You must have been into this question often, "What animal produces Cashmere?". There is beauty in defining the finest Cashmere. Changra Goats are a rare species of Goats that produce the finest Cashmere wool. These Goats develop Cashmere wool as a protective sheath around their body in harsh winters. As soon as the summer comes, they feel suffocated in the wool and rub it against trees and rocks. Therefore, herders also manually comb out the wool. That is what Cashmere wool is. It is procured from Goats of Changhthanghi.

There is no harm done to the animals because animal species are part of our ecology and should be preserved to every extent. Indeed, there are several breeds of goats present in the world that produce Cashmere wool but the finest is produced by Changhthanghi Goats or Changra goats. There is no animal cruelty in the process of procurement as well as crafting.

Where does Cashmere come from | Cashmere Animal - Changra Goats

To know the ethical status of Cashmere, a question is frequently asked; "where does Cashmere come from? or Cashmere comes from what animal? The Changhthanghi plateau is a high-altitude region. The minimum temperature is less than minus 20°C in winter. The rarest breed of goats called the Changra goats (Cashmere animal) dwells at the feet of the mountain Changhthanghi. In the harsh winters, the Changra goats meticulously develop a thick layer of wool on their bodies to overcome the cold. With the changing of seasons, the Changra goat goes through hormonal changes in its body, and shed off the thick wool by rubbing against rocks and trees. This comforts its body from the unbearable heat of summer.

Apart from the efforts of the goat itself, combing out extra fibre from the body of the goat is manually done by the Changpa; tribesmen who are the herders of the Changra goats. They manually comb the thick wool out. The wool is called Cashmere wool. This is packed in small pouches to be sent for processing

changthangi goat being combed
Changra goat being combed

The procuring of Cashmere is in itself a process of ethical steps. It is a fact that herders indeed herd the Changra Goats to comb out the fine Cashmere wool. There is no use of a machine, or any cruel methods by which the animal can be exposed to torture or pain.

Beyond the fields of Ladakh, at the feet of Chanthanghi, there is an aroma of beauty and luxury in the form of Cashmere wool. The orchestra of luxurious Cashmere starts in Ladakh and proves to be its best version in Kashmir ahead.

Crafting in Pashmina

The fine Cashmere reaches Kashmir in small packets. Artisans applaud the arrival of the luxurious wool. The wool is cleaned thoroughly to get all the dirt and grime out.

After the process of cleaning, the next step is the process of Spinning. It begins by giving the local women Cashmere wool to spin fine yarn. Also, the womenfolk of the valley mainly spin Cashmere wool. The process is done on the wooden wheel/ charkha called yinder in the local language. Thus, the women artisans meticulously spin the fine wool to the miraculously fine Cashmere yarn.

Humming the songs of Kashmir folklore, the Wanvun (Humming of songs) enhances the process by adding an aura of Kashmir to each spun yarn.

weaving cashmere
Artisan weaving Pashmina on handloom

From the destination of the Cashmere wool in the moment of Pashmina Art, each process is explicit. In the valley of Kashmir on the handloom preoccupied with the artisans of great valour and perception, the journey starts. The journey has been bestowed with the songs of harmony between Pashmina Art and the artisan. Looking below from the heaven of Art, Pashmina visibly portrays the description of every artisan and shines within their souls.

Weaving of Cashmere

Weaving is the next step in Pashmina Art. It is the process of crafting fine yarn into premium fabric. The highly skilled artisans work on the handlooms set up in the local workshops/ karkhanas. Also, the handlooms are mostly made of forest wood. The artisans primarily men artisans work meticulously on the fine yarn. By creating magical warps and wefts using their hands and feet, the fabric comes into existence. Therefore, the supremely premium fabric is turned to the further steps of designing.

The beauty of weaving is authentic as the karkhanas or workshops upheave the essence of Kashmir in each woven masterpiece. Sometimes, for Kani Pashmina, Patterned Pashmina and Reversible Pashmina, the designing starts in the weaving process itself. Suffusing the aroma of fine Cashmere with the Handicrafts of Kashmir is an avalanche in the beauty of Pashmina Art.

Designing in Pashmina Art

After the making of a fine Cashmere base, the crafting begins with the first step of dyeing. The
dyeing of Cashmere is done by a skilled dyer called Rangur in the local language. There is an array of colours with each shade and tone. The pigmentation is done according to the requirement. In the whole dyeing process, all the steps are done manually by the skilled people of the valley.

Moreover, further steps like patterning, printing, embroidering, weaving, and ornamentation are
done according to the designer's design. Henceforth all the processes from cleaning to the designing of Cashmere fibre are the Art of Pashmina. Therefore, the process of designing commences as soon as the faith of the finest Cashmere is adorned. The marvellous hands of artisans whirl in the designs and sing songs of art on the finest Cashmere. The surrounding aura of the valley signifies the profound design in diverse ways.

There are three main styles in Pashmina Art; Cashmere Wraps, Cashmere Scarves and Pashmina Shawls. It is to be noted that Pashmina Art is the crafting of the finest Ladakhi Cashmere to a diverse range of accessories in distinct designs.
The Pashmina Art is exclusive to the Valley of Kashmir. That's why there is always an aura of Kashmir valley in every masterpiece of Pashmina. Thus, the Art is rich in explicitness and luxury of the valley. The intricacy in each design is filled with the heritage of Kashmir. The masterpieces speak off the high skill and labour of artisans who work day and night to craft one beauty of Pashmina

History of Pashmina Art proves the ethicality of the Cashmere procuring

The origin began when a Persian saint was travelling across the globe. Mir Syed Ali Hamdani was a sage from Persia, Middle East. He brought several cultures and traditions to the Valley of Kashmir. Therefore, Mir Syed Ali Hamdani came to Kashmir with 700 craftsmen to adorn the beauty of the valley and to spread the holy message. He rested his feet in the region of Changhthanghi Ladakh. Thus, the saint landed its appearance on Changthangi Mountain in Ladakh. While perceiving nature, he locked his eyes on the Goat of marvelous wool. Awestruck with the softness and fineness of the wool, he made socks out of it and gifted them to the Sultan Zain-ul-Abideen of Kashmir Valley.

Perceiving the beauty of Cashmere wool, suggested making an industry that cultivates the Pashmina in desirable styles. Even the name Pashmina, derived from the Persian word, pashm, meaning "the soft gold" is exquisite in being. The history itself shows how the saint ethically combed out some of the wool from the rare species of goats. This is evident from the whole tale of Pashmina that there is always a ethicality in each step. The marvellous designs and styles were later crafted with the same serenity and bewitching glory of the Changhthanghi Cashmere through the eyes of Pashmina Art.

What animal is Cashmere procured from?

cashmere goat
Changra goats

There are diverse breeds of Cashmere producing goats. Each breed has a specific percentage of production in the total production. The several breeds viz;  Australian Cashmere Goat, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Hexi, Zhonghwei, Tibetan Plateau, Luliang breeds, Changthanghi, etc. Therefore, all the breeds produce Cashmere wool that produces warmth. The exclusive breed of goats called Changra Goats is rare species of goats that produce wool.

In addition, these Goats produce fine wool once every year. Therefore, only around 80 to 170 gms of Ladakhi Cashmere are produced during a year. Therefore, considered the rarest. Also, other breeds of it produce several times more as there is almost 400 million Cashmere eliciting Goats all over the world. Consequently, the production caters to the manufacture of different styles like Pashmina Shawls, Scarves, and Wraps.


Goats are not killed for Cashmere

For procuring the finest Cashmere, ethically gets the wool from Ladakh. In Ladakh, the Goats are grazed efficiently and with utmost care. The herders of the Changpa tribe diligently comb out the excess wool from their bodies without harming the animal. The Changra Goats are of rare species but they are not harmed during the procurement process. Therefore, Cashmere is produced from the animal grazed in Changhthanghi. The Pashmina craft is a jubilant and skillful craft that precisely follows the normal to craft a masterpiece that is ethical as well as environmentally friendly.

It is evident from the procurement that herders bless the Changra goats by combing out the excess wool. In the summer season, the goats can get suffocated by the excess wool under their bellies, behind their ears and neck. Therefore, it is an ecological necessity to comb the excess wool out. The excess wool is thereupon used to revive a tradition of Kashmir and that adds to the conservation of culture. Overall, the process is colossal in the ways of revival and preservation. It is to be noted that Changra Goats are rare as they are found only in one area of the whole world. This implies that the procuring and crafting in Pashmina is ethical and legal according to all the legit rules.


Legacy of Pashmina Art

Procured from the Changra Goats of the Changhthanghi region, Cashmere wool is defined. Pashmina Art gave away to a place where it is celebrated with every one of its presence. The Cashmere wool grows on the Changthangi Goats in Ladakh in the winter season to protect the Goats from the severe season. The cosy Cashmere wool takes a breath in this season over the body of Changthangi Goats. Towards the spring, the Goats rub against the rocks to shed off the wool to let the warmth take off their bodies. Afterwards, transfer to the Kashmir Valley.

Kashmir Valley is a place for authentic Pashmina Art as the process is itself a natural process. Kashmir dignifies nature by being a revere to the supplication of mountains and rivers. Generations of artisans have worked and meditated on the craft of Pashmina. They have witnessed its downfall due to the technological upheaval around them. It led to the usage of power looms and machine spun, and machine-made Pashmina became a menace to the Original Pashmina Craft. serves the endless Collection of Ethical Pashmina

We, at, bestow the world with authentic and pure Pashmina Accessories. The journey begins in Ladakh, at the feet of Changhthanghi and is enhanced by its presence of luxury. The journey never ends because the opulence of Pashmina is never-ending. The beauty of each Cashmere Scarf, Cashmere Wrap or Pashmina Shawl is evident from the masterpieces of each style. The designs are intricate, opulent and filled with luxury. Each design is serene. Kashmir and its heritage are defined in each style and every design. All the steps from procuring to crafting are ethical and the sustainability of each step is up to the mark.

Environment and Ecology are the embodiment of our platform. It is necessary to preserve and upheave the concepts of ethicality and Sustainability to make the world a better place to live for every living being. Pashmina is the name that reminds us of nature and purity, therefore the essence of its purity needs to be conserved. With conservation, there is a need for the revival of pure Pashmina. We, confer to the revival as well as the perseverance of Pashmina accessories including all the styles and designs.

There are many reasons that Pashmina Shawls are expensive. It is because of distinct reasons. The whole crafting from Changhthanghi to Kashmir takes months to complete a particular Pashmina Shawl. Sometimes, it takes years to complete one Pashmina Shawl. This is because of the finest Cashmere wool and the handcrafting of each masterpiece. All the steps in crafting are done by hand. The journey starts at Changhthanghi and ends at your doorstep. And the essence and luxury of Pashmina remain revealed each time you open your Pashmina Shawl and feel it in your hands. The softness and purity reflect in each warp and weft of Pashmina.

Exceptional Qualities of Pashmina Shawl

1. From a Rare Species of Goats

There are diverse breeds that produce Cashmere in the world. But the Ladakhi goats produce the finest Cashmere. In addition, Mongolia, China, and Tibet are the largest producers of Cashmere wool. Yet, Ladakhi Cashmere has the finest grade but its production is quite low due to the rare goats of Changra.

2. Low production of the finest wool

Raw cashmere fibre
Raw cashmere fibre

The Goats produce fine Cashmere wool once every year. Therefore, only around 80 to 170 gms of Ladakhi Cashmere are produced during a year. Therefore, considered the rarest. Also, other breeds of it produce several times more as there is almost 400 million Cashmere eliciting Goats all over the world. Consequently, the production caters to the manufacture of different styles like Pashmina Shawls, Cashmere Scarves, and Cashmere Wraps.

3. Explicit and Diligent procuring

cashmere goat
Changra goats in Ladakh

Cashmere is obtained from numerous breeds of Goats from around the world. Cashmere confers mostly to the countries like Mongolia, Iran, Tibet, Nepal, etc. It is the fine wool taken from the undercoat of Goats of distinct breeds. Cashmere, from the undercoat of the Changra breed of Goats in the Ladakh region of India, is the finest. The goats of the rare fine wool are quite brilliant in shedding their wool in the times of summer. These Changra goats are found in the feet of Changthanghi mountain of Ladakh. The area is highly cold in winter due to which the goats cover up their bodies with fine pelage. Therefore, Cashmere wool helps them to sustain lives in harsh winters. When seasons move ahead, the harshness turns into the sunshine of summer. The goats shed off the wool with the help of coarse rocks and trees.

Although, the herders of the Changra breed from the Changpa breed manually pluck out or comb the Cashmere wool diligently. Thus, the wool obtained is pure. Furthermore, the wool grows toward the steps ahead for the curation of high-quality Pashmina.

4. Exquisite Crafting in Kashmir Valley of Pashmina Shawl

Pashmina Art is the curation of the finest Cashmere from the region of Ladakh into diverse styles of Cashmere Scarves, Cashmere Wraps, and Pashmina Shawls. The tufts of Cashmere wool leave the Ladakh region to reach the valley of Kashmir. The tufts are packed in small packets. Therefore, the Cashmere wool is cleaned, soaked, and dried in the sunlight to get dirt, and grime of any sort apart.

Afterward, the Cashmere wool is taken to the households where women folk spin the Cashmere wool to fine yarn. The spinning process is done on the wheel of wool called yinder in the local language. The women spun the Cashmere wool diligently to get the finest Cashmere yarn. The yarn is collected around the spindles for further processing. It is done by simple instruments that are homemade. An instrument called thanchorr is used in the process of whirling around the spun fibers. The Cashmere fibers are twirled around the thanchorr, a type of stick with a round upper portion. It is made of wood. This process is called pranch. The Cashmere yarn thus produced confers to the purest and finest yarn of 12 to 16 microns. The finest Cashmere yarn moves further in the procedure radiating the Art of Pashmina.

5. Eloquent Weaving of Pashmina Shawl

Artisans weaving Pashmina on handloom

The Cashmere yarn is transferred to the local workshops/karkhanas for the process of weaving. Weaving is the process of precisely looming warps and wefts to create a thin and soft fabric of Cashmere. The weaving is done on the handloom made of forest wood. The handloom is worked upon by highly skilled artisans. The artisans work on the handloom by simultaneously using their feet and hands to create the woven Cashmere fabric. The weaving is mainly done by the menfolk of the valley. Thus, beautifying each Pashmina Shawl.

6. Endless designs in Pashmina Shawl

making of pashmina
Designing of Pashmina shawl

The designing of Cashmere fabric is meticulously done stepwise. The faith of each masterpiece is assigned by the designer as per the requirement. Unique and luxurious designs are given to the Cashmere fabric. Thus, creating the best of the Pashmina Art collection. There are diverse styles and designs that lift the luxury of every piece in the most meticulous way. The diverse styles are Cashmere Wraps, Cashmere Scarves, and Pashmina Shawls.

7. Hand-weave and Hand embroideries in Pashmina Shawl

kalamkari pashmina
Handcrafted from pure, Ladakhi Cashmere, the shawl goes through hundreds of golden hands of deft artisans who transform lumps of wool to these handmade luxuries

Several designs belong to the definition of luxury. One of the explicit designs is the Kani Pashmina Shawls. Therefore, the intricate weave of Kani Pashmina Shawls is exclusively the luxurious weave catering to all genders. In addition, Kashmir has been the sole region where the craft of embroidered Pashmina excelled from the 16th century. Therefore, the uniqueness of designs and motifs is requisite. There are six ways of Hand-embroideries enacted in the Valley of Kashmir viz; Jaal, Kalamkari, Do-rukha, Zari/Tilla, Jamawar, Border/Palla. Also, there are types of Embroideries viz; Sozni, Tilla, Papier Mache, Aari, Aksi.


How did the journey start in the 15th century?

Mir Syed Ali Hamdani was a sage from the Middle East. The footprints of a saint Mir Syed Ali Hamdani from the middle east came to Kashmir with 700 craftsmen to adorn the beauty of the valley and to spread the holy message. He rested his feet in the region of Changhthanghi Ladakh. Thus, the saint landed its appearance in the Changhthangi Mountain in Ladakh. While perceiving nature, he locked his eyes on the Goat of marvelous wool. Awestruck with the softness and fineness of the wool, he made socks out of it and gifted them to the Sultan Zain-ul-Abideen of Kashmir Valley. Perceiving the beauty of Cashmere wool, suggested making an industry that cultivates the Pashmina in desirable styles. Even the name Pashmina, derived from the Persian word, pashm, meaning "the soft gold" is exquisite in being.

Collection of Pashmina Art

We, at, reveal the authentic and elegant Pashmina Shawls. We surround the presence with the luxurious crafting of evinced Cashmere by unraveling the heritage of Pashmina Art. Thus, a masterpiece of our collection will unravel your journey of fineness and beauty.


Cashmere is the finest wool procured from the rare species of Goats in Ladakh. The fineness and grandeur of Cashmere reflect in each touch of it. The endless courtesy to nature belongs to the arrival of Cashmere. Ethically procured by the herders and crafted through the eyes of Pashmina, Cashmere signifies its softness. Longing for the upheaval in Kashmir, the finest Cashmere is entitled under the styles of luxury viz, Cashmere Scarves, Cashmere Wraps and Pashmina Shawls. Also, the finest Cashmere is bestowed with the reflection of endless designs and styles in Kashmir beyond the desires of luxury. Before defining the beauty of a specific style called Cashmere scarf, the journey of Pashmina and Cashmere awaits you!

How is the soft Cashmere wool procured?

Cashmere goats
Cashmere goats in Ladakh

The creation begins in the horizons of the Ladakh region. The Changhthanghi mountain of the Ladakh region has the coldest temperature in winter. A rare breed of Goats dwells in its feet. The goats are of the Changra breed. They are also called Cashmere Goats. These are medium-sized goats with two twisted horns. The Changra goats develop soft thick wool on their bodies to combat the low temperature. Thus, the wool is descriptively soft in appearance and thick in volume. Moreover, the wool is shed off during the summertime by the goats themselves against rocks and trees. Manually, the wool is also combed out by the herders of the Changpa tribe. The wool is called the finest Cashmere wool. It is the softest wool for accessories.

The Enchanting of Pashmina Art through a Cashmere scarf

After the Cashmere wool reaches the valley of Kashmir, it undergoes the process of cleaning. The Cashmere wool is thoroughly cleaned to get the dirt, dust, and grime out. After the meticulous cleaning, the Cashmere wool goes into the journey of Spinning. The process of transforming the Cashmere wool to fine Cashmere yarn is Spinning. Also, the process is precisely done by the womenfolk of the valley on a wooden wheel called yinder. They move the wheel in a circular motion with one hand and with another hand they elongate the wool into yarn. Thus, creating fine Cashmere yarn from the Cashmere wool.

weaving cashmere
Artisan weaving Pashmina on handloom

Afterwards, the Cashmere yarn is transferred to the local workshops/karkhanas for the process of weaving. Weaving is the process of precisely looming warps and wefts to create a thin and soft fabric of Cashmere. The weaving is done on the handloom made of forest wood. The handloom is worked upon by highly skilled artisans. The artisans work on the handloom by simultaneously using their feet and hands to create the woven Cashmere fabric. The weaving is mainly done by the menfolk of the valley. Thus, giving the required dimensions to craft it into a Cashmere Scarf.

The exquisite Accessory of a Cashmere Scarf

Pashmina scarf
Shades of green call upon nature for the beautification of the Delicate Eden Cashmere Scarf

The Pashmina Art bestows a glamorous accessory of Cashmere Scarves. The explicit and intricate creation of Cashmere Scarves from the finest Cashmere is tremendous. The several styles and designs confer a unique amalgamation of luxury and Purity. The Cashmere Scarves perform in the realms of Pashmina Art with the most sophisticated of designs.

A scarf is a square piece of clothing draped around the neck or shoulders. The explicit styles with these finest Cashmere. The premium quality Cashmere scarves bring out the aura of colourful and elegant luxury. The versatile styles of unique designs of Cashmere Scarves are examples of high-class fashion. They cater to all genders with exquisite collections. In addition, the artisans work on each masterpiece with precision. Thus, providing serene softness.


How did the finest Cashmere come into existence?

Mir Syed Ali Hamdani was a sage from the Middle East. The footprints of a saint Mir Syed Ali Hamdani from the middle east came to Kashmir with 700 craftsmen to adorn the beauty of the valley and to spread the holy message. He rested his feet in the region of Changhthanghi Ladakh. Thus, the saint landed its appearance in the Changhthangi Mountain in Ladakh. While perceiving nature, he locked his eyes on the Goat of marvellous wool. Awestruck with the softness and fineness of the wool, he made socks out of it and gifted them to the Sultan Zain-ul-Abideen of Kashmir Valley. Perceiving the beauty of Cashmere wool, suggested making an industry that cultivates the Pashmina in desirable styles. Even the name Pashmina, derived from the Persian word, pashm, meaning "the soft gold" is exquisite in being. perceives Pashmina as an Art

We, at indeed perceive the Pashmina as Art. It is because of its intricacy and the skill of artisans. After procurement, Kashmir Valley envisions the faith of each Cashmere yarn by skilfully reflecting the heritage of Kashmir in each masterpiece. Also, artisans work with precision and perseverance to craft the finest Cashmere in several styles and designs.


No. The answer is reflected in the ethical procuring of Cashmere wool from Changhthanghi. The endless beauty and softness of Cashmere wool define the luxury of each masterpiece of Pashmina Art. The process of procurement is purely ethical and no animal cruelty is in any step of Pashmina. All the breeds of Goats that produce Cashmere wool develop the wool on their bodies and later on, they are combed out. The finest Cashmere wool is procured from the undercoat of Changra Goats.

Ethical procuring of Cashmere wool

cashmere goat
Changra goats in Ladakh

The Changhthanghi mountain in the Ladakh region is at a high altitude. The winters are the coldest there. The temperature goes to minus 20°C. A rare breed of goats dwells in the feet of mountains. The Goats are called Changra Goats. They are also called Cashmere Goats. The goats develop thick wool on their bodies in winter to overcome the cold season. The goats are mainly raised for the production of fine wool. As, in summer, the goats shed wool to feel the air of summer. The wool is manually combed out by the herders of the Changpa tribe who raise the Goats of Changhthanghi. The soft wool is called Cashmere wool. Therefore, there is no cruelty toward the Changra Goats.

Handcrafting of the finest Cashmere

spinning the cashmere
Artisan spinning the cashmere

Art of Pashmina begins as soon as the packets of Cashmere wool reach the valley of Kashmir. The tufts of Cashmere wool are cleaned, soaked, and dried to further get the premium Cashmere wool. The Cashmere wool is further moved ahead to the process of Spinning. Spinning is the meticulous process of transforming Cashmere wool into the finest cashmere yarn. After the Spinning process, the fine Cashmere yarn is moved to the next process called Weaving.

The process of Weaving is intricately turning the Cashmere yarn into the finest Cashmere fabric. The warps and wefts are sophistically woven with each other to present the meticulous Cashmere Fabric to the further process of designing. The weaving is mostly done by menfolk of the valley on the handlooms made of forest wood. The artisans weave by using their feet in coordination with their hands. The meticulous harmony of aura and artisan creates the fine Cashmere Fabric.

Further, the fabric goes on to the designing process. The design starts as soon as the Cashmere fabric reaches the hands of artisans. Diverse styles are given to the Cashmere Fabric. Thus, creating a wide array of masterpieces. Henceforth, the Art of Pashmina is the creation of diverse accessories from the finest Cashmere. The versatile designs confer to the world of luxury in several ways. The distinct styles cater to all genders. The styles and designs perform the ways of luxurious fashion in the most elegant looks.

History teaches the Natural Ways

It all started when a Persian saint was traveling across the globe. Mir Syed Ali Hamdani was a sage from the Middle East. The footprints of a saint Mir Syed Ali Hamdani from the middle east came to Kashmir with 700 craftsmen to adorn the beauty of the valley and to spread the holy message. He rested his feet in the region of Changhthanghi Ladakh. Thus, the saint landed its appearance in the Changhthangi Mountain in Ladakh. While perceiving nature, he locked his eyes on the Goat of marvelous wool. Awestruck with the softness and fineness of the wool, he made socks out of it and gifted them to the Sultan Zain-ul-Abideen of Kashmir Valley. Perceiving the beauty of wool, suggested making an industry that cultivates the Pashmina in desirable styles.

Even the name Pashmina, derived from the Persian word, pashm, meaning "the soft gold" is exquisite in being. Therefore, from the 13th century till now, there is no harm to the animals as the origin was serene and this needs to be kept in the same serenity till life.


No Animal Cruelty is in the process

changthangi goat being combed
Changra goat being combed gently

There is no Animal Cruelty in the whole process of Pashmina Art. Procuring Cashmere by combing out excess wool from the bodies of Changra Goats is in a way ecological access for the Goats. Therefore, several measures are taken into consideration while combing out. One of them is no use of machines, the herders of the Changpa tribe manually comb out the wool to ensure the glory of nature and no harm to animals as well as the environment. The upheaval of every step in the most sustainable way is the concept of crafting at


It's fall already and the upcoming is the season we all love to dress for. Yes, winter is knocking at our doors, and all we need to do is dress up in the comfiest and cosy way. But the question is what to choose. And the answer is wool. But does wool have just one type? Is all wool the same? Do we have other options? And thankfully the answer to this too is yes. We have Cashmere, and perhaps that is all we need to combat the chilly winter season which is already approaching more rapidly this year. 

Wool and its types

Before we get into what Cashmere is, we discuss the most obvious choice for winter. And that is wool. Since winter is on its way, a few of us might love to learn more about what to wear this winter season, and how to choose. Wool might be the first choice we make, but there are more choices we have when it comes to winter clothing. 

While a large number of individuals associate wool with sheep, winter clothing is crafted from the hair of a large number of animals. Hence there are a large number of wool or animal hair types that are procured from animals other than sheep. And even though wool has, for centuries, reigned supreme when it comes to winter clothing, new varieties are taking over. 

Here is a broad categorisation of wool types:

Merino wool

Merino comes from domestic merino sheep and is characterised by its very very soft touch. Fashion designers all over the world love this unique fibre for its excellent quality and feel, and it is they who confirm that nothing can beat the softness of Merino wool when it comes to sheep wool categories. 

Cashmere wool

changra goat
The Ladakhi Cashmere Goat

Even though an animal fibre and not specifically wool, Cashmere comes from a rare and unique type of goat which is found in Ladakh.  These goats endure temperatures of -40 degrees over altitudes of 15000 feet and grow a fine hair coat on their bodies as a defence mechanism. When summer arrives, this fine hair is procured from their bodies and made into luxury fabric. 

Mohair Wool

mohair wool
Angora goat

Mohair wool is the one that we see as long threads used in luxury sweaters, hats and more. It is taken from angora goats and has a graceful and beautiful lustre and fineness. Some call mohair a diamond fibre, as fabric made from it is rich in sheen. Mohair is more expensive when compared to sheep wool, as it is considered a luxury fibre and often compared to Cashmere. 

Alpaca Wool

Alpaca wool is a type of animal hair that grows on alpacas. These animals are found in South America and are similar to camels. Alpaca wool can be heavy or light, and this depends on the way it is processed. Hence this variety can be used in making garments as well as carpets and upholstery. 

An amazing property of alpaca wool is that its fibres contain small air pockets. These provide comfortable breathability. At the same time, alpaca wool fabric is considered highly insulative as well as one of the warmest animal fibre types.

Camel Wool

Camel wool is usually derived from the Bactrian camel. This is because this type of camel has long and lustrous hair, unlike their counterparts. Like Cashmere goats, the camel grows guard hair and a separate undercoat. The undercoat is soft and is used to make apparel, while the guard hair, being rough, is mostly used by textile industries. 

Angora Wool

This wool comes from angora rabbits. Angora fibre is one of the finest fibres in the world. It is fluffy and soft because angora rabbit hairs are hollow. Hence this wool type has better heat retention qualities when compared to its counterparts. Also, angora wool doesn't have allergenic properties inherent to other types of wool. This property makes angora wool the best option for people who are allergic to animal fibre. 

Vicuna Wool

An animal from Peru, which is a relative of the Alpaca is called Vicuna. Vicuna wool is the most expensive wool in the world right now. The wool is cherished for its softness, lightweight and graceful natural colour. It is immensely warm, and this is the warmth that regulates the animal's body temperature in the freezing Andean temperature. Vicuna is procured from the animal’s body and used to make luxury fabrics like high-priced sweaters, scarves, throws and wraps. 

Qiviut Wool

Qiviut is the inner wool of the musk ox. It is warmer and stronger than sheep wool. Since its main quality is its strength and durability, it is usually used in the making of gloves, hats, and other cold gear essentials. 


Why is Cashmere better than Mohair?

kani pashmina
A Kani Shawl made from cashmere wool

A very common comparison is always done between two of the above wool types - Mohair and Cashmere. While Mohair comes from the Angora goats, Cashmere comes from the Changthangi goat found in Ladakh. Here are more differences between the two.

As far as being better is concerned, more individuals believe that Cashmere is better than Mohair. This is because Cashmere being softer is much more suitable for those who have sensitive skin. And while users definitely vote for Cashmere to be used in winter, as well as Spring and Fall, we too believe that if your Cashmere is original and pure, it is the best alternative to any other wool type. Cashmere is heavenly soft, fine and warm, and is hence used to make luxury delicate apparel and accessories. The most famous use of Cashmere is the world-famous Pashmina shawl of Kashmir. 


The world of fashion has belonged to the essence of luxury in the most premium way. The Art of Pashmina caters to the unique way of curating the finest Cashmere of Ladakhi Goat. The admiration for the heritage of Kashmir valley, seen in each and every masterpiece of Pashmina is the finest. With the leaves of purity with the gleam of opulence, Cashmere cherishes its presence. The premium quality Pashmina Art throws a splash of creativity into the finest Cashmere. In addition, the extremely exquisite creation aids the finest Cashmere to enthrall the world. There are versatile options for adorning a Pashmina Shawl on any day of every season as Pashmina Shawls are exquisite. The creation of Pashmina Shawls belongs to the high-class form of Pashmina Art.

Cashmere from the Ladakhi Goat

cashmere goats in ladakh
Ladakhi Changra goats

Cashmere is fine and premium quality wool from the Ladakhi Changra breed of Goats. The goats dwell at the feet of Changthangi mountain of Ladakh. The temperature drops to a minimum in harsh winters in the region of Changhthanghi. Therefore, the Goats develop and thick pelage of wool over their bodies. Thus, protecting themselves from the harsh cold. Seasons change, and likewise, the climate changes. Thereby, the Changra goats shed off the wool by rubbing against rocks and trees. The herders of the Changpa tribe also manually comb out the thick wool. This wool is called the finest Cashmere wool. The goats are raised particularly for the Cashmere wool.

Afterward, the wool is packed in small packets to transfer to the paradise of earth, the Kashmir Valley. The valley receives the Cashmere wool with wide-open arms of creativity and admiration. Therefore, the valley works upon the finest Cashmere with the high skill of artisans. The households of the valley have revived and preserved the Pashmina Art in the most unique way.

Pashmina Art - In the lap of Kashmir Valley

Raw cashmere fibre
Raw cashmere fibre

The Cashmere wool in the valley goes through a very serene process of cleaning. The process is done manually to strain off dirt, and dust from the finest wool. Thereof, the cleaned, dried Cashmere wool is spun across the wheel of wood called yinder in the local language. Hence, meticulous yarn is obtained. The spinning process is mostly done by women of the valley. They excerpt the time from their daily world to properly spin the finest Cashmere wool.

The spinning process moves forward and brings the Cashmere yarn to the handlooms of the valley. The menfolk work over the handlooms with tremendous strength and patience. The beautiful process of weaving takes place by several artisans. Therefore, the Cashmere fabric emerges out of the loom of Kashmir valley. After the weaving, the woven Cashmere is dyed as per the requirement. A spectrum of colors, naturally made in the sphere of the dyers is elegant. Thus, every color with each shade and tone confers to the Cashmere with more creativity. From these processes, an exquisite accessory speaks out. A Pashmina Shawl!

In the moments of Pashmina Shawls

The history of Pashmina Shawls comes with the existence of Cashmere. Long back in the 15th century, a saint from Iran came to the valley of Kashmir with a holy message and 700 craftsmen. He intended to explore the gems around and spread the holy message of Islam to the people of the world. On his journey to Ladakh, his eyes caught the look of a fluffy goat. He combed out the soft wool and made socks out of it and gifted them to the ruler of Kashmir, Zain-ul-Abideen. Amazed to feel the fineness and softness of the wool, he suggested making the industry curate the fine wool into several accessories. It was premium Cashmere wool. Therefore, the saint gave the message of Pashmina Art to the people of Kashmir.

Thereby, the heritage belonged to Pashmina Art. The people of Kashmir feel the Pashmina art as their confidante. In other aspects, it was a craft of desire not only for the Mughals and Sikh Maharajas but also for the Iranian nobles from the early times. Also, it was admired by Armenian merchants, French empresses like Josephine, and their ladies. In addition, British aristocrats also were fond of it. Therefore, the Europeans with an accent of Kashmir called the finest wool Cashmere. Though, Cashmere is the finest wool while Pashmina is the way of crafting the finest wool in several molds of intricacies.

Versatile Styles of finest Cashmere

Pashmina Shawls are versatile in their being. The diverse styles in the horizons of Pashmina Art are exuberant in their designs, patterns, weaves, and embroideries. The integrity and sustainability of the creation confer the unique and meticulous style of processes. The art of Pashmina for a long time has been with the people of Kashmir. The people of the valley feel Pashmina in their vows. All the manual procedures and techniques confer to the heritage of the valley.

Solid Pashmina Shawls

solid pashmina shawl
Pashmina is handwoven and handspun in solid design in the artisan-favourite shade of Khudrang

The plain/solid Pashmina shawls overwhelm the creation of exquisite shawls. The fine Cashmere translated through a series of marvelous processes by the Pashmina Art create the elegant Solid Pashmina. These Pashmina Shawls make you adore yourself with the pinch of liveliness and glamour. The wearer feels the enthusiasm of these Pashmina Shawls on the shoulders of their presence. The Solid Pashmina Shawls are one of a kind in the exclusive collection of Pashmina Art. They can be worn on any casual day with any season attire.

Reversible Pashmina Shawls

cashmere shawl
The heritage with the craft of Pashmina confers the Freshness of sea Aksi Pashmina Shawl with the two shades, the fortune of culture stands

Commonly known as the 'do-rukha'. Reversible Pashmina Shawls explore the weaves on the handloom in a definite style. The versatile designs and motifs over the Cashmere base create a sense of traditional accessory. Therefore, these Pashmina Shawls will make you feel loved. The exquisite and explicit virtues of Pashmina Art define the Reversible Pashmina in opulent ways.

Ombre Pashmina Shawls

ombre pashmina
Handwoven traditionally over a wooden loom and patterned in a modish fashion in an ombre style, this piece features muted shades

The divine shades and tones of each color create a wide array of grades. The hues with gradience in the colors, dyed over the Ombre Pashmina shawls is elegant. The miraculous arrangement of colors creates an aura of luxury around the wearer. The fashion world revives this classy look of Ombre Pashmina Shawls. Hence, Pashmina Art confers each style with definite supremacy.

Embroidered Pashmina Shawls

pashmina shawl
Accord of Love Pashmina Shawl is an accord of paisleys, chinars, and heart motifs

The intricate hand embroideries cast on the finest Cashmere confers to the exclusive collection of Pashmina Art. The luxurious fashion with these Pashmina Shawls makes the best of fashion accessories. Hand embroideries like Sozni, paper mache, Tilla Dozi, Aari, etc belong to the intricate art of Pashmina. The artisans enhance their skills by reviving the techniques of hand embroidery. The contemporary styles, incorporated into the traditional designs and motifs are bliss. Draping it on the cocktail dresses and traditional festoon elegance manifold.

Kani Pashmina Shawls

kani pashmina shawl
This beauty has taken a year to complete, and after the meticulous work of hundreds of artisans, the shawl comes out to be magnum opus

After the procurement of the finest Cashmere, spinning, and weaving occurs. The Kani word belongs to the dialect of the Kashmiri language where it has roots in the place of Kanihama. The weavers have got the desire and skill to sustain their survival and to create a fashion-craving Kani Shawl. Henceforth, the weaving, preceded by the Kanis are the wooden sticks of hand size made of forest wood known to be as “poss tul”. The Kanis have a colorful thread around to present their wefts in an already warped Shawl. The weaving begins by galloping the colorful threads around the Kanis. The admiration for Pashmina Art excels in the hands of artisans. Therefore, the intricate weave of Kani appears in the light of luxury. Also, wearing it with any Indian attire as well as western outfits enhances the luxury many times.

Printed Pashmina Shawls

The exquisite prints, digitally prescribed over the finest Cashmere are unique. After the spinning and weaving of the finest Cashmere, the exclusive prints emboss over it. Therefore, the exuberant prints confer the traditional, heritage stories, tales from religions, and contemporary. The Printed Pashmina Shawls belong to the class of elegant and chic fashion.

Patterned Pashmina Shawls

patterned pashmina shawl
The shawl has been handcrafted using age old techniques of handloom weaving that is done manually by meticulous artisans from Kashmir

The Patterned Pashmina Shawls bring in the opulence of elegance. The masterpieces of the Patterned Pashmina Shawls create an aura of fashion for all genders of the world. Thus, the premium and high-quality Pashmina Shawls belong to the world of fashion in numerous ways. Adorned on classic attires and formal attires to supremely bless your presence.


Laced Pashmina Shawls

The incorporation of precious Chantilly lace in the Art of Pashmina gives the luxurious fashion a splash of uniqueness. The two handicrafts define beatitude through twirling with each other. The grace and glamour profuse the glory of these Laced Pashmina Shawls in unique ways.

Swarovski Crystals Pashmina Shawls

swarovski studded pashmina shawl
Featuring a play of brilliant Swarovski crystals over an intense brown shade, here is the world famous Pashmina in a voguishly handcrafted wrap

The premium Pashmina Shawl, embellished with precious Swarovski Crystals to cater to the shine of opulence is fine. The genuineness of the two crafts merges to make a high-class fashion accessory. Belonging to luxurious fashion, Sustainability preserves its moment. Thus, the beautiful amalgamation confers to all genders with its versatile designs and colours.


A fine Collection

We, at, cater to all genders with our exclusive collection of Pashmina Shawls. With the togetherness of the heritage and artisans of the valley, the art of Pashmina flourishes over the rivers of creativity. Therefore, a wide range of styles prefers the curation of the finest Cashmere. The world of fashion best explains the luxury of Pashmina Art. The versatile Pashmina Shawls await the admiration of the wearer.

From the valley itself, the Pashmina shawls come into our warehouse. The final look of the Pashmina Shawls enthrall the world around them. With their exquisite and intricate designs, Pashmina Shawls dwell in the sphere of fashion. Ethically created with highly skilled artisans. Pashmina shawls follow the realm of creativity in every possible way. We revive and preserve Pashmina Art with its full integrity. In addition, the artisans are supported in every way to maximize their livelihood and befit the Art of Pashmina.


Pashmina is the art of crafting the finest Cashmere. The finest Cashmere is procured from the Changra Goats in Ladakh. Eventually, in several steps, the Pashmina Art commences. The beauty of each style crafted is worth every look. Therefore, the Cashmere Scarves also have proper and premium dimensions. You must have been in confusion about the size of each style. Here is the proper definition of Cashmere Scarves through the eyes of dimensions.

Moreover, today's generation feels the aura of authentic Cashmere in their lifestyles. Thus, this proves that not only the royals but also the people of admiration for Pashmina wear the new-class Cashmere Scarves. In the contemporary world of fashion, premium Cashmere scarves prove to be the confidante of luxury.

Origin of Pashmina Art

The origin of the finest Cashmere dates back to the 13th century. A sage from the Middle East, Mir Syed Ali Shah Hamdani started his journey with 700 craftsmen towards Kashmir. On his journey to Kashmir, he encountered the rare goats of Ladakh. He was enthralled by the fine wool on their bodies. He combed some out of them and made socks. The fine socks were warm and Pure. He gifted them to the ruler of Kashmir, Zain-ul-Abideen. In addition, he suggested making a local industry to curate the fine wool. His 700 craftsmen taught the people of Kashmir several skills. These skills proved to be the main requisite for curating the finest Cashmere. Thus, the art of Pashmina came into existence. High skill prevails in the valley till now. Also, it has been incorporated into the heritage of Kashmir Valley. 

How is the finest Cashmere procured?

cashmere goat
Changra goat in Ladakh

The Changhthanghi plateau extends into the region of Ladakh. It is a high-altitude region in Ladakh. The herders around the Ladakhi Changhthanghi are of the Changpa tribe. The tribe herds the rarest breed of Goats called Changra goats. At high altitudes, the temperature lowers to the minimum. Thus, the winters are the harshest in this region of Changhthanghi. Therefore, the Changra goats naturally cover their bodies with thick wool to combat the harsh winters. All along the winters, the thick wool reserves the heat beneath their bodies giving them the warmth of nature.

Thereby, on the seasonal climate change, the goats naturally shed off the wool with the help of coarse rocks and trees. To overcome the heat of summer, they eventually shed off the thick wool mostly from their bellies, neck region, and behind the ears. In addition, the herders also comb out the wool manually. The soft wool is Cashmere wool.

Exquisite Art of Pashmina

After combing out the Cashmere wool, it is cleaned from the excess dust and filled into the packets to transfer to the valley of Kashmir. The Cashmere wool is sorted and undergoes several procedures in the valley itself. The cleaning, drying, and soaking make the Cashmere wool vividly clean. Afterwards, it is translated to the finest fibres by the process of spinning. The yarn of fineness is transferred to the handlooms in the valley to weave the yarn into several styles of accessories. The whole process of spinning and weaving the finest Cashmere is called the Art of Pashmina.

Artisan weaving on Hand Loom
Artisan weaving on Hand Loom

The meticulous weaving of Cashmere yarn gives the premium quality accessories like Cashmere Scarves, Cashmere Wraps, and Pashmina Shawls. Therefore, the creation of the finest Cashmere fibre distinctly defines styles like Cashmere Wraps, Cashmere Scarves, and Pashmina Shawls is the Art of Pashmina altogether. The substantial virtue of each process in the Craft of Pashmina belongs to luxurious fashion. Thus, the world around me admired the aura of every masterpiece of Cashmere in the Art of Pashmina.

Eloquent Cashmere Scarves

ombre pashmina scarf
Handwoven with extreme attention to detail, our cashmere scarves are unsurpassed in terms of quality and lightness

A scarf is a square piece of clothing draped around the neck or shoulders. The explicit styles with these finest Cashmere. The premium quality Cashmere scarves bring out the aura of colourful and elegant luxury. The versatile styles of unique designs of Cashmere Scarves are examples of high-class fashion. They cater to all genders with exquisite collections. The artisans work on each masterpiece with precision. Thus, providing serene exclusiveness.

The Pashmina Art bestows a glamorous accessory of Cashmere Scarves. The explicit and intricate creation of Cashmere Scarves from the finest Cashmere is tremendous. The different styles and designs confer a unique amalgamation of luxury and Purity. In addition, the Cashmere Scarves perform in the realms of Pashmina Art with the most sophisticated of designs. Mainly, Scarves are designed in three different forms. Also, Ombre Cashmere Scarves, Swarovski Crystals Cashmere Scarves and Solid Cashmere Scarves are diverse designs. Thus, the intricacy and craftsmanship in the crafting of designs are glorious in themselves.

The exquisite craft of Pashmina is dignified in the realms of Kashmir Valley. Thus, the profound craft feels the dimensions of Cashmere Scarves. Mainly, there are two sizes for Cashmere Scarves. They are; 80in x 14in/2m x 35cm and 80in x 28in/2m x 70cm. The dimensions of each Scarf befit royal fashion as well as contemporary fashion.


Supremely defined Collection

We, at, revive the heritage of the valley of Kashmir. Catering to men and women with an exquisite collection of Pashmina accessories. The uniqueness and authenticity of the Pashmina are preserved in our collection. The men's, as well as women's collection, caters to all fashionistas out there with divine yet simple Cashmere accessories. Also, artisans with high skill and glory of hands, supported at our platform are our main requisite. Along the path of serenity, there lies a dimension of nature belonging to the craft of Pashmina.


Feathery light, immensely warm, and extraordinarily soft, Cashmere is a luxury, which has luckily been made available to the masses since the 15th century. Even though for the first few centuries, it was only affordable by the rich, royals, and the much affluent individuals, now it has been made easier to shop for every single admirer of its timeless grace. Even though Cashmere comes from one of the rarest species of goat, and is a luxury animal hair, it has been processed into opulent Cashmere wraps, which are as resplendent as they are comfortable. 

What is Cashmere?

Cashmere is an animal hair variety. It grows on the body of a rare goat species, which is found roaming around the Himalayan range which stretches across the northeastern portion of India. This range spreads across nations and covers nations like India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, China, Bhutan, and Nepal. As a result, the Cashmere goat is found in all these nations (over their portion of the Himalayas), and hence all these nations produce Cashmere. 

Cashmere grows as an undercoat on the bodies of all these goats that are spread over a wide range in the Himalayas. It keeps the goats warm, as the temperature around the mountain peak remains brutally cold in winter. 

Which is the best Cashmere?

cashmere goat
Cashmere goat in Ladakh

While almost 5 to 6 nations produce Cashmere, it is Cashmere from Ladakh that is the best. And even though it produces the least quantity of Cashmere around the world, and China and Mongolia lead the production by producing 90% of the total Cashmere in the world, Cashmere from Ladakh has a different quality, finesse, and grace. Ladakh produces less than 1% of the total world’s production, but Cashmere wraps from this picturesque valley are worth everything that is given in exchange for it. 


Kashmiri Cashmere wraps

Ladakh region constitutes a part of Kashmir valley and lies to the eastern side of Jammu and Kashmir. It is this scenic yet a quaint place that houses the Cashmere goat over an area called Changthang. Changthang is a plateau that is over 14000 feet above sea level. This plateau is home to Cashmere goats that produce the best Cashmere in the world. It is the start of the winter season when Ladakhi Cashmere goats grow fine hair over their underbelly, neck, ears, and other parts of their body in small quantities. This survives them through the harsh winter season when temperatures fall to minus 40 degrees C. 

changthangi goat being combed
Cashmere goat being gently combed

Post-winter season, as soon as Spring arrives in March, the goat goes through hormonal changes in its body. This is the moulting season for goats, and hence the animal loses large portions of this fine hair. Come spring, the rest of the portion of this warm hair makes the goat further uncomfortable, and it rubs its body against coarser surfaces. Cashmere is therefore found around bushes, stones, rough walls, and other areas where the goats spend time. This is collected, and if any hair is left on the body of the goats, it is combed off gently using specialized combs and tools. This is the wool used to make luxury Cashmere wraps

Making Cashmere wraps

Even Though Ladakh produces the world's finest Cashmere, but does not process it due to a lack of infrastructure and labour. But nature has blessed the valley of Kashmir with both. Since the 13th century, Kashmir has excelled in the processing of Cashmere and producing Cashmere wraps in the most meticulous way. It was a Persian saint who discovered Cashmere in Ladakh and presented Socks made from this fine wool to the then-king of Kashmir. The king ordered processing units of Cashmere to be set up, and since then there has been no turning back. In fact, it is Kashmiri Cashmere that is used to make the world-famous Pashmina Shawls

Processing Cashmere

As soon as wool from Ladakh arrives, it is sent for cleaning. The animal roams in the mountains, and hence a number of foreign materials are found attached to it. Soil, vegetable wastes, feathers, and guard hair, all have to be separated from actual Cashmere. This is done by the womenfolk of Kashmir. They start with the cleaning and sorting of the hair and start spinning the hair into fibre. The fibre is just 12 to 16 microns in diameter and is one of the finest in the world. 

Artisans weaving the cashmere wrap

Next comes the weaving process. One or two men sit across a handloom and weave these newly processed threads by womenfolk from their own families. The weavers keep weaving the threads till these are converted to fabric. These fabrics can be shawls, scarves, or wraps. This is the end of preparing a solid Cashmere wrap, which can further be sent for any type of embellishment. Cashmere wraps can be printed, patterned, laced, embroidered, or Swarovski studded. 

What is the best Cashmere wrap?

Undoubtedly, the best Cashmere wrap is the one, handcrafted in Kashmir, whose raw material comes from Ladakh. It is completely made from manual efforts. 


Along the horizons of beauty, heritage signifies a token of culture. Indeed, it is in the form of Pashmina. Living the journey from the 13th century, the world has been bestowed with the definition of Pashmina. Therefore, defining the beauty of Pashmina is mesmerizing in itself. Pashmina is the exquisite crafting of the finest Cashmere in the realm of Kashmir Valley. Cherishing ethical crafting in Pashmina is a way of bestowing the world with the explicitness of the finest Cashmere accessories.

Where did Pashmina come from?

The word, Pashmina is derived from the Persian word, pashm, the soft gold or the king of fibres. As the word suggests, it attains royalty in its being. The journey of the Pashmina dates back to the 15th century in the Kashmir Valley of India. The footprints of a saint from the middle east came to Kashmir with 700 craftsmen to adorn the beauty of the valley and to spread the holy message. The saint landed its appearance on Changthang Mountain in Ladakh. While perceiving nature, he locked his eyes on the Goat of marvellous wool. Astounded with the softness and fineness of the wool, he made socks out of it and gifted them to the Sultan of Kashmir Valley. Thus, the beauty of Pashmina wool suggested making an industry that cultivates the Pashmina wool in desirable styles.

How is Cashmere procured?

cashmere goat
Changra goats in Ladakh

The creation begins in the horizons of the Ladakh region. The Changhthanghi mountain of the Ladakh region has the coldest temperature in winter. A rare breed of Goats dwells on its feet. The goats are of the Changra breed. They are also called the Cashmere Goats. These are medium-sized goats with two twisted horns. The Changra goats develop soft thick wool on their bodies to combat the low temperature. The wool is descriptively soft in appearance and thick in volume. Moreover, the wool is shed off during the summertime by the goats themselves against rocks and trees. Manually, the wool is also combed out by the herders of the Changpa tribe. Thus, the wool is called the finest Cashmere wool.

Craft of Pashmina in Kashmir

Raw cashmere fibre
Raw cashmere fibre

After the Cashmere wool reaches the valley of Kashmir, it undergoes the process of cleaning. The Cashmere wool is thoroughly cleaned to get the dirt, dust, and grime out. After the meticulous cleaning, the Cashmere wool goes into the journey of Spinning. The process of transforming the Cashmere wool into fine Cashmere yarn is Spinning. The process is specifically done by the womenfolk of the valley on a wooden wheel called yinder. They move the wheel in a circular motion with one hand and with another hand they elongate the wool into yarn. Thus, creating fine Cashmere yarn from the Cashmere wool.

Afterward, the Cashmere yarn is transferred to the local workshops/karkhanas for the process of weaving. Weaving is the process of precisely looming warps and wefts to create a thin and soft fabric of Cashmere. Also, done on the handloom made of forest wood. The handloom is worked upon by highly skilled artisans. The artisans work upon the handloom by simultaneously using their feet and hands to create the woven Cashmere fabric. Therefore, mainly by the menfolk of the valley. Thus, giving the required dimensions to craft it into a Pashmina Shawl.

Styles and Designs in the Craft

makimg of pashmina
Designing of Pshmina

The design of Cashmere fabric is meticulously done stepwise. The faith of each masterpiece is assigned by the designer as per the requirement. Unique and luxurious designs are given to the Cashmere fabric. Thus, creating the best of the Pashmina Art collection. Some diverse styles and designs lift the luxury of every piece in the most meticulous way. Thus, the diverse styles are Cashmere Wraps, Cashmere Scarves, and Pashmina Shawls. In these styles, several designs belong to the definition of luxury. One of the explicit designs is the Kani Pashmina Shawls. Therefore, the intricate weave of Kani Pashmina Shawls is exclusively the luxurious weave catering to all genders.

Bestow the grandeur of Pashmina
in the form of scattered glory
In a way, or another way
the premium skill lies in Kashmir Valley,
O Pashmina, cherish the heritage 
revive the culture,
shower upon the world,
your glance of luxury.

Also read: MEN'S PASHMINA FROM THE FINEST CASHMERE with grande of Collection

hand embroidered pashmina shawl
Kaimana - a handcrafted luxury Pashmina shawl, hosts embroidery patterns all over the base in the 500 years old Sozni Kari

We, at cater to all people with our exquisite styles and designs of Pashmina art. crafts the breeze of eloquence and heritage of finest Cashmere in the Valley with the memorable and sustainable Pashmina Art. Thus, with Pashmina shawls, scarves, and wraps, the essence of these has left their mark amongst the elite ever since they were first made in the 14th century.


Cashmere is the finest wool procured from Changra Goats. They grow hairs over their body in the winter season to protect themselves from harsh weather. This hair is collectively called Cashmere wool. It is the finest wool of Cashmere. There are numerous breeds of Cashmere-producing goats. Each breed has a specific percentage of production in the total production. The several breeds viz;  Australian Cashmere Goat, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Hexi, Zhonghwei, Tibetan Plateau, Luliang breeds, Changthanghi, etc. Therefore, all the breeds produce Cashmere wool that produces warmth. Thus, the exclusive breed of goats called Changra Goats is rare species of goats that produce the finest Cashmere wool which is crafted in Kashmir to make an exquisite Cashmere scarf.

Delicate and Hand Procuring of fine wool

changra goat
The Ladakhi Changra Goat

The Changhthanghi plateau extends into the region of Ladakh. It is a high-altitude region in Ladakh. The herders around the Ladakhi Changhthanghi are of the Changpa tribe. The tribe herds the rarest breed of Goats called Changra goats. At high altitudes, the temperature lowers to the minimum. The winters are the harshest in this region of Changhthanghi. Therefore, the Changra goats naturally cover their bodies with thick wool to combat the harsh winters. All along the winters, the thick wool reserves the heat beneath their bodies giving them the warmth of nature.

Thereby, on the seasonal climate change, the goats naturally shed off the wool with the help of coarse rocks and trees. Therefore, to overcome the heat of summer, they eventually shed off the thick wool mostly from their bellies, neck region, and behind the ears. In addition, the herders also comb out the wool manually. The soft wool is Cashmere wool.

Magnificant Crafting of the Finest wool

spinning the cashmere
Artisan spinning the cashmere

After combing out the Cashmere wool, it is cleaned from the excess dust and filled into the packets to transfer to the valley of Kashmir. The Cashmere wool is sorted and undergoes several procedures in the valley itself. The cleaning, drying, and soaking make the Cashmere wool vividly clean. Afterward, it is translated to the finest fibres by the process of spinning. The yarn of fineness is transferred to the handlooms in the valley to weave the yarn into several styles of accessories. Therefore, the whole process of spinning and weaving the finest Cashmere is called the Art of Pashmina.

The meticulous weaving of Cashmere yarn gives the premium quality accessories like Cashmere Scarves, Cashmere Wraps, and Pashmina Shawls. Therefore, the creation of the finest Cashmere fibre distinctly defines styles like Cashmere Wraps, Cashmere Scarves, and Pashmina Shawls is the Art of Pashmina altogether. The substantial virtue of each process in the Craft of Pashmina belongs to luxurious fashion. The world around admired the aura of every masterpiece of Cashmere in the Art of Pashmina

The exquisite beauty of a Cashmere Scarf

cashmere scarf
The multicolour appearance of the Colors of Legacy Cashmere Scarf proves to be the snuggling accessory of all time

A scarf is a square piece of clothing draped around the neck or shoulders. The explicit styles with these finest Cashmere. The premium quality Cashmere scarves bring out the aura of colorful and elegant luxury. The versatile styles of unique designs of Cashmere Scarves are examples of high-class fashion. They cater to all genders with exquisite collections. The artisans work on each masterpiece with precision. Thus, providing serene exclusiveness.

The explicit and intricate creation of Cashmere Scarves from the finest Cashmere is tremendous. The different styles and designs confer a unique amalgamation of luxury and Purity. The Cashmere Scarves perform in the realms of Pashmina Art with the most sophisticated of designs.


Washing and Ironing of Cashmere Scarf

For washing your Cashmere scarf, all you have to do is simply take the Cashmere Scarf and soak it in lukewarm water for half an hour. The water is pre-prepared by adding some solution of Cashmere Shampoo of good quality. Therefore, this will ensure all the dirt has vanished from your luxurious Cashmere Scarf. Afterward, take the Cashmere Scarf out of the dirty water and rinse it in clean water several times. Gently rinse it in a way that all the dirty water comes out of it. Then, simply squeeze it in your hands and press it gently to get all the water out. Also, make sure you don't wring it. Pressing it gently will keep it in form for years.

Afterward, take the Cashmere scarf on the dry towel and spread it all across. Gently roll the Cashmere Scarf along with the towel to ensure all the moisture is soaked by the towel. Then, take the Cashmere Scarf and let it lay in your house for natural drying. Make sure the surface on which it is laid is clean. Afterward, to Iron a Cashmere Scarf, ensure that it is completely dry. Then, take the Scarf and lay it on a clean cloth. Put a cotton cloth over the Scarf and gently iron it. Also, this will get all the tangles of washing out. This method is done in order to prevent the heat from directly touching the Cashmere Scarf. As it's advisable to not use heat products on hair, we should keep this in mind for animal wool too.