cocoon of warmth during brisk winter days. The lightweight yet insulating nature of cashmere makes it a versatile companion, effortlessly transitioning from casual outings to formal events.

The intricate craftsmanship that goes into weaving and finishing a cashmere scarf is a testament to the dedication and mastery of artisans who create each piece as a work of art. The enduring appeal of a cashmere scarf lies in its ability to evoke both visual and tactile pleasure, making it a cherished gift that transcends trends and seasons, a symbol of refined taste and a source of comfort that is truly unparalleled.

Along with the songs of spring, Pashmina Art confers to the season of fashion. The journey starts in winter and enthrals of spring. Pashmina Art is the crafting of the finest Cashmere by highly skilled artisans. Beyond the world of fashion, Pashmina resides in each style. There are mainly two styles in Men's Pashmina. They are; Cashmere Scarves and Pashmina Shawls. Also, the versatile designs in each style collaborate with the heritage of new beginnings in Kashmir Valley.

Cashmere - Initiation of Men's Pashmina

For Men's Pashmina as well as Women's Pashmina, the fine Cashmere is procured from Ladakh. The Changhthanghi mountains of the Ladakh region is the coldest in winter. The temperature goes to a minimum of - 20°C. It is all due to the region and the high altitude range of Changhthanghi. A rare species of goats called Changra Goats dwell in the region. They combat the harsh coldness by developing thick and soft wool on their bodies. The wool is grown mainly as an undercoat, behind the ears and on the neck. In addition, the Changra Goats are medium-sized goats with two twisted horns. Thus, they are mainly grazed for wool. The wool is called Cashmere wool. Cashmere wool from Changra goats is the finest and softest.

There are several other species of Goats around the world that produce the finest Cashmere. The distinct breeds of Cashmere producing goat are thus numerous.  Each breed has a specific percentage of production in the total production. The several breeds viz;  Australian Cashmere Goat, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Hexi, Zhonghwei, Tibetan Plateau, Luliang breeds, Changthanghi, etc. Therefore, all the breeds produce the Cashmere wool that produces warmth and extravagance. The exclusive breed of goats called Changra Goats is rare species of goats. They produce the finest Cashmere for the ahead crafting in Pashmina Art.

Pashmina Art is the next paradigm

The tufts of Cashmere wool are packed in small packets in Ladakh. Afterwards, the procured Cashmere is transferred to the Valley of Kashmir. The tufts are wool reaches the Kashmir Valley and the first step of Pashmina Art commences. The first step of Pashmina Art is the cleaning of Cashmere wool. The tufts of wool are predominately cleaned and soaked. Afterwards, the fully cleaned Cashmere wool is dried. Thus, the high quality of the Cashmere wool is preserved by doing all the processes.

The cleaned Cashmere wool is transferred to the households of Kashmir Valley. The fine Cashmere wool is worked upon by women of the Kashmir Valley. Therefore, the women meticulously work upon the fine Cashmere wool through the process of Spinning. Spinning is the process of translating the fine Cashmere wool to the finest cashmere yarn. The process of spinning is aided by a wooden wheel called yinder. Therefore, the womenfolk of the Kashmir Valley explicitly spin the fine Cashmere wool to Cashmere yarn for the next process of Pashmina Art.

After the process of Spinning, the next process in Pashmina Art is Weaving. The fine Cashmere yarn is cheered by the artisans of the Valley for weaving. To upgrade the further processes, the artisans work day and night for the crafting of fine Cashmere. Therefore, weaving is the translation of fine Cashmere yarn to fine Cashmere fabric. Mainly done by the male artisans. Thus, the artisans work in local workshops or karkhanas on a handloom made of forest wood. The handloom is used for the weaving of Cashmere yarn. Thus, by making the warps and wefts from Cashmere yarns, the premium Cashmere fabric comes into existence.

The Versatile Styles in Men's Pashmina

There are mainly two styles in Men's Pashmina. They are Men's Cashmere scarves and Men's Pashmina Shawls. These two styles have elegantly diverse designs. Among the versatile designs in Men's Pashmina, is the Men's Reversible Pashmina. After the procurement of the finest Cashmere from Ladakh, the crafting starts. Also, the Art of Pashmina is the crafting of the finest Cashmere to several designs and styles.

Men's Pashmina is the miraculous collection of versatile styles. The world of the present age confers to the fashion of all gender look. There is no particular differentiation in the accessory of Cashmere. The men's collection of Cashmere belongs to men all around the world. The Cashmere Scarves elegantly express the wearer with a luxurious look. In contemporary times, the exclusive Cashmere Scarves confers to the dimensions of glory as well as traditional aspects. Men around the world present Cashmere with their elegance in formals, semi-formals, casuals, festive apparel, wedding outfits, etc. Therefore, men perform with the piece of Cashmere Scarf to confer to the fashion of uniqueness and boldness.

The handicraft of Pashmina fulfils its journey on every masterpiece. Men have been on the journey of Pashmina Art for ages. From the beginning of the Craft, men have been obliged by the path of Pashmina. Even the history goes back to the time when the finest Cashmere was originated and the Pashmina Art came into existence. A saint brought the Cashmere socks from Ladakh to the ruler of Kashmir. Thus, suggested making industry for crafting. Also, the people of Kashmir became learners of the craft and held the position of artisans to this day.


Dainty Collection of Men's Pashmina

We, at, unravel the glory of the luxurious craft of Pashmina. The songs of artisans are true to the originality of every piece of Pashmina Art. Whether it's Men's Pashmina or Women's Pashmina, the craft enthrals glamour. Artisans craft the finest Cashmere from Changra goats in Kashmir. In addition, the mesmerizing definition of heritage and culture glorifies every masterpiece. Thus, having one among the designs enhance the true value of your presence.


Have you ever wondered about the unique collection of Pashmina Art? From where it all begins? How the process goes? What is the base of Pashmina? What kind of fabric is Pashmina? All the answers are beneath the creation of the finest Cashmere. Pashmina is verily the crafting of finest fabric called Cashmere. The unique and meticulous Cashmere wool transformed into luxurious accessories is the Art of Pashmina. Cashmere wool is the finest wool. There are several grades of Cashmere. Therefore, the finest among is the Ladakhi Cashmere. The art confers to the heritage of the Kashmir valley as well the high skill of artisans. The delicate and precise intricacy of the masterpieces delivers an opulence to the fashion world.

The history of the finest Cashmere

The history of Pashmina Art is simultaneous to the history of the finest Cashmere. It is because of the finest Cashmere that Pashmina Art came into existence. To enhance the finest Cashmere to diverse accessories, Art of Pashmina captured the horizons of the Kashmir Valley for luxurious creation.

The saga dates back to the 13th century when a saint from the Middle East was travelling to the Kashmir valley. He was on his journey to the valley with his 700 craftsmen. While on his journey, he landed in the land of Ladakh. Enthralled to see the Changhthanghi mountain and the breed of goats there. A rare breed of goats called Changra Goats came into existence. Then on, came to be known as Kashmir Goats. The goats were so amazing to look at as their wool undercoat was soft. The saint combed some wool out and made a pair of socks out of it. He gifted them to the ruler of Kashmir valley. In addition, suggested the ruler make a small industry for the curation of this fine wool. The wool is called Cashmere wool.

Therefore, the 700 craftsmen worked over the people of the valley and taught them several handicrafts. The one being the Art of Pashmina. Therefore, from old generations till now, the Kashmir valley is bestowed with highly skilled artisans. These artisans are the masters of Pashmina Art till now. The generations of the valley of Kashmir work upon the finest Cashmere in diverse ways. Thus, creating several accessories of luxurious value.

The Procuring of finest Cashmere

cashmere goat
Changra goats in Ladakh

In the Changhthanghi mountain of the Ladakh region, a rare breed of goats dwell. They are the Changra breed of goats. Also known as Kashmir Goats. The Changra goats dwell in the harsh winters as well as in summer. In the winter season, they develop thick and soft wool on their bodies to withstand the chilly cold. The medium-sized Changra goats Shed this wool off when it comes to summer. The Changra goats rub their bodies against rocks, trees to feel the air of summer. Also combed out manually by the herders. The herders of the Changra goats with twisted horns are from the local tribe of Changpa. Also, the wool is called Cashmere wool.

Thus, the tufts of Cashmere wool, packed in small packets for further processe are finest. The Ladakhi Cashmere wool is the finest. Although, there are several breeds of goats that give the Cashmere wool. But, the Ladakhi Changra goats give the finest Cashmere wool.

Enhancing the Finest Cashmere Wool in the realm of Pashmina

With the Art of Pashmina, the finest Cashmere wool is enhanced to diverse accessories of luxurious value. After reaching the valley of Kashmir, the tufts of Cashmere wool are cleaned, soaked and dried to process out dirt, the grime of any kind. After the immense cleaning, the Cashmere wool goes to the households where women use the wooden wheel called yinder to spin the Cashmere wool. Thus, transforming it into the fine Cashmere Yarn. Therefore, the process of transforming Cashmere Wool to fine Cashmere yarn is called Spinning. The spinning is done meticulously with precision. After the Spinning process, the spun Cashmere yarn is moved further to the process of Weaving.

Weaving is the process of looming the Cashmere yarn into suitable warps and wefts to create the fabric of utmost fineness and purity. In the valley of Kashmir, the weaving is done in small workshops where handlooms are set up. The highly skilled artisans weave the magical yarn to significant warps and wefts to give a ravishingly fine Cashmere Fabric. It is significantly the finest fabric in the realm of Pashmina. Thereupon, the several processes of designing are done by world-class artisans. The artisans work with precision on every masterpiece of Pashmina Art. In addition, the curation of the finest Cashmere to diverse styles of accessories is the Art of Pashmina. Hence, the Pashmina Art blooms the fashion sphere with the finest Cashmere luxuries. The finest Pashmina fabric goes on the journey of three main styles. They are enumerated below.


The essence of Cashmere Wraps

cashmere wrap
The wrap has been handwoven for days together, and patterned into modish stripes by skillful and adept artisans

From the Changhthanghi breed of Goats, the finest Cashmere is obtained. The soft and fine Cashmere is transformed into diverse accessories by the Art of Pashmina fabric. The Cashmere Wraps are curated from the finest Ladakhi Cashmere. The unique process done manually by the artisans of the valley is explicit. Cashmere Wraps are the type of outer clothing that provides warmth and style at the same time. The unique designs and styles cater to all genders. The patterns weave, and embroideries confer to the exclusive collection of Wraps. These can be used with formals, semi-formals, casuals and occasions. The presence of each masterpiece defines the enlightenment of luxury in every shade and tone.

The presence of Cashmere Scarves

The Cashmere Scarves are created from the fine Ladakhi Cashmere that dwells in the Changra goats in the winter season. The unique virtue of creating the finest Cashmere is in the heavenly hands of Pashmina Art. Through the realms of Pashmina Art, Ladakhi Cashmere undergoes several kinds of processes. The processes done manually by the hands of artisans are natural. In addition, the artisans work meticulously over the elegance of Cashmere to give it a well-defined look of opulence. Cashmere Scarves, worn in several ways by all genders are versatile. The unique designs over the fine Cashmere befit an aura of opulence. There are unique ways to approach the adorning of Cashmere Scarves. The new styles with traditional designs present the essence of luxury with authenticity.

The Artistic Pashmina Shawls

pashmina shawl
Shan E Mughlia is a shawl that has been handcrafted for years together in the realms of Kalamkari art to make one evocative of the rich Mughal courts

The Pashmina Shawls belong to the outer wraps worn around the body or draped as required. The Pashmina Shawls, elegantly designed in the realms of Kashmir Valley are premium. With profound styles and designs, the Pashmina Shawls are the revere of the artistic skill of artisans. From Solid Pashmina to the Kani Pashmina, the styles belong to the horizons of the Valley. Therefore, the heritage, artisans and the aura of the valley provide miraculous intricacy to the Pashmina fabric. Right from the Changra goats in Ladakh to the valley of Kashmir, the uniqueness explores itself in Art.


The Eloquent Collection of Pashmina Art

We, at, cater to the revere of the heritage of Kashmir Valley. The unique collection of Pashmina Art confers to the beautification of artistic mastery of artisans. The artisans work meticulously on the horizon of Kashmir Valley with the aura of creativity. Therefore, the supremely premium Cashmere is curated in the creative dimensions to make numerous accessories by the art of Pashmina.

The collection of the exclusive craft of Pashmina bestows a collection of beatitude. Ethically produced and created with sustainability to nature, the accessories dive into the field of creativity. The splendid designs, unique styles confers to all the genders of the world. Thus, providing the exclusive quality Pashmina. Our outlet supports the cause and revival of artisans as well as their Art of Pashmina. Therefore, integrity maintained in the creation of every masterpiece of Pashmina Art. Wearing one of the masterpieces present your appearance with the glory of fine Art. At our platform, we directly take the artistic masterpiece from the cradle of the valley. Thus, presenting the world our explicitly authentic and serene collection of Pashmina Art.


The world has witnessed the miraculous Pashmina shawls for ages now. Ever wondered about those fine Pashmina shawls? How and Who discovered the finest wool? What goes behind those tremendous Pashmina shawls? We have gathered the tale of luxurious Pashmina. Pashmina Art is the curation of the finest Cashmere into several elegant Cashmere accessories including Pashmina Shawls. All the steps in the creation of diverse Cashmere are manually done by the artisans of the valley of Kashmir. The mesmerizing world of Pashmina Art confers to the uniqueness of every style.

The Finest Cashmere

The Changhthanghi Mountain in the region of Ladakh is at a high altitude. At high altitudes, the temperature goes to the lowest. The winters are the harshest. A rare breed of Goats dwells in the feet of the Changthanghi. They are called the Changra goats. These goats are raised for Cashmere production as well as meat production. The goats are medium-sized, fluffy with two big twisted horns. The goats live mostly on grass. Also, the goats develop thick wool in winter to combat the cold.

Eventually, when summer is on its journey, the goats shed off the pelage to get air in the sunshine. Moreover, the wool is also manually combed out by the herders who raise the Changra Goats. The herders are from the Changpa tribe of Changhthanghi. They pack the tufts of wool in small packets and send them to the valley of Kashmir for the Pashmina Art. The wool is called the finest Cashmere wool.

The Pashmina Shawls in making

The tufts of Cashmere wool are opened to commence the Pashmina Art. Therefore, the Cashmere wool is cleaned, soaked and dried to get all the grime and dirt out. After the basic process of cleaning, the Cashmere wool moves forward to the next meticulous process. Spinning is the process of transforming Cashmere wool into the finest cashmere yarn. The Art of spinning is mainly done by the women of the Kashmir valley. They have a wheel called yinder onto which they spin the Cashmere wool to Cashmere yarn while humming a melodious Kashmiri Song. It is a process that needs high skill. The womenfolk of the Valley profoundly confer to the process with diligence. After the Spinning process, the fine Cashmere yarn is transferred to the local workshops/ karkhanas for Weaving.

weaving cashmere
Weaving cashmere into Pashmina

Weaving is the process of looming the Cashmere yarn into suitable warps and wefts to create the fabric of utmost fineness and purity. In the valley of Kashmir, the weaving is done in small workshops where handlooms are set up. Hence, the highly skilled artisans weave the magical yarn to significant warps and wefts to give a ravishingly fine Cashmere Fabric. Thereupon, the several processes of designing are done by world-class artisans. The artisans work with precision on each and every masterpiece of this Art. In addition, the curation of the finest Cashmere to Pashmina Shawls is the Art of Pashmina. Hence, the Pashmina Art blooms the fashion sphere with the finest Cashmere luxuries including Pashmina shawls.

The Origin of the Pashmina Art

The origin of Pashmina Art is simultaneous to the origin of the finest Cashmere. It is because of the finest Cashmere that Pashmina Art came into existence. To groom the finest Cashmere to diverse accessories, the Art prevailed in the horizons of the Kashmir Valley.

The history dates back to the 13th century when a saint from the Middle East was travelling to the Kashmir valley. He was on his journey to the valley with his 700 craftsmen. While on his journey, he landed in the land of Ladakh. He was enthralled to see the Changhthanghi mountain and the breed of goats there. It was a rare breed of goats called Changra Goats. Later on, came to be known as Kashmir Goats. The goats were so amazing to look at as their wool undercoat was soft. The saint combed some wool out and made a pair of socks out of it. He gifted them to the ruler of Kashmir valley. In addition, suggested the ruler make a small industry for the curation of this fine wool. The wool is called Cashmere wool.

Therefore, the 700 craftsmen worked over the people of the valley and taught them several handicrafts. The one being the Art of Pashmina. Therefore, from old generations till now, the Kashmir valley is bestowed with highly skilled artisans. Thus, these artisans are the masters of Pashmina Art.


The Styles of Pashmina Art

The diverse styles of Pashmina Art are the end products of the curation of the finest Cashmere. It is to be noted that the creation of Cashmere in distinct styles is the Pashmina Art. Therefore, all the processes are done manually by the artisans of the valley. The artisans work with diligence and precision to bestow the marvellous styles. The styles of unique designs with mesmerizing intricate creations are premium. The Pashmina Shawl is one the exquisite styles.

Pashmina Shawls of Ethereal Appearance

pashmina shawl
Shan E Mughlia is a shawl that has been handcrafted for years together in the realms of Kalamkari art to make one evocative of the rich Mughal courts

The cradle of Ladakh cherishes the Changra breed of Goats. The finest Cashmere obtained from the Goats confers to diverse styles ahead in the valley of Kashmir. Therefore, the uniqueness and high skill of the artisans create tremendously intricate luxurious masterpieces. Pashmina Shawls have catered to all genders for ages. From royals to today's generation, the elegance and luxury of Pashmina have remained alive. Also, the diverse styles of Pashmina Shawls confer to the intricate skill of artisans. The artisans of the valley work with diligence and precision on every masterpiece of Pashmina Art.

In simple terms, the word Shawl comes from the term shawl, which means a shroud that covers up. Therefore, the Pashmina Shawls are intricately designed in the sphere of the Kashmir Valley. Thus, the stepwise process of Pashmina Art curates the premium Cashmere to exquisite Shawls. From Solid to Kani Pashmina, the exquisite essence in the presence of the Shawls remain integral. Also, the uniqueness, as well as the exclusiveness of the Pashmina Shawls, befit all the genders with premium quality.

The explicit Collection

We, at, confers to all the generations of people with our exquisite collection of Pashmina Art. It is known that Pashmina Art is the process of curating/crafting the finest Cashmere. The finest Cashmere is obtained from the Ladakhi Changra goats. Although several countries mainly produce Cashmere they are of different breeds of Goats. Hence, our platform curates the finest Cashmere of Ladakhi Changra goats to revive the true essence of Pashmina Art.


Have you ever wondered about what type of Cashmere is of the best grade? It is known that there are various grades of Cashmere around the world. There are several breeds of Goats that produce Cashmere wool. Likewise, there are different types of Cashmere Wool. The fineness of each differs from that of the other. Now the question comes to mind: which of the various types of Cashmere wool is the finest? The beauty of its answer lies in the distinction between the grades of Cashmere wool.

The finest Cashmere wool will have the best grade as the grade is the remark of fineness and softness of the Cashmere wool. Moreover, each grade of Cashmere wool is obtained from a certain breed of Goats. Among all the breeds of Cashmere producing goats, Ladakhi Cashmere is obtained from a rare breed of Goats. They are called the Changra Goats. They are found at the feet of Changhthanghi mountain at the higher altitude of Ladakh. The finest or best-grade wool is predominately procured from the Changra Goats. There is a certain journey that starts from procurement to the crafting of the finest Cashmere wool.

In addition, Pashmina is the crafting of this finest Cashmere wool procured from Ladakh. Also, the versatility and the softness of the wool are predefined in the history of crafts in the Valley of Kashmir. The fine and mushy wool both define nature with the beauty of Kashmir Valley. The heritage and the highly skilled artisans confer the fine Cashmere with the supreme Art called Pashmina. Thus, the diverse features of Ladakhi Kashmir, are truly well-defined in the process of its procurement and its crafting.

What is the best grade for Cashmere?

There are huge variations in the types of Cashmere as per their fineness and quality. As much
as customers dislike the fact that Cashmere does have a lot of variations, which makes
customers puzzled at times. How to choose from these grades of Cashmere? Which grade of
Cashmere is original? What is the best grade for Cashmere? We will come to answers to these
questions when we know the three Grades of Cashmere wool.

Before knowing about the best grade of Cashmere, it is known that Cashmere has diverse variations. The diversity in the quality of Cashmere brings confusion about the authenticity of the Cashmere wool. However, there are several ways to know about the authentic quality of Cashmere wool. Those techniques for determining the quality of Cashmere are purely based on the physical characteristics as well as the composition.

Grades of Cashmere

Cashmere, is known for its softness and fineness as well as for its quality of warmth. Also, it is a
lightweight wool that is a must for all seasons. Cashmere wool has so many kinds that a person
often caught up in confusion about which one is most durable and fine in quality.
Therefore, we have gathered here the three main Grades of Cashmere wool to make you
understand the exclusiveness of high-quality Cashmere.

Grade A

It is the finest quality Cashmere. Grade A reserves under it the fine Cashmere with a diameter of
fibres as low as 14 to 16 microns. In addition, fine quality or Grade A Cashmere is the softest
and longest. The more softness, the more fineness and quality. Therefore, the highest grade of
Cashmere is procured only from the Changra Goats in Ladakh. The Maximum length of the hair
equals the degree of softness. Therefore, the high quality of the Grade A Cashmere makes it
suitable for the crafting of soft luxurious Pashmina accessories as Pashmina itself is the highest
quality craft. uses Grade A quality Cashmere wool in all the accessories to
recognize the fact of fineness and authenticity in each strand of Cashmere wool.

Moreover, the remarkable journey of Grade A Cashmere from Ladakh to Kashmir is deciphered in the Fashion accessories of Pashmina. Our platform glorifies the fine Cashmere by handing it over to the
The craft of Pashmina reveals the fine luxurious Pashmina Shawls, Cashmere Wraps and
Cashmere Scarves.

Grade B

This is the next soft grade of Cashmere which is thicker than Grade A Cashmere. It has a
diameter of 18 to 20 microns. It can be considered soft and fine but has an average quality when
compared to Grade A Cashmere. Moreover, the durability factor of Grade B Cashmere is also
very low and it is less valuable than Grade A Cashmere. This type of Cashmere can be
obtained from other breeds of cashmere-producing Goats like Mongolian Cashmere Goats and
several other breeds.

Grade C

This is the lowest grade of Cashmere wool with the lowest quality. The fibres are more than 30
microns in diameter. The coarseness of the Cashmere is evident as it is very soft and less
durable. Also, it is the cheapest quality Cashmere wool with minimum softness and fineness.

History of the Finest Cashmere

Before knowing the procedure of procuring and crafting the finest quality or Grade A Cashmere
from Ladakh, there is a need to know about the origin of the finest Cashmere. It began in the
13th century when a Persian saint was travelling across the globe. Mir Syed Ali Hamdani was a
sage from the Middle East. The footprints of a saint Mir Syed Ali Hamdani from the middle east
came to Kashmir with 700 craftsmen to adorn the beauty of the valley and to spread the holy
message. He rested his feet in the region of Changhthanghi Ladakh. Thus, the saint landed its
appearance on Changthangi Mountain in Ladakh.

While perceiving nature, he locked his eyes on the Goat of marvellous wool. Awestruck with the softness and fineness of the wool, he made socks out of it and gifted them to the Sultan Zain-ul-Abideen of Kashmir Valley. Perceiving the beauty of Cashmere wool, suggested making an industry that cultivates the Pashmina in desirable styles. This was the best-grade Cashmere. And to this day, Cashmere acquired from
Ladakh, India is the best grade of Cashmere.

Procuring the best-grade Cashmere

cashmere goats in ladakh
Changra goats with herder in Ladakh

The Changhthanghi mountain has a certain minimum temperature in the winter season. The
breeze of winter is harsh in the region wherein there are surviving fauna of nature. The animals
adapt themselves to these harsh winter days and nights. The temperature goes to about 50°C.
The unique and rare breed of Changra Goats also survives the harsh climate by developing a
thick coat of wool all over their bodies. Also called Kashmir Goats. Medium-sized
with twisted horns are the unique features of Changra Goats. Eventually, when the seasons
change and the climate is moving towards the summertime, the goats tend to Shedd wool from
their bodies to relish the freshness of the season. Also, combed out by the herders
of the Changpa tribe. The beauty of the fine wool is exquisite.

The fineness and softness of the wool are up to the mark. This finest wool is called Ladakhi Cashmere. The wool is softest and mushy in texture. Afterwards, the Cashmere wool, transferred to the Vale of Kashmir to be crafted in the heritage of its beauty is finest.

Pashmina Art is the crafting of the finest or the best-grade Cashmere wool procured from

Changhthanghi for distinct luxurious accessories.

Defining the Art of Pashmina through Cashmere

The Art of Pashmina commences as soon as the tufts of wool reach the Kashmir Valley. The wool is cleaned and dried in the sunlight. Thereby worked upon by the women in the Kashmir Valley. Therefore, fine wool is distributed to households for the process of Spinning. Spinning is the meticulous translation of Cashmere wool to fine Cashmere Yarn. It is done on a wooden wheel called yinder. Spinning is mainly done by women. The process needs high precision and skill. Therefore, the adequate skill of women artisans presents the premium yarn for the next process.

weaving cashmere
Artisan weaving cashmere into Pashmina

Weaving is the next step in Pashmina Art. It is the process of crafting fine yarn into premium fabric. The highly skilled artisans work on the handlooms set up in the local workshops/ karkhanas. Also, the handlooms are mostly made of forest wood. The artisans, mainly male artisans, work meticulously on the fine yarn. By creating magical warps and wefts using their hands and feet, the fine fabric comes into existence. The supremely premium fabric turned into the further steps of designing is highly versatile.

Designing of the premium Cashmere fabric

The process of designing commences as soon as the faith of the finest Cashmere is adorned.
The marvellous hands of artisans whirl in the designs and sing songs of art on the finest Cashmere. The surrounding aura of the valley signifies the profound design in diverse ways. There are three main styles in Pashmina Art; Cashmere Wraps, Cashmere Scarves and Pashmina Shawls. Also, Pashmina Art is the crafting of the finest Ladakhi Cashmere to a diverse range of accessories in distinct designs.

The distinct designs in the Pashmina Art unravel the premium quality of Cashmere with mesmerizing embroideries, prints, patterns, weaves, embellishments, etc. With definite designs imbibed on the best-grade Cashmere, the collection of Pashmina touches the mark of authenticity. There are humongous types of designs that cater to the fashion world with the utmost luxury. Moreover, the hand-skill of artisans speak of the luxurious collection at pashmina. com is the hues of culture, heritage, and craftsmanship.


The Exquisitely unique features of Ladakhi Cashmere

There are several breeds in the world around for the production of Cashmere. Australian, Liaoning, Inner Mongolian, Xinjiang, Hexi, Zhonghwei, Luliang, Changhthanghi, etc are some of the breeds. The definite production of Cashmere wool is well-defined by each breed. The large producers are the countries like Mongolia, Iran, and Tibet. Also, the Changhthanghi or Changra breed of goats produces the finest of all breeds. Although, the quantitative production of Changra wool is less than 1% of total production. But, the fineness reaches the marks of authenticity and adequate warmth. We have listed some features to mark the uniqueness of Ladakhi Cashmere.

1. The fine size in microns

The Ladakhi Cashmere is the finest and it has the least coarseness. The Cashmere obtained from the Changra Goats is the finest. It is obtained by combing out manually the fine wool from the Changra Goats. Fine wool is translated into fine and elegant accessories by Pashmina Art. The supremely defined Pashmina Artwork of the finest wool is 12 to 16 microns in diameter. Thus, the finest of all the diverse wools. In addition, the best grade of Cashmere all around. It is thinner than a human hair. Therefore, the finest wool belongs to the clan of softness and elegance.

2. The Warmth

Due to its high fineness and premium quality, the Ladakhi Cashmere is the warmest. The Changra Goats develop a type of wool to combat the harsh temperature. Thus, the Cashmere wool is procured from the Changra Goats and manually crafted in each step. Also, the process of crafting it manually enhances and retains its high quality and fineness. Therefore, the Ladakhi wool has adequate warmth in every style of Pashmina Art.

The quality of best-grade Pashmina is adorned in its adequate warmth. The endless collection not only provides warmth but also proves to be your representative of premium style. The authenticity of the Cashmere wool directly admires the quality of warmth that further describes the luxury of warmth.

3. The Versatility

making of pashmina
Making of Cashmere fabric

From the undercoat of Changra Goats, fine wool is obtained. Then, it is crafted in the horizons
of Kashmir Valley. After cleaning, spinning and weaving, the finest wool explicitly pours into itself
the versatile designs of mesmerizing styles. The collection caters to all genders with its
beauty of fashion and luxury. There are definite three styles in Pashmina viz; Cashmere Wraps,
Cashmere Scarves and Pashmina Shawls. There are endless designs in each of the three styles of
Pashmina Craft. The endless designs are crafted with various techniques including patterns,
prints, Embroideries, embellishments, gradation in hues, etc. Therefore, the Versatile nature of
this wool to the tranquil craft of Pashmina.

4. The Luxurious Appearance

pashmina shawl
Shameer has been crafted out of pure and fine Cashmere, and hand embroidered in the regal realms of Tilla embroidery

The luxurious appearance due to the fine texture of Ladakhi Cashmere is marvellous. Moreover,
the unique designs in every style are luxuriously defined by the look of the finest wool. Thus,
drenching the whole Ladakhi wool in glory signifies its luxurious sense of being. The
appearance significantly defines the softness of the high-grade Cashmere. The high quality
directly appears in the touch and feel of the Cashmere fabric. Whether it is a Shawl, Wrap or
Scarf, the fineness is evident in each fold of the luxury. The masterpieces created under
Pashmina is highly luxurious as the process of crafting is rich and efficient.

The softness of each masterpiece presents you with a marvellous appearance that feels so fine on your shoulders whenever you drape the luxury of a Pashmina accessory. Therefore, the richness of each masterpiece upheaves your presence with the luxury described by high-end fashion.


Why choose the best grade of Cashmere

It is true that if one does not buy the best Kashmiri (or Ladakhi) Cashmere, they are bound to
pay the price, whether in terms of quality or durability. But many variants of Cashmere are
somewhat beautiful and warm like the original Cashmere. However that does not last long, and
after just a few years, these shawls do wither. It is also very crucial to know about the quality
and authenticity of Cashmere wool. The quality and beauty of the finest Cashmere are
remarkable when it is of the highest Grade. Choosing the finest quality Cashmere will make
your life beautiful by having a luxurious accessory of such high richness and warmth.

In addition, buying high-quality Cashmere is like investing in a luxury that will last long all your life.
Hence, we advise buyers to choose Ladakhi Cashmere apparel and accessories whenever they
require to invest in Cashmere. Many reasons to do so are listed below;

Reasons to buy Pure Cashmere

Some more reasons: serves you with the best grade of Cashmere

We, at, cater to the world with the finest Cashmere hand-procured from Ladakh.
The rare species of Goats of Changra develop the finest wool and the Changpa tribe herders
manually comb out the soft wool of the highest grade. We support the artisans of Kashmir to
craft fine Cashmere to luxurious accessories of Cashmere Wraps, Cashmere Scarves and
Pashmina Shawls. The elegance of each masterpiece speaks of the luxury of fashion. Further, with the
crafting of high-grade Cashmere, we rely on the concept of Sustainable Fashion by which we
continue to sustain the lives of Artisans by providing adequate wages. In addition, the use of
manual ways to procure and craft adds to the fact that is a platform with
Sustainability and Eco-conscious.

Reviving Pashmina

With authentic quality Cashmere wool, the master collection on our platform enriched by the hand skill of artisans who work with precision on every masterpiece at our platform. The endless collection, adorned with the luxury of nature of the Valley of Kashmir is versatile. The revival of the heritage of the handicraft is a forte of our platform where the concept of reviving the traditional craft is a must. Revealing the exuberant collection not only proves to be a fashion statement but also revives the Craft of Pashmina through the hands of people who own Pashmina for generations.

Therefore, we support the artisans of the remotest areas of Kashmir to make your masterpiece rich in the generational craft of Pashmina as well as sustain the livelihood of artisans by providing adequate wages. Therefore, the masterpieces you buy are certainly a part of support to the artisan and a part of our Sustainable fashion.

The premium Pashmina Art is the crafting of the finest Ladakhi Cashmere. The Art includes several meticulous processes that are divinely eloquent. From the procurement of the finest Cashmere to its crafting, the whole process is supreme. The Art of Pashmina took birth in the Valley of Kashmir. Primarily, the requisite Cashmere wool for Pashmina Art houses in the Ladakh region of India. Artisans cherish the profoundly premium Cashmere by pouring miraculous skill onto the fine wool. The unique and defined steps in the creation of fine Cashmere accessories are tranquil in the whole being. The sounds of the handlooms with the hums of yinder create an aura of bestowed glory. Therefore, the two places in India Kashmir and Ladakh predominately define the finest Cashmere and Pashmina Art.

The Premium Cashmere of Changra Goats

The Changhthanghi Mountains are the coldest in the winter season. The Changra goats, a rare breed of goats dwell in the harsh climate. Therefore, to combat the harsh cold, they developed thick wool. This wool is the Cashmere wool. The Changra Goats shed off the Cashmere wool in the summertime to feel the fresh air. Manually, herders comb out the Cashmere wool, carefully and ethically. Although there are several breeds of goats that produce Cashmere wool, the Ladakhi Cashmere is the finest. Artisans follow diligent and marvellous steps in the procurement of Cashmere wool. Later they follow more steps after the procurement and packaging.

The Valley of Kashmir

The word Kashmir comes from the ancient Sanskrit language word. People called it kasmira. There are several etymologies in the origin of the valley itself. A famous and fine etymology derives the origin from the name of the Vedic sage Kashyapa. People believe he had settled people in this land. Accordingly, Kashmir would be from either kashyapa-mir (Kashyapa's Lake) or kashyapa-meru (Kashyapa's Mountain). In addition, geologists have described that Kashmir valley was a lake initially. Therefore, the lake drained through the gap of Baramulla, presently a district of Kashmir. The etymology is given proof by the description of Nilamata. It describes the valley originating from a lake called Sati-saras.

The Pashmina Art originates in Kashmir Valley

It starts as soon as the tufts of Cashmere wool reach the Valley. The stepwise crafting of fine Cashmere wool is the Pashmina Art. Artisans clean thoroughly the fine wool and dry it for the next process. The spinning of the fine wool is the next process. It is the process of whirling the fine Cashmere wool to fine Cashmere yarn on a wooden wheel called yinder. Women artisans, hence, carry out the unique process of Spinning. Cashmere wool is transferred to the households for the process of Spinning. Thus, artisans spin the fine wool to the finest and softest Cashmere yarn.

Artisans weaving Pashmina on handloom

Further, the Cashmere yarn is translated to the fine base Cashmere fabric. The process is called Weaving. Also, the meticulous process is done on a wooden handloom set up in the workshops. The weaving process is done manually by the hands and feet of artisans. They create warps and wefts and present the world with luxurious Cashmere fabric. The weaving process is divinely intricate.

The story of Pashmina Art

Pashmina, the distinct grade of Cashmere has a unique journey. It dates back to the 15th century in the Kashmir Valley of India. The footprints of a saint Mir Syed Ali Hamdani from the middle east were a blessings for Kashmir. He came to Kashmir with 700 craftsmen to adorn the beauty of the valley and to spread the holy message. Then, the saint landed its appearance in the Changthangi Mountain in Ladakh. While perceiving nature, he locked his eyes on the Goat of marvellous wool. Awestruck with the softness and fineness of the wool, he ordered the making of socks out of it. This, he gifted to the Sultan Zain-ul-Abideen of Kashmir Valley. Perceiving the beauty of Cashmere wool, suggested making an industry that cultivates the Pashmina in desirable styles. Even the name Pashmina, derived from the Persian word, pashm, meaning "the soft gold" is exquisite in being.

Afterwards, the craftsmen taught the Art of Pashmina to the people of Kashmir. Till now, the artisans of Kashmir Valley are the most highly skilled in the original Pashmina Art.

The Luxuries of Pashmina Art in Contemporary style

Cashmere Scarves are exquisitely fine accessories of the Pashmina Art. The Cashmere Scarves cater to the world of fashion with numerous designs. Cashmere Scarves belong to a class of high-class fashion. Thus, the high-end fashion with Cashmere Scarves will supremely define the unique designs. Cashmere Scarves for men as well as women befits the luxurious sense of elegance. The rich colour of Cashmere Scarves profoundly defines the entities of elegance and luxury.

cashmere wrap
The wrap has been handcrafted by local artisans who know their jobs very well, and hence handcraft marvels out of fine Ladakhi Cashmere

Also, the unique presence of Cashmere Wraps around your body will provide adequate warmth. The beautiful creation of Cashmere Wraps belongs to the clan of originality. The explicit Cashmere Wraps confer to the diverse designs. The supremely crafted Cashmere Wraps exclusively cater to the heritage of the Kashmir Valley. The supreme collection also befits every gender in every season. The authenticity of the Cashmere Wraps can be seen in every masterpiece of the Cashmere accessory.


Pashmina Art in the Traditional Style

kalamkari shawl
A scene has been chosen by an artisan, and he plans to draw it with the help of natural paints and a bamboo pen

Pashmina Shawls are traditional accessories. From the royal ages to the contemporary age, the versatile nature of Pashmina Art is delivered. Belonging to the clan of purity and marvellous skill, the Pashmina Shawls are intricately woven. Moreover, the Pashmina Shawls confer to the tranquil being of Pashmina Art. The diverse designs of patterns, motifs, weaves, and embroideries prefer the realms of Pashmina Art. In addition, the uniqueness preserves the extraordinary elegance of the Pashmina Shawls. The artisans work endlessly on every masterpiece of Pashmina Shawls.

Collection of Luxuriously finest Cashmere

We, at, believe in the authenticity and purity of our collection. The Pashmina Art collection confers to the nature of fashion in the most luxurious way. The well-defined dimensions of each style of Pashmina Art are exquisite. Thus, the tranquil quality of artisans cherishes every design with the intricacy of creativity. The supremely crafted fine Cashmere is obtained from the Changra goats. Afterwards, spun, woven and designed in the Kashmir Valley. Thus, opulence confers to all genders. The elegance caters for every soul of vogue with the exquisite collection. Also, the sustainable collection of explicit craft devours luxury with glory.


In the horizons of the Ladakh region in India, the finest quality breed of Goats give away the premium Cashmere. The crafting of the finest Ladakhi Cashmere happens in the Valley of Kashmir. The curation of fine quality Cashmere into several Cashmere accessories is the Art of Pashmina. The unique crafting requires the high skill of artisans who have worked for generations in the Pashmina Art. They have worshipped the Pashmina Art to sustain their livelihood and culture. In addition, the heritage of Kashmir Valley defines the realms of Pashmina Art. The traditions, culture of the valley signify the revival of Pashmina Art. Therefore, Pashmina is the Art of crafting cashmere wool.

The finest Ladakhi Cashmere

cashmere goat
Changra goat in Ladakh

The finest Cashmere is obtained from the Changra goats, a rare breed. The Changra goats dwell in the Changhthanghi mountain of the Ladakh region. The temperature goes to minus 20° C in harsh winters. Therefore, the goats develop thick and soft wool over their bodies to protect themselves from cold. The wool developed is soft as well as thick. The Changra goats shed off the wool in summers to feel the freshness of the air. The wool is also manually combed out by the herders belonging to the Changpa tribe of the region. The soft wool is called the finest Cashmere wool. It is the finest wool of Cashmere. It is 12 to 16 microns in diameter. Although, there are several breeds of goats in the world that mainly produce Cashmere. But, the finest wool is only produced in the Ladakh region of India.

Cashmere Wool - The Premium Art of Pashmina

The tufts of Cashmere wool are packed and transferred to the Kashmir Valley. On reaching the valley of Kashmir, the Pashmina Art begins in the steps of precision. The first step is to thoroughly clean the wool. Therefore, all the impurities like dust, grime are eradicated. The clean Cashmere wool is given to several households where women work upon on next step of Spinning. The clean, dried Cashmere wool, spun on a local wheel/ charkha called Yinder in the local language. The spinning process is the diligent and precise process of spinning the fine wool to meticulous Cashmere yarn. Therefore, the women work upon the yonder to craft the Cashmere wool to Cashmere yarn.

Thereafter, the Cashmere yarn goes on towards the next process of Weaving. Weaving is the process of crafting warps and wefts from fine yarn to make the finest fabric. Likewise, the weaving of Cashmere yarn, requires the skill of artisans who meticulously create the beautiful dimensions of Cashmere. Therefore, it is the process of transforming yarn to fine Cashmere fabric. Moreover, the artisans work on a handloom made of forest wood to make the process of weaving happen. Thus, the unique crafting of fine Cashmere wool into diverse accessories is the Pashmina Art. Further, the Pashmina Art has several other steps after weaving like designing is the main process of any Cashmere accessory.


Cashmere wool - Designing in Pashmina

There are several procedures for designing a finely crafted Pashmina Shawl. From keeping it simple to adorning it with intricate designs, every piece is marvellous. The premium Cashmere is also embellished in one or more ways. The several designs, meticulously crafted by skilled artisans in the sphere of Pashmina Art are versatile.

The simple design of keeping it as Solid Pashmina is the marvellous way of assigning elegance a name of luxury. The supremely crafted Cashmere belongs to the clan of authenticity. Ethically produced in diverse designs catering to each style of Cashmere Wraps, Cashmere Scarves, and Pashmina Shawls.

The Pashmina designs

pashmina shawl
The shawl hosts the rich paisley motifs over its base in a scintillating sozni kari, spreading the expanses in a regal fashion

The designing process goes as per the required masterpiece. Some designs cater to simple Solid Cashmere. In the design, the premium Cashmere fabric is tinged by the dyers of the valley. The dyers are commonly called the Rangurs. Likewise, in the Ombre design of Pashmina Shawls, the dyers dye in such a manner that the gradations prove to be exquisite in every shade and tone. Embroidered Pashmina is one of the designs in the premium Pashmina Art. The intricate needle embroideries cherish the fine fabric with extravagance. There are several types of Embroideries; Sozni, Aari, Tilla Dozi, Papier Mache, etc.

Moreover, the unique patterns in the Patterned Pashmina Shawls scatter the opulence of each design. The supremely crafted Cashmere defines the sphere of fashion with elegance. Also, the weaves in the masterpieces of Cashmere create an aura of distinguished luxury. The Reversible Pashmina Shawls bestow the fashion world with elegance.

Similarly, the exquisite Kani Pashmina defines the intricacy of the next level. The Kani weave cherishes the heritage of Kashmir Valley. The Kanis made up of "pos tul" are small sticks. Also, the fine yarn is swirled upon these small sticks in spindles. Around 70 to 100 Kanis are used to weave an exquisite Kani Shawl.

There are two ornamented designs of Pashmina, the Laced Pashmina, and the Swarovski Pashmina Shawls. The precious Chantilly Lace, festooned on the premium Pashmina Shawl is luxurious. Thus, scattering the opulence in every direction of fashion. Likewise, the precious Swarovski Crystals, embellished on the high-quality Pashmina Shawl are exquisite. Therefore, transcending all the levels of luxurious fashion with glory.


Premium Collection

We, at, confer to various styles and designs of Pashmina Art. The distinctly defines and vividly crafted styles cater to the fashion world. The artisans of the valley and the heritage of the Kashmir valley devise diversity in each masterpiece. The essence of Kashmir Valley itself is the excellence of this Art. Moreover, the unique designs and styles prefer an aura of the Kashmir Valley. The dimensions of Shawls, sprinkled with the luxury of the finest wool are explicit.

Moreover, in the realm of Kashmir Valley, the crafting of the finest Ladakhi Cashmere is profuse to diverse premium . It is because of the Pashmina Art. The supremely crafted Cashmere cherishes every verge of Pashmina Art. Artisans, the heritage of the valley, and the valley itself are the pre-requisites of every masterpiece of Pashmina Art.


Cashmere is the wool from the undercoat of several breeds of Himalayan Goats. The goats inhabit the mighty Himalayas that lie in Asia, spread over a few countries together. Numerous breeds found in these mountain ranges produce quality Cashmere which results in the production of luxury apparel and accessories. The goats that produce the wool usually develop the thick wool on their underbelly areas, behind the ears and the neck region. The unique process of crafting the finest Cashmere is defined by the intricacy of skill. The artisans work upon each masterpiece with precision and caution. The heritage, tradition and culture of the Kashmir Valley are visible in each flare of the Pashmina Art accessory. Ladakhi Cashmere is the finest all the production of this fine wool.

Ladakhi Cashmere is the most expensive in the world; this is due to many reasons. From its procurement to the making of the final product, Cashmere fibre gets a manual processing to produce Pashmina shawls, scarves or smaller accessories. There is practically no use of machine whatsoever, and artisans who transform Cashmere to finished products are simply magicians.

What is Ladakhi Cashmere?

There are diverse breeds of Cashmere producing goats. The several breeds viz;  Australian Goat, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Hexi, Zhonghwei, Tibetan Plateau, Luliang breeds, Changthanghi, etc. Therefore, all the breeds produce the Cashmere wool that produces warmth and luxury. The exclusive breed of goats called Changra Goats is rare species of goats. These goats dwell in the region of Changhthanghi, Ladakh. The region is at a high altitude level and is the coldest in the winter season.

Temperature in this region goes to a minimum of -40° C. The Changra goats combat the cold season by developing a thick undercoat of wool. The wool is thick, soft and produces adequate warmth. It is this wool that is known as Cashmere, locally and internationally as well. The wool protects the goats from the biting cold of winters, but makes them equally uncomfortable in the summer season. Hence, in the hotter months of the year, herders comb the wool off their bodies (under professional supervision), and they are freed of the discomfort.

Reasons for the expensiveness of Ladakhi Cashmere

Ladakhi Cashmere is the finest in the whole world. Artisans handcraft products from it in the Valley of Kashmir. These accessories are premium and supreme quality accessories. Ladakhi Cashmere accessories are expensive in comparison to other accessories. At times, a few types of Cashmere wraps are super expensive, costing thousands of dollars. Here are listed some reasons why Cashmere products are expensive;

1. The Low production

There are several breeds of goats that produce cashmere wool. Each breed has a specific percentage of production in the total production. Thus, the several breeds viz;  Australian Goat, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Hexi, Zhonghwei, Tibetan Plateau, Luliang breeds, Changthanghi, etc. are explicit. The finest Cashmere comes from the Changhthangi Goats. They are also called Changra Goats. The goats are medium size and with two twisted horns. These goats mainly graze on grass. It is the Changpa tribe herders that rear Changra Goats.

cashmere goat
Changra goat in Ladakh

In addition to this, the Changra Goats produce the fine wool once every year. In fact, the animal is only able to produce 80 to 170 gm of Ladakhi Cashmere during a year. Therefore, contemplated the rarest. Also, other breeds of it produce several times more as there is almost 400 million Cashmere eliciting Goats all over the world. Changra Goats produce only 1% of the total production of this fine wool. Consequently, the production caters to the manufacture of different styles like Pashmina Shawls, Scarves, and Wraps. Therefore, the low production enhances the rarity and thus expensive Cashmere. Traders have to wait for an entire year for just a few grams of this wool type, which this makes the fibre one of the most prized in the world.

2. The Hand Procurement of fine Cashmere

changthangi goat being combed
Changra goat being combed gently

Often people ask, "Is Cashmere Expensive"? Well the answer is Yes. And there are a hundred reasons for it. Let's start with the procurement.

The Changra Goats produce the fine Cashmere in winter. The Goats develop thick undercoats of wool. The wool is thick and soft. Herders of the Changpa tribe graze Changra goats. The Changpa tribe is one of the tribes in the region of Changthang, Ladakh. Eventually, when the seasons change, the Changra Goats shed off their undercoat of wool against rocks and trees. Meanwhile, the Changpa herders also comb out by hand the fine wool. Specialists gently comb the Changra Goats with specialized tools to get the fine wool out. Later, there are tufts of wool around when the specialists complete the combing process. The process is natural and handmade that involves a lot of man-hours. Thus, preserving the premium quality.

Transportation of Cashmere

Getting the wool from Ladakh to Kashmir too is a manual process. As Cashmere is one of the most expensive fibre in the world, one can only hand it over to trustworthy traders or re-sellers. Hence, managing the transportation of Cashmere to Kashmir is a very responsible task. Transporters perform it with caution and careful scrutiny.

3. The Handcrafting of fine Accessories

The tufts of Ladakhi Cashmere are packed and transferred to the Valley of Kashmir. The Valley welcomes the fine Cashmere with the hands of serenity and precision. The handcrafting of fine Cashmere begins by cleaning the tufts of wool diligently. Thereafter, workers dry the cleaned wool in sunlight. Thus, further exaggerating the premium quality. Afterwards, workers distribute the cleaned and dried Cashmere wool to the households. Women of the households of Kashmir Valley work upon the Cashmere wool with utmost precision through the process of Spinning. These women carry out the process of Spinning manually with the help of a wooden wheel called yinder. The process of Spinning is converting the wool into the finest Yarn. Therefore, the spinning process is very tiring and needs full precision. Thus, the women of the Kashmir Valley explicitly define the aura of supreme quality Ladakhi Cashmere. Therefore, enhancing the premium quality further.

Pashmina Weaving
Weaving Pashmina on handloom

Weaving Process

Afterwards, Weavers carry out the next process manually too. It is the Weaving process. Thus, weaving is the process of looming the Cashmere yarn into suitable warps and wefts to create the fabric of utmost fineness and purity. In the valley of Kashmir, weavers weave shawls in small workshops where they set up traditional handlooms. In addition, the highly skilled artisans weave the magical yarn into significant warps and wefts to give a ravishingly fine Cashmere Fabric.

Handcrafting of Cashmere fibre to finished products take a lot of time. At times, some elaborate shawls, like jamawar embroidered shawls, or Kani Pashmina shawls take 4 to 5 years to complete. This period includes working for 6 to 8 hours a day, and continuously working on a single shawl. After such hard work, the product looks like an art piece, and therefore fetches a pretty high price when it comes to sales.

4. The Exclusive Hand-designing of Accessories

In Pashmina Art, the next process is designing. It is world class artisans who perform several processes of designing. The artisans work with precision on every masterpiece of Pashmina Art. It is to be noted that the curation of the finest and the most expensive Cashmere to diverse styles of accessories is the Art of Pashmina. Thus, the designing of various fine accessories is done with precision and intricacy. Thousands of artisans work in the realm of Pashmina Art. Hand dyeing, hand embroidery, hand weaving and hand embellishing is precisely what defines the intricacy. Thus, adding to the supreme quality of fine Cashmere.

The main embellishment patterns on Cashmere shawls is hand embroidery. Mostly three types of embroideries are done on Cashmere wraps and scarves. Sozni Kari, Tilla Dozi and Paper Mache embroidery are the main embroidery patterns for Cashmere wraps. These embroideries, too, are time consuming and take years to complete. Hence shawls with these magnificent embroideries are pricey than their counterparts.


5. The High-class Skill of Artisans

pashmina shawl
It has been crafted out of pure and fine Cashmere, and hand-embroidered in the regal realms of Tilla embroidery that accentuates every inch of its royal essence

Artisans of the Kashmir Valley are world-class in their skills. The intricacy of each process is visible in every masterpiece of Pashmina Art. The whole journey of artisans' skill peeks through the eyes of every Ladakhi Cashmere accessory. The hand designing is catered by the supremely skilled artisans of the Kashmir Valley. They meticulously preserve the heritage of Kashmir Valley and translate the culture into each masterpiece. In addition, they give the dimension of luxury to the accessories. Thus, enhancing their presence in the world of fashion. This is one of the answers to the question, "Why is Cashmere expensive"?

The artisans, with their skill, work hard day and night. Thus, meditating on the Pashmina Art accessories. All the definitions of Pashmina Art are preserved due to the skill of artisans. Hence, the cashmere becomes expensive due to the long man-hours invested in the creation of these beautiful and unique pieces that take years of hard work of each artisan involved in the making along with the token of authenticity and genuineness.

Lifetime spent

The artisans involved with the art of Pashmina making are highly experienced. apart from those who are new in the business, there are several who have given their entire lives to this art form. A large number of artisans have spent 25 to 30 years with Pashmina art, and a few amongst them have spent over 50 years. Perhaps, this is the beauty of Pashmina art that it has hypnotized its makers, who could easily have switched to another professions earlier. But it is for the love they have for their work, and for the belief of theirs that Pashmina art is sacred for them, that they spend days and years without getting their deserved shares

6. The promise to stay with you for a lifetime

Cashmere scarves, when in their purest form, last for a lifetime. A Pure Pashmina wrap, handmade by Kashmiri artisans, lasts for about 30 years. Surprisingly, these wraps, even though after having lived for so long, look as antique and treasure worthy as an ancient art piece.

It was the beautiful tradition of Kashmir valley that mothers present their own Cashmere shawls or wraps to their daughters on their wedding day. This is like passing a sacred symbol of the glorious tradition of Kashmir to their daughters as an auspicious sign. The shawls, even if more tan 20 years old, carry an antique look, and do no look old and withered. That is why Pashmina is called timeless, as it defeats the fading away of the beauty and everlasting grace of Cashmere Pashmina shawls.

What is the most expensive Cashmere?

As stated earlier, it is the Kashmiri Cashmere wraps and shawls that are the most expensive. The reason is that these are handmade from start to finish. Post the acquisition of raw wool from Ladakh, the Cashmere thus procured, is cleaned manually. Post cleaning it is spun as well as woven manually. Later, if at all it is to be embroidered, hand embroidery is chosen for the same. Hence a Cashmere from Kashmir is completely handmade, and no machine are used in the making.

Is Cashmere Expensive? Such shawls made in Cashmere are the most expensive, being a product of only manual efforts. Cashmere that comes from Kashmir is the most pricey when compared to its counterparts. A recent development in the realms of Cashmere processing is the introduction of the Geographical Indication (GI) tag. The shawls and scarves in which a GI tag is found is the most pricey pieces, as they are authentically handspun and handwoven.

A Vast Collection of Accessories

We, at, further preserve the genuineness of each masterpiece by directly presenting the world assortments of fine Cashmere accessories. We confer with the artisans and take your pieces of luxuries from their laps. Also, it is known that crafting the fine Cashmere for several accessories is the Pashmina Art. Further, the premium collection of Pashmina Art styles and designs are presented most luxuriously. Thus, having one of the masterpieces admire your beauty with the supplication of glory and luxury.


The Men's Pashmina is a supreme stylized portion in Pashmina Art. Whether it is a man or woman, the Pashmina Art cherishes both extremes with diligence. The uniquely procured fine Cashmere from Ladakh goes onto several steps to present the final product of Pashmina Art. Pashmina Art is the path for Men as well as Women. Men have been in the dimension of Pashmina for ages. The distinction between Men's Pashmina and Women's Pashmina is simply in some designs and dimensions of the fine Cashmere. So looking out for Men's Pashmina Styles? Here are the main styles in Men's Pashmina. Before beginning the styles, there is a need to go back to the procurement and the stance of history.

The Procurement of supreme Cashmere

The procurement starts in the region of Ladakh called Changhthangi. Changhthanghi is at a high altitude. The temperature at high altitudes like Changhthanghi goes to a minimum of -20°C. The temperature is very cold and it propels the habitat to adapt in its way. There is a rare breed of Goats present at the foothills of Changhthanghi. They are called Changra goats. Changra goats are medium-sized goats with twisted horns. The goats dwell in this harsh climate. They develop a thick coat of wool on their bodies especially under the belly, behind the ears and on the neck region. This wool is soft and thick. It is called Cashmere wool.

Further, Cashmere wool is procured simply in the summer season when Changra goats shed off the wool. They rub their bodies against trees, rocks to let the air of summer in. Cashmere wool is also manually combed out by the Changpa tribe herders. They comb out the excess Cashmere wool from the body of goats and pack it into small packets.

The Commencing of Pashmina Art

Pashmina Art is the crafting of finest Cashmere to diverse accessories. Pashmina Art starts as soon as the tufts of fine Cashmere wool reach the Valley of Kashmir. The process of cleaning is the first step of Pashmina Art. The next step is the drying of the cleaned Cashmere wool. After the cleaning and drying, the fine Cashmere wool is distributed to the households of the Kashmir Valley. The Cashmere wool is translated to the Cashmere yarn on the wooden wheel called yinder. The unique way of using a yinder is enhanced by the womenfolk. The whole process is called Spinning. It is mainly done by women artisans.

Artisan weaving on Hand Loom
Artisan weaving on Hand Loom

Further, the fine Cashmere yarn is crafted to the fine Cashmere fabric in the local workshops or karkhanas. The unique installation of handlooms used for the next process is set up with serenity. Handlooms are looms made of forest wood. They are many worked upon by the artisans to present the world with Cashmere fabric. Therefore, the whole process of translating Cashmere yarn to fine Cashmere fabric is called Weaving. Weaving is mainly done by the male artisans of the Valley. It is precisely done in the space of karkhanas by highly skilled artisans.

Diverse Men's Pashmina Style

There are two main styles in Men's Pashmina viz; Men's Cashmere Scarves and Men's Pashmina Shawls. The eloquent Men's Pashmina Styles are up to the mark of authenticity. Therefore, the unique features of each style are elegant. The beauty of every design is looked upon by the luxury of total glory.

Men's Cashmere Scarves

men pashmina scarf
With a melange of colours spread across the scarf, this heavenly souvenir from the mighty Himalayas

Cashmere Scarves are versatile accessories. The scarf is a piece of cloth that is worn in different ways to adorn the presence. It is the contemporary style of traditions. Men's Cashmere Scarves have been a token of luxury in previous times. Further, the exquisite presence enhances the fashion quotient manifold. There is a specific dimension given to the Men's Cashmere scarves that are 80in x 28in/2m x 70cm. Men's Cashmere Scarves are presented in diverse designs like Solid or Plain, Ombre, etc. Also, the versatility of every design caters to all the men around. In addition, there are a huge number of ways for wearing a particular design in Men's Cashmere Scarves. Not only do women need adornment, but Men also deserve the same quality and luxury in their aura.


Men's Pashmina Shawls

men pashmina shawl
Hand painted in the realms of Kalamkari art is a handcrafted shawl that features the most intricate details

Pashmina Shawls have been in the world of traditions for a long. The culture and heritage have assigned a great quotient in the fashion world. Men's Pashmina Shawls are no different than Women's Pashmina Shawl in terms of appearance and luxury. There is one typical size in Men's Pashmina Shawls that is 110in x 55in/2.8m x 1.4m. From the Ladakhi Cashmere, the craft of Pashmina takes over the heights of supreme quality. In addition, there are various ways to wear the Men's Pashmina Shawls. Men are equally the fashion icons of luxury as women.

The Supreme Collection of Men's Pashmina Styles

We, at, confer to the wide collection of Pashmina Art. In Men's Pashmina and Women's Pashmina, we profoundly collect all the accessories from the land of Kashmir Valley. Therefore, the high-quality collection brings glamourous fashion to Men and Women. The opulent presence of designs fills an aura around our warehouse. In addition, it is to be noted that Pashmina Art is the crafting of the finest Cashmere of Ladakh. Thus, beauty of each style and design signifies the premium quality collection. There is constant support to the creators of such amazing craft, the artisans. In our sphere, the artisans are given the best possible space of creativity. The artisans work meticulously and meditate in the Art of Pashmina wholeheartedly. Hence, having one of the masterpieces will not only enhance the presence of luxury but will also support our artisans.