Rich in scenic wonders, the paradise on Earth - Kashmir - is as rich in spectacular landscapes, water bodies, and other picturesque marvels, as it is rich in handicrafts. From handmade carpets to Papier Mache articles, walnut wood luxury products to the labyrinthine wicker willow, from copper carving to shawl making, Kashmir is the hub of breathtaking art forms. Yet amongst all, the most cherished throughout the world is shawl making. Pure Pashmina shawls handcrafted in this nostalgically alluring valley have spread their charm all across the world. Hence, women and men alike enshrine this luxury wrap accessory and have an exceeding inclination toward this art form. 

Pure Pashmina: Definition and History

Pashmina is the art of handcrafting luxury shawls, scarves and wraps from Ladakhi Cashmere. Pashmina shawls from Kashmir are world famous and this has been the case since the 15th century when they were first discovered.

It was a Sufi saint who had visited Kashmir from Persia. His name was Mir Syed Ali Hamdani, and locals later called him Shah E Hamdan. During his visit, he discovered this super fine and warm fleece growing over the body of a goat in Ladakh. He rendered a pair of socks to be made out of it. The socks were luxuriously warm, smooth and soft. This was presented to the then king of Kashmir - Zain ul Abideen - who then started the development of processing units of this fine wool. The wool was called Pashm back then (Pashm means soft gold in Persian), but now it is known as Cashmere wool or simply Cashmere. As such products made from Cashmere can be called Cashmere wraps as well as Pashmina wraps. These wraps made from Cashmere wool only are Pure Pashmina wraps. However, there are some products which are not pure.

Counterfeit Pashmina Shawls

A Muslim shawl-making family shown in Cashmere shawl manufactory, 1867, chromolith., William Simpson.
A Muslim shawl-making family is shown in Cashmere shawl manufactory, 1867, Chromolith. William Simpson.

As the demand for Pure Pashmina shawls from Kashmir increased much, especially during the 18th century, many traders started making fake Pashmina shawls. These were shawls made from pure Cashmere and some other fibres. Either wool was mixed with Cashmere to make a fake Pashmina shawl, or woollen shawls were treated with softeners and sold as Pashmina shawls. 

A new catastrophe by the name of Power Loom started in Kashmir, and Pashmina shawls were now made on a power loom. Note that the fine and gentle threads of Pashmina could only be handled manually, as the machine was too strong for a Cashmere fibre. The diameter of the fibre is just 12 to 16 microns, and as such, machine strain was too harsh for Pashmina. The power loom did ease the manual work, but the purity of Pashmina shawls was gone. Traders and manufacturers now used the power loom to weave the shawls from Cashmere threads, but mixed with them strengthening fibres of silk or nylon to avoid tearing of the Cashmere fibre. As such, these shawls remained just an imitation of the real art of Pashmina. But since these were cheap, owing to less use of Cashmere fibre,  people actually fell for this conspiracy!

The ordeal of Pure Pashmina shawl makers

Pashmina shawls from Kashmir are not just pieces of art. The artisans of Pure Pashmina blend unparalleled artistic skills with immense practical functionality. But the bastardization of this timeless fabric has many patrons being cheated as Pashmina is being misrepresented to them. This unique and distinctive artful work of Pashmina shawl making requires decades of training on all processes that go into making it. This includes training in spinning, weaving, shearing of wool from the goat and more. But the cheap replica wraps peddled by traders look exactly the same and even feel like Cashmere. Hence, these are damaging the art as well as the skill of its makers.

The ordeal of Pure Pashmina Patrons

fake cashmere
Fake vs Real Pashmina

Buyers, too, confused with fake and pure, have switched to alternatives. This has brought more cataclysm to the glory that the art enjoyed once when fakes were not available. Even though the fake shawl at times appears to be more alluring to the eyes, the real admirers of this ancient craft have always looked for pure pieces. In search of the original Pashmina shawl, often admirers get cheated and realise this when they already make purchases. this is disheartening for the audience, and many of them have decided to invest in Pashmina at all, owing to the deception.

Pure Pashmina shawls last for an entire lifetime. But when it comes to fake and counterfeit products, they hardly last for a few years. When the price paid by the customer is compared to the quality, it leads to more discouragement on part of the customer, and he/she promises to invest in Pashmina again. These episodes have given a big blow to the overall reputation of Pashmina art, and everyone today believes that it is extremely challenging to get a pure Pashmina.

Original, Pure and authentic Pashmina source?

For years now, there has been confusion among the masses about the terms Pashmina and Cashmere. To clear this, we go back in history, when Europeans fell in love with this fabric. Since they could not pronounce Kashmir as the locals did, they called the fine wool Cashmere, an anglicized version of the term Kashmir. Since then, the wool has been called Cashmere, and the transformation of this wool into luxury shawls, wraps or scarves is considered an art, and this art form is called Pashmina. 

It was the 18th century when replicas of Pashmina shawls emerged for the first time. The cheap replicas misrepresented the pure ones, and hence the art lost its prominence and appeal. Realizing the harm that the art had suffered, the local government decided to uplift the art of handcrafting luxurious shawls again. Hence in 2008, Pashmina was registered under the Geographical Indication (GI), and now the shawls came with a GI tag. As per the Quality Manual for Kashmiri Pashmina published by Craft Development Institute (CDI) Srinagar, this registration is an acknowledgement of the fact that Pashmina from Kashmir is unique and is produced in a particular area (Kashmir), according to some traditional knowledge and skills that are specific to this region.

For the Kashmiri Pashmina with GI, there are a few specifications. A shawl can qualify to be a Kashmiri Pashmina shawl if:

The Miraculous growth of Pashm

Cashmere goats
Capra Hircus goats in Ladakh

How miraculously the Capra Hircus goat of Ladakh grows Pashm is something to ponder over. It is the winter months when a soft and fine fleece covers the body of this rare goat and keeps it warm. Winters in Ladakh and harsh, and the temperature goes down to minus 40 degrees C. The answer to this cold is the growth of Pashm over the body of the goat, and help it survive these cruel days of winter. 

As soon as Spring arrives in the month of March, the pure Pashm fleece rises above the goat's skin, making it easy to remove. Hence, during the moulting season, the goats shed their undercoat naturally. Apart from natural shedding, several combs are used to remove this fleece and free the goat of this warm burden. This grows again as soon as winter shows its first signs. 

One Pashmina goat gives just 250 grams of Pashm on average. To handcraft a large shawl of 100*200 cm, wool from 3 to 4 goats is required. This wool is sent to Kashmir for processing.

Processing Pashm for Pure Pashmina Shawls

Raw cashmere fibre
Raw cashmere fibre

Pure Pashm threads from Ladakh arrive at Kashmir and need to be cleaned first. These are cleaned and sorted. Only the finest pure threads are used to make Pashmina shawls. Post cleaning, Pashm threads are soaked in a paste of rice powder and water. This gives these threads strength and shine, to be able to get processed later. After this process, the wool is again cleaned and sent for spinning.

Spinning is done by the womenfolk of Kashmir, who have decades of experience in the same. They load the threads onto a spinning wheel, and with the movements of their hands and the wheel, lumps of wool get transformed into fine yarn. The yarn is exceptionally soft, fine, and delicate. It measures just 12 to 16 microns. This yarn is perfect to be handwoven by men.

The yarn is sent for weaving. Men mount fine yarn onto the handloom and keep hand-weaving the same for a few days. After 3 or 4 days, plain Pashmina shawls come into existence. These are warm, lightweight, and ready to get further processed. Shawls can now be embroidered post washing them in spring water manually by expert washermen. Pure Pashmina shawls, embellished in a number of graceful ways, are now packed and sent for sale.

Importance of buying Pure Pashmina

It is not a choice to buy pure or fake Pashmina. It is in fact a necessity to buy only Pure Pashmina shawls. The reasons for this are many:

As we conclude

All we can suggest to customers is to always invest in Pure Pashmina shawls. Here are a few ways to invest in pure Pashmina shawls.

If are new to Pashmina, and do not understand how to identify a pure Pashmina shawl, here are a few steps to keep in mind when you go out shopping.

Check the GI Tag

gi pashmina shawl
Salamah has been handcrafted in the same pattern which would elevate the style of a bride in the grandest fashion

In 2008, the government bestowed a Geographical Indication (GI) stamp on pure Pashmina shawls. This was done to preserve this centuries-old art form. The GI stamp is only found on Pure Pashmina shawls and lies around the corners. Hence, if you find a GI stamp on a shawl, you are holding the purest form of Pashmina you can ever buy.


Ask the seller for a purity certificate

If the GI stamp is not available, the seller should be able to produce a purity certificate, which mentions that the shawls have been certified by the concerned department. The department which is responsible for producing these certificates in Kashmir is the Craft Development Institute (CDI) in Srinagar.

Buying from Authentic Sellers

There is no doubt that newbies in the market won't provide a pure Pashmina. But it is always better to trust the long-living players in the market. Always check for the customer base of a particular seller, ask from his customers, and then only trust someone to provide the purest Pashmina shawls. However, it is better to check for GI tags and certificates first.

The love and care of a Pure Pashmina shawl will accompany you for an entire lifetime. A 30-year-old Pashmina shawl will tell you why mothers would gift their newlywed daughters their own Pashmina shawls. These would be a part and parcel of ancient traditions and the glorious heritage treasures that Pashmina has long been the crown of. No doubt about the fact that European royals and noble women would own hundreds of Pashmina shawls, and pass them on to their future generations as the most elegant souvenir, a reminder of a wonderful past.


Cashmere is the finest wool procured from Ladakh. Several breeds produce Cashmere wool but the finest is procured from Changra Goats. They are also called Kashmir Goats as the finest Cashmere from them is crafted in Kashmir. The crafting is called Pashmina Art. There are three main styles in Pashmina Art viz; Cashmere Scarves, Cashmere Wraps and Pashmina Shawls. There is beauty and an array of designs in each Pashmina Style. All three styles have unique and premium qualities making them significantly ethereal. Often, people have several questions before buying the epitome of Pashmina Accessory. Therefore, we have gathered with the Cashmere Scarves luxury to make you love what you buy without having any second thoughts. For that, let us take you on a journey of Pashmina Art.

Procurement of the finest Cashmere takes place

changra goat
The Ladakhi Pashmina Goat

Cashmere is the fine and premium quality wool from the Ladakhi Changra breed of Goats. The goats dwell at the feet of Changthangi mountain of Ladakh. The temperature drops to a minimum in harsh winters in the region of Changhthanghi. Therefore, the Goats develop and thick pelage of wool over their bodies. Thus, protecting themselves from the harsh cold. Seasons change, and likewise, the climate changes. Thereby, the Changra goats shed off the wool by rubbing against rocks and trees. The herders of the Changpa tribe also manually comb out the thick wool. This wool is called the finest Cashmere wool. The goats are raised particularly for the Cashmere wool.

Afterwards, the wool is packed in small packets to transfer to the paradise of earth, the Kashmir Valley. The valley receives the Cashmere wool with wide-open arms of creativity and admiration. Therefore, the valley works upon the finest Cashmere with the high skill of artisans. The households of the valley have revived and preserved the Pashmina Art most uniquely.

Art of Pashmina

The Cashmere wool in the valley goes through a very serene process of cleaning. The process is done manually to strain off dirt, and dust from the finest wool. Thereof, the cleaned, dried Cashmere wool is spun across the wheel of wood called yinder in the local language. Hence, meticulous yarn is obtained. The spinning process is mostly done by women of the valley. They excerpt the time from their daily world to properly spin the finest Cashmere wool.

spinning cashmere
Artisan spinning the cashmere

The spinning process moves forward and brings the Cashmere yarn to the handlooms of the valley. The menfolk work over the handlooms with tremendous strength and patience. The beautiful technique of weaving takes place by several artisans. Therefore, the Cashmere fabric emerges out of the loom of the Kashmir valley. After the weaving, the woven Cashmere is dyed as per the requirement. A spectrum of colours, naturally made in the sphere of the dyers is elegant. Thus, every colour with each shade and tone confers to the Cashmere with more. 

The process of designing commences as soon as the faith of the finest Cashmere is adorned. The marvellous hands of artisans whirl in the designs and sing songs of art on the finest Cashmere. The surrounding aura of the valley signifies the profound design in diverse ways. There are three main styles in Pashmina Art; Cashmere Wraps, Cashmere Scarves and Pashmina Shawls. It is to be noted that Pashmina Art is the crafting of the finest Ladakhi Cashmere to a diverse range of accessories in distinct designs.


Exquisite qualities of Cashmere Scarves

After the weaving on the handlooms of the valley, the Cashmere Scarves stepped ahead on the way towards the colourful journey. The Cashmere Scarves are the elegant form of Pashmina Art to depict the artwork of elegance. Moreover, there is a miraculous companionship of various shades of colours on the Cashmere Scarves. The artwork is done by the skilled hand of Rangur, the dyer.

patterned cashmere scarf
The plush base, the classic weave pattern, the blending of two timeless shades, and the comfort fine Ladakhi Cashmere equips the wearer with, every feature is swoon worthy

Moreover, Cashmere Scarves are produced in a variety of different patterns, and colours. The harmony between the dyes of different patterns gives a Cashmere Scarf a radiance of luxury and elegance. The handcrafted Cashmere goes on the path of Luxury fashion because of the versatility of Pashmina Art. Also, the intricate weave of chashm_e_bulbul/ diamond weave gives a texture to the presence. The qualities of Cashmere Scarves that make them stand out are;

Our Endless Collection of Cashmere Scarves has taken up a voyage towards the reviving of the finest Pashmina. The exquisite Pashmina belongs to the valley of Kashmir. After starting the journey from Ladakh, the finest Cashmere is crafted in Kashmir. We have been diligent in handcrafting our luxurious collection in front of our eyes. Having one of our masterpieces will make a part of our journey along with the artisans and heritage of Kashmir Valley.


Buying a Pashmina is an ultimate struggle because of fraud around the world. Therefore, it is a big concern for all people. We have made the path easy for you to distinguish between an authentic seller and a fraud. There are several ways to buy a Pashmina. Firstly, from online platforms. Secondly, from a local seller. But in both cases, there is a high risk of getting fraud. Therefore, it's your responsibility to look out for various things before buying a Pashmina from any platform. You have to go through all the things posted on the website as well as check for the criteria that a Pure Pashmina should have. is a platform where we are transparent about the processes of Pashmina procuring and crafting. There is an utmost authentic reflection of what we as a seller have for customers. We are accountable for our masterpieces by adjoining them to the realm of luxury. We have a uniquely defined ethical procurement and sustainable crafting in Kashmir. By looking at our way of adoring Pashmina, it will make your way to the path of Pashmina an easy thing.

How do we procure the finest Cashmere from Ladakh?

Cashmere is the fine and premium quality wool from the Ladakhi Changra breed of Goats. The goats dwell at the feet of Changthangi mountain of Ladakh. The temperature drops to a minimum in harsh winters in the region of Changhthanghi. Therefore, the Goats develop and thick pelage of wool over their bodies. Thus, protecting themselves from the harsh cold. Seasons change, and likewise, the climate changes. Thereby, the Changra goats shed off the wool by rubbing against rocks and trees. The herders of the Changpa tribe also manually comb out the thick wool. This wool is called the finest Cashmere wool. The goats are raised particularly for the Cashmere wool.

cashmere goats in ladakh
Changra goats in Ladakh

We, at, procure the finest Cashmere from the rarest breed of goats called Changra Goats. Therefore, only around 80 to 170 gms of Ladakhi Cashmere are produced during a year. Therefore, considered the rarest. We bring that finest Cashmere to you in the form of Cashmere Wraps, Cashmere Scarves and Pashmina Shawls.

Afterwards, the wool is packed in small packets to transfer to the paradise of earth, the Kashmir Valley. The valley receives the Cashmere wool with wide-open arms of creativity and admiration. Therefore, the valley works upon the finest Cashmere with the high skill of artisans. The households of the valley have revived and preserved the Pashmina Art most uniquely.

Art of Pashmina

The Cashmere wool in the valley goes through a very serene process of cleaning. The process is done manually to strain off dirt, and dust from the finest wool. Thereof, the cleaned, dried Cashmere wool is spun across the wheel of wood called yinder in the local language. Hence, meticulous yarn is obtained. The spinning process is mostly done by women of the valley. They excerpt the time from their daily world to properly spin the finest Cashmere wool.

spinning cashmere
Artisan spinning cashmere

The spinning process moves forward and brings the Cashmere yarn to the handlooms of the valley. The menfolk work over the handlooms with tremendous strength and patience. The beautiful technique of weaving takes place by several artisans. Therefore, the Cashmere fabric emerges out of the loom of the Kashmir valley. After the weaving, the woven Cashmere is dyed as per the requirement. A spectrum of colours, naturally made in the sphere of the dyers is elegant. Thus, every colour with each shade and tone confers to the Cashmere with more. 

The process of designing commences as soon as the faith of the finest Cashmere is adorned. The marvellous hands of artisans whirl in the designs and sing songs of art on the finest Cashmere. The surrounding aura of the valley signifies the profound design in diverse ways. There are three main styles in Pashmina Art;  Cashmere Wraps, Cashmere Scarves and Pashmina Shawls. It is to be noted that Pashmina Art is the crafting of the finest Ladakhi Cashmere to a diverse range of accessories in distinct designs.

Designing the Styles of

The process of designing commences as soon as the faith of the finest Cashmere is adorned. The marvellous hands of artisans whirl in the designs and sing songs of art on the finest Cashmere. The surrounding aura of the valley signifies the profound design in diverse ways. There are three main styles in Pashmina Art; Cashmere Wraps, Cashmere Scarves and Pashmina Shawls. It is to be noted that Pashmina Art is the crafting of the finest Ladakhi Cashmere to a diverse range of accessories in distinct designs. We have a wide style range in Pashmina Art.

Cashmere Wraps

shibori cashmere wrap
The shade of autumn Cashmere Wrap with dark Orange shibori style is one such chinar leaf that travelled to you from Kashmir

The handcrafted Cashmere Wraps are the accessories that ravishingly explicit the beauty within the creation of a particular wrap. In the world of modernization, contemporary designs in the art of Pashmina are a must. Moreover, Pashmina in the form of wraps has reached heights unending as the hand-crafted wraps bestowed glamour in various directions of fashion and luxury. There are several designs and patterns in the creation of Cashmere Wraps viz., Solid Cashmere wraps, Ombre wraps, Laced Wraps, Swarovski Wraps, Printed Wraps, Embroidered Wraps, and Kani Pashmina Wraps.

The authenticity of the rarest and finest Cashmere is seen in the shadow of the Cashmere Wraps. The elegance of the creation of sustainable fashion is subsumed in the creation of the radiant and ravishing wraps that go well with every attire of any kind. The Cashmere Wraps are among the Pure high-quality luxurious masterpieces that can be a revere to the presence of whosoever is wearing them. The opulent Cashmere Wraps along with the creativity and hard work of artisans are the exquisite and extraordinary styles of Pashmina in the field of serene craft.

Cashmere Scarves

men pashmina scarf
Crafted manually over traditional handlooms out of finest Ladakhi Cashmere, the scarf elevates your looks instantly

A scarf is a square piece of clothing draped around the neck or shoulders. The explicit styles with these finest Cashmere. The premium quality Cashmere scarves bring out the aura of colourful and elegant luxury. The versatile styles of unique designs of Cashmere Scarves are examples of high-class fashion. They cater to all genders with exquisite collections. The artisans work upon each masterpiece with precision. Thus, providing serene exclusiveness.

The Cashmere Scarves are the most stylish and elegant forms of Pashmina accessory to buy. Moreover, belonging to the class of modernization in its Art, these are most cherished and admired for their unique utility and style for everyday life. Moreover, there are diverse styles in the creation of Pashmina Scarves. Each describes beauty without limits. The luxurious Pashmina Scarves are worn to beautify the beautiful distinct patterns. The Ombre Scarves look upon among the souls with the gratification of being the most opulent significance. The Swarovski crystals Cashmere Scarves relishes over the entire modernization and contemporary crafts.

Pashmina Shawls

sozni pashmina shawl
Posy Maroon Pashmina Shawl lyrically sings the chores from outward paisleys to the inner core of floret

Pashmina Shawls are versatile accessories in Pashmina Art. They cater to the people in the most versatile ways. The luxury of each design, filled with the glory of intricacy is the finest. Thus, there are diverse designs viz; Kani Pashmina, Solid Pashmina, Reversible Pashmina, Patterned Pashmina and Embroidered Pashmina, Ombre, Shibori, Printed etc. All the designs crave the intricacy given by skilled artisans. There are distinct ways to wear every design. The masterpieces, designed with diligence and precision by the artisans of the Valley are exquisite. Pashmina Shawls serve the purpose of warmth and eloquence at the same time. Every soul deserves its happy fashion go-to. Therefore, Pashmina belongs to the clan of authentic fashion with glamour.

Pashmina Shawls tend to make the journey of a wearer more beautiful in terms of luxury and warmth. Therefore, the Shawls are the ultimate epitome of luxury crafted in the Kashmir Valley. The endless collection of Pashmina Shawls is directly taken from the artisan's lap to fulfil your way of fashion and grace.

Also read: KASHMIRI SHAWLS IN MID-VICTORIAN NOVELS cherish the origin of Pashmina in Kashmir

Not only do we revive the culture of handicrafts of Pashmina in Kashmir, but we also provide a platform for the artisans who have been into the craft for generations. You will be able to define their work after knowing about the origin of how Pashmina came into existence.

It all started when a Persian saint was travelling across the globe. Mir Syed Ali Hamdani was a sage from the Middle East. The footprints of a saint Mir Syed Ali Hamdani from the middle east came to Kashmir with 700 craftsmen to adorn the beauty of the valley and to spread the holy message. He rested his feet in the region of Changhthanghi Ladakh. Thus, the saint landed its appearance in the Changhthangi Mountain in Ladakh. While perceiving nature, he locked his eyes on the Goat of marvellous wool. Awestruck with the softness and fineness of the wool, he made socks out of it and gifted them to the Sultan Zain-ul-Abideen of Kashmir Valley.

Perceiving the beauty of Cashmere wool, suggested making an industry that cultivates the Pashmina in desirable styles. Therefore, people became artisans from the 13th century till this day. The craft of Pashmina is bliss for artisans.

Also read: TURNING THE WAYS FOR THE PLEDGE OF FINEST CASHMERE is the platform for authentic Pashmina

We, at pashmina curate authentic Pashmina accessories for you to buy by following the cherished steps of procurement and crafting. We cherish our artisans of Kashmir Valley and present you with our unique and premium collection of Pashmina Art. Indeed! is the platform for buying authentic and pure Pashmina.


It was around the 15th century when the art of Pashmina was discovered for the first time. But during this period, no shawl, as such, was doubtful, as synthetic fibre hardly existed. The art was at its zenith, and artisans put their heart and soul into making one single piece, even if it took a few years to complete. But soon machines took over, and the invention of synthetic fibre became known. Unfortunately, a large number of dishonest traders began mixing pure Cashmere fibre with this synthetic one.

Power looms, the new antagonists in the world of ancient art, needed string fibre to pass through its cruel mechanism, which Cashmere was not. Hence, nylon and silk began to be mixed with Cashmere, and as such fake shawls came into existence. Kashmiri pashmina, which was known for its soft, smooth, and handmade weave, now became common like any other wrap accessory, as customers found “nothing special” in it. 

Kashmiri Pashmina in the Present Times

In the current times, Kashmiri Pashmina has its competitors from a number of places where the Himalayan range is present. Kashmir produces the least percentage of pure Cashmere wool, while China is the giant in Pashmina products. China is known to produce almost 70 per cent of the world’s Cashmere, while Mongolia stands in second place as far as Cashmere production is concerned. The 10 per cent that is left,  comes from other places. However, the best quality Cashmere is produced in Kashmir, even though it accounts for the least amount out of the total Cashmere production in the world (less than 1 per cent).

The Himalayas are home to a number of varieties of Cashmere goats. It is, hence, not just Ladakh where the Cashmere goats are found, but a number of places in China, Nepal, and Afghanistan where this species is found. 

changra goat
Changthangi goat

Changthangi goats: Changthangi goat is the species of Cashmere goat which is found in Changthang, Ladakh. It is reared in Ladakh and a few parts of Tibet.

Malra Goats: Malta goats are found in Kargil. It was just some 5-6 years ago when Malra was found to have the potential to produce Cashmere, albeit of lower quality as compared to Changthangi goat. 

Chegu Goat: The Cashmere producing goats are found in Himachal Pradesh (Kinnaur area), and high-altitude areas of Uttarkashi, Chamoli and Pithoragarh, districts of Uttaranchal bordering Tibet. 

Chyangra Goat: The goat-producing Cashmere wool found in the areas surrounding Nepal is called Chyangra.

The Geographical Indication:

Kashmir’s Pashmina shawls are considered the best quality shawl, out of all other varieties of the same. To protect and honour this badge, Kashmiri Pashmina was given the Geographical Indication (GI) as an authenticity stamp. The GI mark is a certification of the given product ascertaining that its unique qualities are not found anywhere else in the world and that it belongs to a certain geographical area. Hence, a GI mark on a Pashmins shawl indicates that the shawl has been made in Kashmir and that it has some qualities that its counterparts do not have. Here are the qualities that a GI-marked shawl has

Pashmina Weaving
Pashmina being handwoven over traditional wooden handloom

Since the GI mark came into existence, it helped the local artisans in a number of ways. Their craft was not safe from counterfeit products and deceitful hands.

Why Choose GI?

The Ring Test and its fallacy

Pashmina Passing Through A Ring
Ring test on Pashmina

As soon as the news of fake and machine-made Pashminas spread like wildfire, everyone started doubting their own purchased pieces. Is my shawl pure? Have I been cheated? Did my money go waste? These were some common first thoughts that came to an average customer’s mind. Even the customers who had purchased a shawl before the machine mess occurred were confused. Their shawls were as pure as anything. No one ever thought about if this is pure or fake, because fake never existed. But fake shawls had spread so much, that even these customers began doubting their pre-machine pure Pashminas. On top of this, the Pashmina shawl was known to be a huge investment, and hence many refrained from a future buy.

As confusion spread all over, a few traders came up with a ring test. As per the test, if a Pashmina shawl was able to pass through a finger ring, it was pure and original. Hence, whichever shawls passed through a ring, their owners became content, until even this test was deemed to be fake.

Soon, fabric specialists came up with their own theory that the ring test wasn't authentic to check the purity of a Pashmina shawl. This is because, with the advent of fabric softeners, even the harshest of wools could be passed through a ring. Hence, the ring test would just showcase how soft a shawl is, and maybe aesthetically lure customers. But as far as purity of Pashmina is concerned, the ring test is the least dependable

How to Check the purity of Pashmina?

The purity of Pashmina shawls has become easy to check ever since the GI mark came into existence. One has to simply check for the GI mark, which lies around any of the corners of the shawl. If you find it, rest assured that you are wearing the purest shawl, made from high-quality Cashmere. 

However, if there is no GI tag on the shawl, that surely does not mean that the shawl is fake. If your seller can provide you with a certificate of quality assurance, then your shawl is pure. The certificate is issued by the Craft Development Institute (CDI), Srinagar. If this certificate lies with your seller, he is authentic and is selling original shawls. But this is when you are going to purchase a shawl now, or in the near future. What about the shawls that you already own? Are they pure? Is your Pashmina authentic? Is your Pashmina pure/original? 

Thankfully, there are a number of tests to be conducted on your Pashmina shawls to check their purity. Here are some of them enlisted. 

Purity tests for Pashmina


The superiority of GI Pashmina

GI pashmina
Handcrafted from the luxuriously soft Ladakhi Cashmere, the shawl is handspun, handwoven for an absolute heirloom effect

A GI shawl frees a customer from all worries and doubts. If you do not own a Pashmina shawl and are planning to buy one, make sure you invest in a GI Pashmina shawl. It is hand spun, hand woven and has the least micron count. 

GI was introduced to protect and preserve the centuries-old art of handcrafting Pashmina, as soon as they realised that this heritage art is losing its glory. 


How expensive is pashmina? It is a question that arises in the mind of everyone while buying a Pashmina. Pashmina is the ethical crafting of the finest Cashmere procured from Ladakh. Pashmina is indeed expensive because of certain characteristics. Beyond the essence of luxury, Pashmina craft is part of the heritage of Kashmir Valley. The endless crafting includes several processes that make a Pashmina accessory an exquisite quality of being luxurious. Let's have a look at its ethical procurement and hand-crafting.

Procuring the finest Cashmere

changthangi goat being combed
Changra goat being gently combed by the herder

The creation begins in the horizons of the Ladakh region. The Changhthanghi mountain of the Ladakh region has the coldest temperature in winter. A rare breed of Goats dwells on its feet. The goats are of the Changra breed. Also called the Kashmir Goats. These are medium-sized goats with two twisted horns. The Changra goats develop soft thick wool on their bodies to combat the low temperature. The wool is descriptively soft in appearance and thick in volume. Moreover, the wool is shed off during the summertime by the goats themselves against rocks and trees. Manually, the wool, also combed out by the herders of the Changpa tribe. The wool is called the finest Cashmere wool.

Crafting a Pashmina Shawl

making of pashmina
Making of Pashmina

After the Cashmere wool reaches the valley of Kashmir, it undergoes the process of cleaning. The Cashmere wool is thoroughly cleaned to get the dirt, dust, and grime out. After the meticulous cleaning, the Cashmere wool goes into the journey of Spinning. The process of transforming the Cashmere wool into fine Cashmere yarn is Spinning. The process is precisely done by the womenfolk of the valley on a wooden wheel called yinder. They move the wheel in a circular motion with one hand and with another hand they elongate the wool into yarn. Thus, creating fine Cashmere yarn from the Cashmere wool.

Afterward, the Cashmere yarn, transferred to the local workshops/karkhanas for the process of weaving is fine. Weaving is the process of precisely looming warps and wefts to create a thin and soft fabric of Cashmere. Done on the handloom made of forest wood. The handloom is worked upon by highly skilled artisans. The artisans work upon the handloom by simultaneously using their feet and hands to create the woven Cashmere fabric. Mainly, done by the menfolk of the valley. Thus, giving the required dimensions to craft it into a Pashmina Shawl.


How Pashmina Craft came into existence?

Mir Syed Ali Hamdani was a sage from the Middle East. The footprints of a saint Mir Syed Ali Hamdani from the middle east came to Kashmir with 700 craftsmen to adorn the beauty of the valley and to spread the holy message. He rested his feet in the region of Changhthanghi Ladakh. Thus, the saint landed its appearance in the Changhthangi Mountain in Ladakh.

While perceiving nature, he locked his eyes on the Goat of marvelous wool. Awestruck with the softness and fineness of the wool, he made socks out of it and gifted them to the Sultan Zain-ul-Abideen of Kashmir Valley. Perceiving the beauty of Cashmere wool, suggested making an industry that cultivates the Pashmina in desirable styles. Even the name Pashmina, derived from the Persian word, pashm, meaning "the soft gold" is exquisite in being.


Exquisite reasons why Pashmina is Expensive

pashmina shawl
 Muneer has been handwoven using the age-old techniques of spinning, weaving and embroidery - all done manually

Pashmina is the crafting of the finest Cashmere procured manually from Ladakh. Firstly, all the processes of procurement in Ladakh are done manually by herders of the Changpa tribe. Secondly, the Changra goats are the rarest species of goats only reared in Changhthanghi. Thirdly, the Goats produce the fine Cashmere wool once every year. Therefore, only around 80 to 170 gms of Ladakhi Cashmere are produced during a year. Therefore, considered the rarest. Also, other breeds of it produce several times more as there is almost 400 million Cashmere eliciting Goats all over the world. Consequently, the production caters to the manufacture of different styles like Pashmina Shawls, Cashmere Scarves, and Cashmere Wraps.

Lastly, the crafting in Kashmir Valley is the ultimate beauty of Pashmina. All the processes done in by hand in Kashmir from Cleaning to designing. The beautiful aspect of Pashmina is the various hand- designing including patterns, Weaves, Dyes, and Embroideries.


Pashmina Shawls are accessories of serenity and luxury. India being a country of the origin of Pashmina has a great and immense love for Pashmina. Also, India is a country of cultures and respects every culture. The people of India truly believe in the definition of admiring distinct heritages all over the country. In addition, Pashmina is the soul of the celebrations and festivals in India as India has cultures and various festivals. A wide range of festivities cherishes the beauty of fashion in India. Therefore, India is the place of Pashmina's origin as well the crafting.

Finest Cashmere is procured from Ladakh

cashmere goat
Changra goat in Ladakh

Cashmere is obtained from numerous breeds of Goats from around the world. Cashmere confers mostly to the countries like Mongolia, Iran, Tibet, Nepal, etc. It is the fine wool taken from the undercoat of Goats of distinct breeds. Cashmere, from the undercoat of the Changra breed of Goats in the Ladakh region of India, is the finest.

The goats of the rare fine wool are quite brilliant in shedding their wool in the times of summer. These Changra goats are found at the feet of Changthanghi mountain of Ladakh. The area is highly cold in winter due to which the goats cover up their bodies with fine pelage. Therefore, Cashmere wool helps them to sustain their lives in harsh winters. When seasons move ahead, the harshness turns into the sunshine of summer. The goats shed off the wool with the help of coarse rocks and trees. The wool is called Cashmere.

Although, the herders of the Changra breed from the Changpa breed manually pluck out or comb the Cashmere wool diligently. Thus, the wool obtained is pure. Furthermore, the wool grows toward the steps ahead for the curation of high-quality Pashmina.

Pashmina Craft of Kashmir

Although there are several breeds of goats all over the world that produce Cashmere. But the finest Cashmere is produced by the Ladakhi Changra goats. In order to curate the fine accessories from the fine Cashmere wool, the tufts of wool are taken to the Kashmir Valley. After the tufts of wool reach the valley of Kashmir, the supremely premium Art of Pashmina is commenced. It is a stepwise procedure for curating fine Cashmere accessories.

The foremost step is the cleaning of the Cashmere wool. There is a thorough cleaning of the wool to get all sorts of dirt out. After the process of cleaning, the next step is the process of Spinning. It begins by giving the local women the Cashmere wool to spin it fine Cashmere yarn. The womenfolk of the valley mainly spin the Cashmere wool. The process is done on the wooden wheel/ charkha called yinder in the local language. Thus, the women artisans meticulously spin the Cashmere wool to the miraculously fine Cashmere yarn

Artisan weaving Pashmina on handloom

The next process is the weaving process. The weaving is the transformation of Cashmere yarn into fine Cashmere fabric. The intricate warps and wefts create the beautiful woven Cashmere fabric. Therefore, the most common pattern in weave is chashm_e_bulbul or the diamond weave. The weave is exclusively the masterpiece in itself. The eloquently woven Cashmere fabric goes on to further design.


In India, the origin of Pashmina

Mir Syed Ali Hamdani was a sage from the Middle East. The footprints of a saint Mir Syed Ali Hamdani from the middle east came to Kashmir with 700 craftsmen to adorn the beauty of the valley and to spread the holy message. He rested his feet in the region of Changhthanghi Ladakh. Thus, the saint landed its appearance in the Changhthangi Mountain in Ladakh.

While perceiving nature, he locked his eyes on the Goat of marvelous wool. Awestruck with the softness and fineness of the wool, he made socks out of it and gifted them to the Sultan Zain-ul-Abideen of Kashmir Valley. Perceiving the beauty of Cashmere wool, suggested making an industry that cultivates the Pashmina in desirable styles. Even the name Pashmina, derived from the Persian word, pashm, meaning "the soft gold" is exquisite in being.

Some Versatile reasons for Pashmina Shawls being famous in India

pashmina shawl
The idyllic befitting of Gul Afshaan Do-Rukha Pashmina Shawl holds the admiration of artisans together

Pashmina Shawls are versatile accessories for the beauty of the finest Cashmere. Shrouded around one's presence, Pashmina Shawls provide the essence of living a luxurious life. In India, the festivities crave the tradition of wearing clothes filled with joy and merriment. Pashmina Shawls fill the hearts of the people of India with the grace of culture and traditions. Moreover, Indian People wear Pashmina Shawls around with their traditional attires like Saree, etc. Even the bride and grooms wear a Pashmina Shawl to adorn their auspicious day with luxury. Pashmina Shawls are the token of happiness and luxury in the most fashionable way.

Versatile Collection

We, at, confer on the beauty of authenticity of Pashmina Shawls in India. There is an ethical procurement as well as sustainable crafting. An exquisite collection of Pashmina accessories awaits your beauty of fashion to belong to you as a luxury.


A cashmere Scarf is an accessory of luxury. There are beautiful accessories in Pashmina Art including the grace of Cashmere Scarves. A Scarf is a square or rectangular piece of accessory that can be worn in any season with the attire you adore. Cashmere Scarves are explicit accessories that are worn in the presence of royal fashion. The appearance of wearing a Scarf confers royalty. The fashion in the royal sense belongs to the ideal Scarves. In addition, the unique crafting of Cashmere Scarves obliges the artistic hand of Artisans. Hence, the artisans of the valley are highly skilled artisans who are the masters of Pashmina Art.

Generations of artisans are working in the tranquil field of Pashmina. They breathe Pashmina, they live underneath Pashmina. Therefore, the exquisite craft is dignified in the realms of Kashmir Valley. Thus, the profound craft feels the dimensions of Cashmere Scarves. By looking over the procurement and crafting of the finest Cashmere, there will be a better understanding of how to take care of your luxurious accessories.

How is Cashmere procured?

cashmere goat
Changra goats in Ladakh

Pashmina Art caters to the finest Cashmere from around the world. It is the Ladakhi Cashmere. Changthanghi plateau is the high altitude region on one of its sides in the Ladakh region of India. The goats of the region are called the Changra Goats as they are of the Changra breed. Worldwide, there are several other breeds of Cashmere giving Goats. Malra breed, Chigu breed, Licheng breed, Tibetan breed, Liaoning breed, Changhthanghi breed, etc. are some of the breeds. Among all, the Changhthanghi breed gives the finest Cashmere. Therefore, the finest Cashmere is given by the Changra Goats. They are also called Kashmir goats. They survive the harsh cold weather of Changthanghi that plunges to more than minus 20° C. These goats are of a rare breed with medium bodies and large twisted horns. They are mainly raised for Cashmere production and meat production.

Also, the Changra goats develop thick, soft wool in the winter season to attain warmth. They are herded by the Changpa tribe of the region. In the coming summer, the goats naturally shed off the thick wool with rocks and trees around them. In addition, the Changpa herders manually comb out the soft wool. Soft wool is the finest cashmere wool. The tufts of wool after combing out are packed in small packets. Therefore transferred to the valley of Kashmir where the Art of Pashmina belongs.

How is a Cashmere Scarf crafted?

weaving cashmere
Artisan weaving cashmere scarf on handloom

After reaching the valley of Kashmir, the Cashmere wool is cleaned and sorted. Then, the fine Cashmere wool is spun across the wooden wheel to create the finest Cashmere yarn. Further, the meticulous and fine yarn is woven on the handlooms of the valley. The artisans play a great role in the weaving process. The woven yarns curate the finest and most opulent Cashmere fabric. Thereafter, the Cashmere fabric goes on the journey of skilled designing by highly diligent artisans.

They prescribe the fabric's required dimensions. Mainly, there are two sizes for Cashmere Scarves. They are; 80in x 14in/2m x 35cm and 80in x 28in/2m x 70cm. The dimensions of each Scarf befit royal fashion as well as contemporary fashion. In addition, several styles like Cashmere Scarves, Cashmere Wraps, and Pashmina Shawls come into existence. The whole process of curating the finest Cashmere into luxurious accessories is the Art of Pashmina.

How do you wash your Cashmere Scarf?

cashmere wash
Washing Cashmere scarf

The beauty of the Cashmere scarf is in its relishing luxury for years. By making sure the essence of your Cashmere scarf remains with you for a lifetime, there are simple ways to care for and wash cashmere for your grace of luxury.

For washing your Cashmere scarf at home, all you have to do is simply take the Cashmere Scarf and soak it in lukewarm water for half an hour. The water is pre-prepared by adding some solution of Cashmere Shampoo of good quality. Therefore, this will ensure all the dirt has vanished from your luxurious Cashmere Scarf. Afterward, take the Cashmere Scarf out of the dirty water and rinse it in clean water several times. Gently rinse it in a way that all the dirty water comes out of it. Then, simply squeeze it in your hands and press it gently to get all the water out. Make sure you don't wring it. Pressing it gently will keep it in form for years.

Afterward, take the Cashmere scarf on the dry towel and spread it all across. Gently roll the Cashmere Scarf along with the towel to ensure all the moisture is soaked by the towel. Then, take the Cashmere Scarf and let it lay in your house for natural drying. Make sure the surface on which it is laid is clean.


The Luxurious masterpieces of Pashmina

aksi pashmina
The mustard and blue shades belong to the natural horizon of rhymes

We, at, cater to the beauty of the finest Cashmere procured ethically from Ladakh. The endless crafting in Pashmina Art in Kashmir serves the collection of our warehouse. Our Artisans breathe life into the Pashmina Art by being highly skilled for generations. Kashmir Valley suffuses the grace of being authentic to the heritage and culture. Artisans follow the same path of crafting with utmost precision and care. Therefore, crafting the collection of Pashmina Art is our forte of reviving the traditions and art of the Kashmir Valley.


If you wonder how to dry your Pashmina whether it is a Scarf, Wrap or Pashmina Shawl? We have gathered a way to dry your Pashmina by following proper guidelines. What is Pashmina? It is a question that propagates on daily basis. We have your answer here and before revealing the beauty of washing and drying the delicate Pashmina, let's go on a journey of finding out about Pashmina and Cashmere.

Origin of the Craft of Kashmir

A Persian saint, Mir Syed Ali Shah Hamdani was travelling around the world. The footprints from the middle east came to Kashmir with 700 craftsmen to adorn the beauty of the valley and to spread the holy message. He rested his feet in the region of Changhthanghi Ladakh. Thus, the saint landed its appearance in the Changhthangi Mountain in Ladakh. While perceiving nature, he locked his eyes on the Goat of marvellous wool. Awestruck with the softness and fineness of the wool, he made socks out of it and gifted them to the Sultan Zain-ul-Abideen of Kashmir Valley. Perceiving the beauty of Cashmere wool, suggested making an industry that cultivates the Pashmina in desirable styles. Even the name Pashmina, derived from the Persian word, pashm, meaning "the soft gold" is exquisite in being.

How is the finest Cashmere Procured?

changra goats
Changra goats with the herders

The Changhthanghi plateau extends into the region of Ladakh. It is a high-altitude region in Ladakh. The herders around the Ladakhi Changhthanghi are of the Changpa tribe. The tribe herds the rarest breed of Goats called Changra.

It is known that at high altitudes, the temperature lowers to the minimum. The winters are the harshest in this region of Changhthanghi. Therefore, the Changra Goats naturally cover their bodies with thick wool to combat the harsh winters. All along the winters, the thick wool reserves the heat beneath their bodies giving them the warmth of nature. On the seasonal climate change, the goats naturally shed off the wool with the help of coarse rocks and trees. To overcome the heat of summers, they eventually shed off the thick wool mostly from their bellies, neck region, and behind the ears. In addition, the herders also comb out the wool manually. The soft wool is Cashmere wool.

Pashmina Craft in Kashmir

pashmina fibre
Making of Pashmina

After combing out the Cashmere wool, it is cleaned off the excess dust and filled into the packets to transfer to the valley of Kashmir. The Cashmere wool is sorted and undergoes several procedures in the valley itself. The cleaning, drying, and soaking make the Cashmere wool vividly clean. Afterwards, the Cashmere wool is translated to the finest fibres by the process of spinning. The yarn of fineness is transferred to the handlooms in the valley to weave the yarn into several styles of accessories. Thus, the whole process of spinning and weaving the finest Cashmere is called the Art of Pashmina. Moving along the art of Pashmina, several other processes like dyeing, printing, interweaving, and embroidering the Cashmere cater to the exclusive collection of Cashmere. Therefore, the art of Pashmina cherishes every inch of the finest Cashmere to bring luxury to the world.

Washing your Pashmina

cashmere wash
Washing a Pashmina

How to wash a Pashmina Accessory is a delicate as well as sequenced process. It starts when you take your Pashmina in your hands. Handling it with love profuse energy of bliss in it. Therefore, it should be washed at home rather than at dry cleaning. It is because the love for it is only in your heart. You just have to take it gently and soak it for about 30 minutes in lukewarm water. The lukewarm water is pre-made by adding a good quality Cashmere Shampoo to it. Leaving it there to clean itself from any sort of dirt will enhance its efficiency.

Gently take it out and soak it for 10 minutes in clean water. Rinse it gently with your hands. Pashmina accessories do not need to be wrung. Gently press it in your hands. Squeeze the excess water. Don't put any pressure on the Pashmina as it will make it more prone to withering in a long run. You can rinse it 3 to 4 times and move it to the step of drying.


Drying the Luxurious Pashmina

Cashmere Care
Drying a Pashmina

How to dry the Pashmina is very simple but it needs patience. The drying process is gently done manually to get the best out of your Pashmina with new glaze and glamour. All you have to do is take your fully squeezed Pashmina on a dry towel and roll the towel. This will ensure the drying left the water from it. Then keep it laying there on the towel in your room or anywhere clean inside your house. Keep it as it is until it's completely dry. Then, all you have to do is iron it to use it again for your luxurious reflection.


In the craft of Pashmina,  the finest Cashmere suffuses a sense of serenity in every dimension. The fashion accessories crafted in the space of Pashmina Art are a timeless forte of Kashmir. Artisans have worked their lives to festoon a sense of beauty over the generational craft of Pashmina. Cashmere, the finest wool procured from Changra Goats in Ladakh has a unique colour called khud-rang in the local language. It is white with tinges of beige colour. Afterwards, taking its journey to Kashmir, it announces the luxury of Pashmina Art in each masterpiece crafted. Therefore, before getting to know how is Cashmere crafted, we want you to explore the tale of Pashmina Art in the 13th century.

How did Pashmina originate?

The origin of the finest Cashmere dates back to the 13th century. A sage from the Middle East, Mir Syed Ali Shah Hamdani started his journey with 700 craftsmen towards Kashmir. On his journey to Kashmir, he encountered the rare goats of Ladakh. He was enthralled by the fine wool on their bodies. He combed some out of them and made socks. The fine socks were warm and Pure. He gifted them to the ruler of Kashmir, Zain-ul-Abideen. In addition, he suggested making a local industry to curate the fine wool. His 700 craftsmen taught the people of Kashmir several skills. The skills proved to be the main requisite for curating the finest Cashmere. Thus, the art of Pashmina came into existence. The high skill prevails in the valley till now. It has been incorporated into the heritage of Kashmir Valley. 

How is the finest Cashmere procured?

cashmere goats in ladakh
Changra goats in Changhthanghi range

It is known that at high altitudes like the Changhthanghi range, the temperature lowers to the minimum. The winters are the harshest in this region of Changhthanghi. Therefore, the Changra Goats naturally cover their bodies with thick wool to combat the harsh winters. All along the winters, the thick wool reserves the heat beneath their bodies giving them the warmth of nature. On the seasonal climate change, the goats naturally shed off the wool with the help of coarse rocks and trees. Therefore, to overcome the heat of summers, they eventually shed off the thick wool mostly from their bellies, neck region, and behind the ears. In addition, the herders also comb out the wool manually. The soft wool is Cashmere wool. It is of its original colour known as Khud-rang in the local language.


After Procuring, the Pashmina Art begins in Kashmir

Raw cashmere fibre
Raw cashmere fibre

After combing out the Cashmere wool, it is transferred to Kashmir Valley in small packets. Then, it is cleaned from the excess dust and grime. The Cashmere wool is sorted and undergoes several procedures in the valley itself. The cleaning, drying, and soaking make the Cashmere wool vividly clean. Afterwards, the Cashmere wool is translated to the finest fibres by the process of spinning. The yarn of fineness is transferred to the handlooms in the valley to weave the yarn into several styles of accessories. Thus, the whole process of spinning and weaving the finest Cashmere is called the Art of Pashmina.

Moving along the art of Pashmina, several other processes like dyeing, printing, interweaving, and embroidering the Cashmere cater to the exclusive collection of Cashmere. First of all the finest Cashmere fabric is dyed to endless shades of nature. Therefore, the art of Pashmina cherishes every inch of the finest Cashmere to bring luxury to the world.

The Dyeing and Designing

The chroming of the outcome of the weaving is thereupon done manually based on the design prescribed. The finest Cashmere fabric is dyed in various shades of colours. There is a wide array of tones and shades in the karkhana of Dyer (Rangur). To define its beauty with edges of colours of various pigments, Cashmere is dyed. There is the usage of azo-free dyes to make the journey of Pashmina Art ethical and Sustainable in its way.

The design of the Pashmina propagates choosing the process of colouring. There are some specific steps like; tracing of the requisite design and rubbing of colour powder. In addition, the tracing can be replaced by the hand-block print process where a wooden block, already carved along with designs and motifs according to the fashion and tradition side by side. Therefore, the print, scribed on the shawl with a skilled hand and colour medium is explicit.

A Diverse Collection

pashmina shawl
Defining the miracle of Pashmina craft, the Rafiiush Shaan Do-Rukha Pashmina Shawl is a magnificent creation by the artisans

Therefore, there are different journeys to the faith of Cashmere. Therefore, all the journeys are exquisitely memorable and meticulous. There is a diverse variety of Pashmina Accessories on our platform We cater to endless designs and styles of Pashmina. The ethical crafting of the finest Cashmere makes our way more luxurious and glorious in the fashion world. Thus, we revive the traditional ways of crafting by providing excellent support to our highly skilled artisans from Kashmir.


Pashmina and Cashmere are related terms explained in a definite way, The crafting of finest Cashmere procured ethically from Ladakh is Pashmina. Pashmina is a glorious example of Art while Cashmere is the finest wool in the world. There are diverse breeds of Cashmere producing goats. The several breeds viz;  Australian Cashmere Goat, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Hexi, Zhonghwei, Tibetan Plateau, Luliang breeds, Changthanghi, etc. Therefore, all the breeds produce the Cashmere wool that produces the warmth. The exclusive breed of goats called Changra Goats is rare species of goats that produce the finest Cashmere wool

The Art of crafting finest Cashmere from Changra Goats, Ladakh is Pashmina

Ethical Procuring of the finest Wool

Cashmere goats
Cashmere goats in Ladakh

The creation begins in the horizons of the Ladakh region. The Changhthanghi mountain of the Ladakh region has the coldest temperature in winter. A rare breed of Goats dwells on its feet. The goats are of the Changra breed. They are also called the Cashmere Goats. These are medium-sized goats with two twisted horns. The Changra goats develop soft thick wool on their bodies to combat the low temperature. The wool is descriptively soft in appearance and thick in volume. Moreover, the wool is shed off during the summertime by the goats themselves against rocks and trees. Manually, the wool is also combed out by the herders of the Changpa tribe. The wool is called the finest Cashmere wool.

Pashmina Craft in Kashmir

spinning cashmere
Artisan spinning the cashmere

After the Cashmere wool reaches the valley of Kashmir, it undergoes the process of cleaning. The Cashmere wool is thoroughly cleaned to get the dirt, dust, and grime out. After the meticulous cleaning, the Cashmere wool goes into the journey of Spinning. The process of transforming the Cashmere wool into fine Cashmere yarn is Spinning. The process is specifically done by the womenfolk of the valley on a wooden wheel called yinder. They move the wheel in a circular motion with one hand and with another hand they elongate the wool into yarn. Thus, creating fine Cashmere yarn from the Cashmere wool.

Afterward, the Cashmere yarn is transferred to the local workshops/karkhanas for the process of weaving. Weaving is the process of precisely looming warps and wefts to create a thin and soft fabric of Cashmere. Done on the handloom made of forest wood. The handloom is worked upon by highly skilled artisans. The artisans work upon the handloom by simultaneously using their feet and hands to create the woven Cashmere fabric. Therefore, mainly by the menfolk of the valley. Thus, giving the required dimensions to craft it into a Pashmina Shawl.

Designing in Pashmina Art

Pashmina Shawl
Designing of Pashmina

The process of designing commences as soon as the faith of the finest Cashmere adorns valley. The marvelous hands of artisans whirl in the designs and sing songs of art on the finest Cashmere. The surrounding aura of the valley signifies the profound design in diverse ways. There are three main styles in Pashmina Art; Cashmere Wraps, Cashmere Scarves, and Pashmina Shawls. Also, Pashmina Art is the crafting of the finest Ladakhi Cashmere to a diverse range of accessories in distinct designs. Therefore, the beauty of designs and styles in Pashmina Art are graceful moments of finest Cashmere.


Difference between Cashmere and Pashmina

There are evident differences between Cashmere and Pashmina. Beginning from the definition of terms. Pashmina is an example of an intricate craft while Cashmere is the type of wool. Ladakhi Cashmere is the finest of all Cashmere production around the world. The Ladakhi Goats produce the fine Cashmere wool once every year. Therefore, only around 80 to 170 gms of Ladakhi Cashmere are produced during a year. Therefore, considered the rarest. Also, other breeds of it produce several times more as there is almost 400 million Cashmere eliciting Goats all over the world. Therefore, the crafting of Ladakhi Cashmere is the Pashmina Art. Only the crafting of the finest wool is Pashmina Art. Consequently, the production caters to the manufacture of different styles like Pashmina Shawls, Cashmere Scarves, and Cashmere Wraps.

The other difference is the place of the process taking place. The finest Cashmere, procured only from Changra Goats of Changhthanghi Ladakh is rare. While as, the Pashmina Art prescribes in Kashmir. Pashmina is the token of heritage in Kashmir Valley. People of Kashmir sing the rhymes of Pashmina craft.

pashmina shawl
The supreme tone of blue holds the promise of hand embroidery on the borders of Floral Ocean Pashmina Shawl

In addition, there is ethical procurement as well as Sustainable crafting in the whole process. Therefore, is pioneering new appearances from their astonishing collection of Pashmina Shawls, Cashmere Wraps, and Cashmere Scarves. The exquisite tangling of the old tale of Craft by so has come up with many new styles to perform in the melody of sounds of handlooms. not only encourages the artisans for their livelihood but also confers the confetti of handwork on the Pashmina itself.